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Camp Half-Blood RP

Elena Clarke

Elena Clarke

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Elena was born in Italy with her mother until the age of seven, her mother brought her to the US where her mother worked as a doctor while Elena started elementary school. She never knew her father since young so she wasn’t aware of how it was like having a father. She was very much close to her mum , although she never mentioned where her father was and she assumed he left them. However her mother always mentioned that she looked like her dad whenever she was moody or in bad temper.

Over the years, she grew up with an abnormal temperance. When she was at school, she was sometimes seen to be fighting with her classmates as she had huge strength and easily getting angered when arguing or being insulted by others. She didn’t excel much in her studies but she was very good at sports that made her teachers doubt her abilities. Since her tempers go on widely from time to time, her mother urged her to join in some outdoor activities where she could channel her tempers at instead of at school. She had the ability to use a wooden ruler as a weapon to defend herself (not transfigured) when attacked by some thieves at a shop she visits.

She decided to go someplace suitable for her, where she came to a sports training area for young children. She helped with carrying huge objects since she had greater strength like the other male workers there. By the age of 12, she was attacked several times by monsters whenever she was outside. She ran away by using her physical strength. This happened frequent and she had no choice but to tell her mother about it. She was told that she was a demigod, hence her abilities were inhuman, after meeting a satyr during another monster attack. The satyr told her about a camp for half bloods like her. Her mother got the news as well and told Elena to stay there as it was safer there than outside. Even if she was her only daughter she wanted her to grow well and strong like her dad. Few days after, Elena followed Malvin the male satyr to camp. After being claimed, she found that she was the daughter of god of war. During these years she started her life as a demigod and got to know some of her half siblings, joined classes and trained herself to be a stronger demigod.


Elena is strong physically and has a physical strength like the other male demigods. She is often agitated if attacked or offended and will defend herself by using physical force. She has a quick temper in any situation like studying or doing chores with her mother and can never stay at one place. However she was trained to be more patient and calm by her mother. She also likes sports such as running and sword fighting where she can use most of her physical strength. She is good at communication as well and form good relationships despite her tempered demeanor. Although she is sometimes temperamental, she is quite matured her age.

About Me

Birthdate: Sep 8 2007 (14)
Likes: -Sports -Real combat/fighting -Telumkinesis -Justice -Her hometown -Forests and lakes area where she can train herself -Weapons
Dislikes: -Injustice -Darkness -Indoors/crowded area -Mortal schools where she can’t be herself -Death/diseases
  • Mom:
  • Alexa Juliet Clarke, 35
  • Dad:
  • Ares
  • Siblings:
  • None
  • Other:
  • None
Happy Thoughts: Physical combat, weapons, outdoors, sunny weather, building good relationships, being at her hometown with her mum
Nightmares: Enclosed spaces, deaths/diseases, monsters at night
Fatal Flaw: Inferiority complex since she can’t do well in her studies as her peers
Edited by Elena Clarke
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You're off to a great start! There's just a couple of things that need tweaking. Please check your inbox for a letter from our staff explaining what we've found.
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You're off to a great start! There's just a couple of things that need tweaking. Please check your inbox for a letter from our staff explaining what we've found.
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