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Camp Half-Blood RP

Loukas Makris

Loukas Makris

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Loukas Makris


The events leading up to Loukas’s conception were ones of tragedy, betrayal and unquenchable greed. His father, Darius, was from a long lineage of Greek magic practitioners that went back so far their exact origins were unknown, even to themselves. Magic ran deep in the blood of this family; or so it used to. Sometime during the 16th century the heir of this bloodline set his sites on the riches and possibilities of the New World. Later patriarchs would speculate if the decline of their power was due to the distance put between them and their gods or if the world was simply becoming a little less magical. Regardless of the cause, by the time Darius had come into manhood, his power was but a fraction of his forefathers. Barely manifesting in simple parlor tricks and basic illusions.

However, for what Darius lacked in actual ability he more than made up for in charm and seduction. Taking on the title of Magus he fashioned himself an extravagant lifestyle around making others believe he held actual power and through the right tricks gained a considerable amount of local influence, ultimately attracting a following of acolytes and “magic obsessed groupies”. The indulgence of the parties he threw and the life he lived would have satisfied any man, but the Magus was no ordinary man. For every successful party trick he pulled there were half a dozen failed attempts at real magic and one night the Magus had had enough.

Several decades earlier the Magus’ forefather had sealed away the family’s greatest and most arcane artifacts. He did so out of concern that the family simply no longer possessed the ability to safely use them; a concern the Magus did not share. The only thing greater than his hurt pride was his sheer arrogance. Thus he broke the seal and grabbed several objects of power, items not used since the world was young and the gods daily walked among men. When the moon was full and at its height his assembled acolytes began their ritual. What exactly transpired in those following moments few can say and most who witnessed it are dead, but what has been determined is that at first something went right…and then very very wrong. When the noise died down and the wailing subsided the Magus looked up to see a glorious figure burning bright in the room, straining to rein in the wild unleashed magic. For a few painful moments it almost looked like she couldn’t, but then in a final flash of light it was over. Darius, humbled, now stood facing a very angry and wrathful witch. His misplaced spell had clearly violated the order of things and this mysterious witch had intervened just in time. Knowing his next words would determine his life he acted in the only way he knew how; he turned up the charm.

No one knows the words that ultimately passed between them, but when all was said and done this witch took a certain pity on a man who simply yearned to reach the achievements of his ancestors. Over the next week she became a guest of his house, first learning about the man, then teaching him a few harmless spells of real magic and finally in a single night of passion, sharing a bed with him. Not long after though, having had her fill of him she grew bored, disappearing one night while he was away in his study. Nine months later though the result of that passion appeared in his study; a baby boy with a note attached. A demigod son Hecate had named Loukas. An ordinary man would see this as a wake up call of responsibility, but the Magus saw only an opportunity. Real magic had come back to the family.

What should have been a son became a personal project. A baby that should have been held and comforted but was poked and studied. Magic that should have been nourished and encouraged was a battery for the Magus’ ambition for real power. So it was that the boy Loukas grew up not in a warm home but under the cold stare and tutelage of the Magus. A stare that grew colder as his father realized his son’s magic would never bring him the power he desired. This was not a pleasant life for Loukas save for the joy he found in his one and only friend. An acolyte named Wruk who had joined the order when Loukas was only eleven and unlike all the others was very kind to the boy. Where the Magus only taught him to despise himself, the acolyte tried to encourage him to love his gift; and he might have succeeded but for the Magus’ final act of greed.

As if his previous attempt had taught him nothing the greedy Magus sought once more to achieve real power with a spell. This time would surely be different for while most of the old objects of power had been destroyed in his last attempt he had something better. He had Loukas; Hecate’s blessing in human form. Once again the acolytes gathered, the runes were drawn, offerings made and a terrified Loukas began to read the words. He had always struggled in his private tutoring sessions but for reasons that made no sense to him the ancient Greek he now read out loud proved no trouble. Once again the Magu’s arrogance would get in the way, this time fatally. For this spell did sumon power, but not in the form he expected. With a loud bang a grotesque monster appeared before them all.

One by one it tore into the acolytes devouring and tearing through them. Fighting through the haze and the terror Loukas tried to collect himself just long enough to fight back. Taking a deep breath he lunged toward the monster, his magic at the ready. He had no idea though that the magical energies coming from him would react so poorly with those conjured forth. The reaction created a loud explosion throwing men and beast backwards as the house began to collapse in on itself. That’s all Loukas remembered before everything went black.

That he did awake at all was because of Wruk, the acolyte was in actuality a satyr in disguise. So much was explained in the conversations that followed; his actual parentage, the origin of his abilities, the sad news of his father’s death from the explosion. His life was going to be very different from now on as Wruk explained Camp Half Blood; his new home and new beginning. Upon arriving at camp he was claimed by Hecate as one of her own during the bonfire. Afterwards he stayed at camp as a seasoned camper helping around as he could.


Loukas is quiet and reserved by nature, outwardly he might seem standoffish but those who get to know him will quickly see a softer caring side. Those willing to deepen their friendship with him further will learn just how goofy he can be too.

The most important thing to know about Loukas is that he is a HUGE nightowl, finding peace through thoughtful reflection during the nighttime. Often sneaking out for a late night run is his outlet for processing the day’s events. His nocturnal nature is in large part due to his unique parentage. His mother being a moon/nighttime goddess imparted a bizarre foil to her half blood son’s enhanced universal abilities. During the day he’s not that much more enhanced then the average human, but as the day wanes, and the sun sets his powers grow as the night takes hold; peaking at midnight before slipping away again in the early morning. The phases of the moon also seem to act as modifiers to this ability as well.

Finally, due to his traumatic upbringing he has a strong dislike for his magical gifts and much prefers to spend his time in athletics rather than magical presuts.

About Me

Birthdate: September 10th,2005
Likes: Late night runs, deep thoughts and reflection under a full moon
Dislikes: Magic! Plus mornings, morning people, the sun waking him up in the morning, pushups for having slept in too late.
  • Mom:
  • Hecate
  • Dad:
  • Darius Makris (deceased)
  • Siblings:
  • Unknown (Darius did use his charm to bed many women)
  • Other:
  • N/A
Happy Thoughts: serene nighttime nature
Nightmares: Losing control, not being good enough
Fatal Flaw: Not accepting or wanting to use his gifts
PLAYED BY: FullMoonRising
FACE CLAIM: Timothee Chalamet
Edited by Loukas Makris
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