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Camp Half-Blood RP

the muse of the spectral

Akemi Lancaster

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-Akemi is 5'5

-Her hair is naturally chestnut/light brown but she has streaked it blonde since then

-She likes raspberries and will eat anything containing them

-She smells like pine and a flower garden after a rainshower 

-She is ambidextrous in writing but not in combat

-She dislikes the art of 'hooking up'

-Her favorite author is Agatha Christie

-She often wears clothes with substantial amount of color at times

-Her blood type is AB, coinciding with the Japanese blood type myth

-She hates the color green

-If you write her name in her specific Japanese kanji, it means "bright beauty"

-She is almost entirely fluent in Japanese thanks to her father

-She hates oranges/anything with citrus

-When she's interested in a person or conversation, she twirls her hair 

-She is talented at painting but dislikes it

-She can ride a bike with some difficulty

-She always wears red lipstick, in different shade variants of it

-Her dream job is to work in interrogation

-Her favorite color is dark pink, but refuses to admit it as such

-She has a soft spot for outgoing, friendly people, as they pique her interest more

-She has a collection of black denim and leather jackets she keeps hidden, but she always wears some variation of it

-She has more, than on one occasion, sometimes used her magical powers to prank others in small ways

-She wishes to know her half siblings better, especially Shadow

-She is a talented dancer, light on her feet

-She hates squishy foods, especially pasta/noodles

-If you know where to find her, she can disclose information to you...at a price

-She prefers to listen to alt rock and indie, and has her own playlist 😉 

-She learned to play guitar, at least the basics, but has quit playing it since then

-If she could've picked her godly parent, she would've picked Athena

-Her Harry Potter house is Slytherin

-Her love language is touch (giving) and quality time (receiving)

-She owns at least 20 shades of red lipstick, but she hides them in her closet.

-She has never been seen around camp in anything but jackets, all black jackets. From denim to leather, bomber, aviator, trench, sweater, flannel, she only wears black, dark red, and on rare occasions, midnight purple.

-She's self conscious about showing skin so she has never worn anything without sleeves, but she has worn tank tops.

-She wants to turn her manipulating shadows into a cat, as a companion.

-She is an ISFP-A. 

-She dislikes it when people call her a witch, but she would address herself as one.

-She's had only one crush, and that was outside of camp (but not for long 😉)

-Akemi's an avid horror movie watcher when she can

-But her favorite movie is "Requiem for a Dream"

-Amongst the horror movie genre, her favorite is the Halloween series.


(to be added to)

Edited by Akemi Lancaster
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