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Camp Half-Blood RP

Leroy Bernard

Child of Tyche
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Everything posted by Leroy Bernard

  1. He would say to James “Where should I put these 2 boxes? I don't have anything yet really. I was kind of rushed away when my pa didn’t get back from the gulf. I have a backpack and these 2 boxes.” If you look or listen the boxes kind of move or sound like there is something alive in them. Also if they look at his pocket it is kind of moving by it’s self. As he walks in the building he would see all the lights and things and say “Wow, I have never seen a real casino before just the dirty basements my pa and his co-workers played poker in there are so many lights.” Then James would yell to everyone to come meet him. First to come up and meet was a very young look girl who introduced herself as Octavia and Leroy would say in a very southern accent to where it was almost hard to understand. “Howdy ma’am, my name is Leroy. Ça va? I mean sorry how are ya doing.” After talking to Octavia another older lady, but still in her older teens Leroy would guess, would walk up and introduce herself as Andralyn and introduce himself in a similar manor and as a young man would walk up and introduce himself and ask how Leroy was doing he would instinctively answer “ca va bien, I’m a bit confused but “quelqu'un parle français ou cajun?” And he would wait for a response.
  2. In a very thick southern accent he would say “Howdy, Lilythe, I guess I will head to the front.” He would head to the front forgetting that there was a snake in his pocket wiggling around. Then all of a sudden he was seeing green all around him and he freaked out a little “Is this the closing or am I getting some of that voo-doo, I don’t mess with none of that. I don’t know what’s happening”. Then Lilythe would announce that he was the son of tyche. “Ok I do not know who this Ty Che is but I guess that is my mom and I haven’t slept in any cabin yet! So am I movin straight into which cabin?” which he says tyche like the exercise tai chi. He would run over to Derrick and say “did you see buddy I was chosen by the lucky goddess or something, that explains a lot of why my dad took me to all the poker nights.”
  3. He would look at the log and say “we are going to try to catch it, it’s just one of dem ole rat snakes. We have to lift this here log, hey Derrick, Derrick ok y’all gunna lift the log and I got the little snake ok! And with any luck we will get him.” So before they could even touch the log the little black snake would take off. And Leroy would bounce on it . “I got ‘em, Derrick” he would then lift it up to Derrick and say “see, wooooooo, this was exciting. Now where to put it? I guess my pocket will work for now. Till I find something or let em go. What should we name the little thing.” He would put it in his pocket and find Derrick and ask “whew that was fun. Now where are we? And where are we going next.”
  4. “Singing and dancing this is a proper Fais do-do.” he would look around the bon fire wondering wondering what he should be looking for. Then he was hungry so he would go up to Derrick “There any good snacks and drinks around here? I could surely go for some grub.” after finding something to snack on he would turn to Derrick and ask “So what do i have to do to find out who my ‘godly parent’ is? I donno what to do. What is this for again? What if my pa isnt my dad but someone else is? Wait what happened to my dad that i was rushed here? Why won’t anyone tell me anything about him? I probably shouldnt be asking you or making a scene here?”
  5. Leroy would see this towering rock climbing wall and turn to Derick “I dont know how i feel about this whole lava situation down there but cest la vie I guess. This lava is not a good idea.” he would be looking around when out of the corner of his he would see something scurrying on the ground next to the woods and would just take off after it. He would waste no time trying to figure out what was and would start the chase. Running through the forest barefoot. When he would see Derrick followed him in. he would lose track of it under a log “come see! It was a snake i know it! Help me with this log.”
  6. After spending all day with his new friend Derrick they would eventually make his way over to the bon fire that evening after they got some dinner. He would be talking to Derrick when all of sudden he was just gone "Derick, Derrick! what a fais do-do this is. So what all do we do here." while he was hanging out with Derrick they would be interrupted by others who were mostly trying to introduce themselves to Leroy and find out a little about him. he would repond politely saying "Hello my name is Leroy!" he would turn back to Derrick "allons i am gunna pass me a good time. how often do yall do this."
  7. Alias:Rebel Characters you are Keeping: Leroy Bernard Characters you are Making Inactive: Characters you are Retiring:
  8. “I always knew i was different but related to a god? Man that is a bit more than I thought there. And man which god could it be? I remember like none of them from school i dont know anything about the gods or anything like that. I know how to survive the swamps, the casinos and the seas but gods dont mean nottin to me.” he would continue to look around and say “Wait did you say monsters? Is that what happened to my pa? Is that why he didnt come back from the sea? Is that why that half donkey,goat, sheep whatever he was rushed me here so fast? Did he get got by a monster?” he would eventually settle down and ask “So Salomon made me leave my coin collection is there any way i could go back and get that?”
  9. “Claimed dat sounds kinda funny you know. I don’t know how i feel about dat there. So cabin 11 sound good. There is a bon fire tonight? Is that just some sort of part or something? I like campfires and dat kinda stuff. I spent many a nights under the stars in the swamps next my mamaw’s house and on the beach waiting for my pa to get back.” he would continue following this new youngster that he met. He would watch him and say “Rock wall is that like climbing? I’m alright at like climbing trees and stuff but wait…wait did you just say lava? Like what comes out one of dem volcanos?” He would have some sort of shocked look on his face and he would continue to follow derrick to the climbing wall.
  10. “What do you mean by ‘unclaimed’ how do I not be it anymore? Ya’know? I ain’t sure what that means but sounds like a bunch of voo-doo. But ok cabin 11. Anything to do there?” He would wait for a response. He would say “I guess we could go get introduced to all dem up yonder. It’s ok. I would love to get my coin collection but I don’t really know where we at on like a county scale or even a state scale.” He would look a little uncomfortable heading towards the cabin. Being raised in the middle of nowhere he was not a big fan of crowds. He doesn’t mind a party every now and then. So when Derrick offered to go anywhere else he would jump at the chance “I knew they was lagniappe here. Allons lead the way to the next stop on Tis tour.”
  11. “I’m sure that DC being all the way up yonder is a completely different place. Louisiana is a beautiful place. Mamaw and papaw were wonderful people as was my pa.” They would run the race and he would finally see that he won. He would turn around and see that Derick fell. “Are you alright? I told you shoes are not worth it, granted the fact I’m still wearing a shirt is shock. I told you so luck is on my side and always has been. So where are we like where are we? I left my coin collection at home we were in a rush and that silly goat man was all ‘he te-Leroy allons, just run!’ I would like to go get my coins. Is that a possibility?” He would look at the cabins and say “which one is mine?”
  12. “Oh really I haven’t noticed, evryone where I come from talks like this. I’m from the south, you know. From the Parishes of Louisiana. How about you?” He would ask. “Wait what chu mean it’s not important is parents. Never knew my ma but was mostly raised by my Mamaw and papaw. But I am super lucky. But a race is good. But with shoes, bless your heart? That’s gunna put you at a disadvantage.” He would wait for the other boy to do the countdown and start the race. He would wait in his bare feet. And as soon as he heard go he would start running. As fast as he could. He was not really paying attention to the other boy running and would just keep running. And say “who won did you win did I win I lost track. And is this the finish line? I forgot half way.”
  13. He would reach the other kid and say in a thick southern accent. Very Cajun sounding but still somewhat understandable but just barely. “ howdy Derrick. Camp halfblood, demigod? Idk what most of tat means but oh well. What do you mean I’ll “find out later” I know who pa is.” He would look at him out of breath and yet still challenge Leroy to a foot race. Leroy grew up running through the swamps with the other kids in his Bayou that he lived at and when he wasn’t doing that he was helping do some of the manual labor around the parish. “I mean 2 things. One being that you seem outa breath and two being you have a advantage since I donno where the cabins are. You sure you wanna race I am usually pretty lucky?”
  14. Leroy would finish his conversation with the greeting committee. He would head out to see this new camp he has apparently joined. He was super excited he grabbed his shoes and would tie them together and throw them over his shoulders and would and yell ”so continue or not!” and flip a coin. Then ”alright allons then or as Mamaw use to say ‘Laissez les bons temps rouler’ as they would say I guess.” and as he would be walking down the steps he would see a boy who was about his age. He would be walking them with no shoes on and continu sitting down at the steps. He would walk up and see the boy there and say ”ça va? My name is Leroy whats up around here? What’s your name? I still do not really understand what's going on around here. Someting about me mom or dad not being who I thought. I just do not really get it. What’s up?”
  15. Leroy would as soon as the young man would say shoes were not a requirement kick them off flipping them into his hands. “Man is that better, but Camp what? What’s a half-blood? Where did that donkey man take me?” He would follow the other guys lead and take a seat and grab a cookie. He would look around the room in awe not really understanding what was going on. He would see a big chair that the man was sitting in. “Thank you for the cookie. But I do gots questions only all of them. I got beaucoup questions. This all seems to be extra just very extra. I just followed Salomon because I told too. I have no idea what’s the big idea here.” He would sit and listen and then continue “So is it like a summer camp?”
  16. “You know it's rude to demand someone come in? You should invite them in but hey not everyone was raised with southern hospitality.Hey Salomon where are you going?” he would slowly walk in and turn around to see Salomon say “Laissez les bon temps rouler, Leroy its all good boy.” then would proceed to run off and in a thick cajun accent leroy would continue by saying “My name is Leroy Bernard, how is the shoe policy around here? I am not a fan but I will wear them if it's a rule or somethin. Or safety i dont know what the rules are. But i have been runnin for what feels like forever.” he would follow this young man either putting his shoes back on or leaving them off if given the option. He would just start flipping the coin up then down, and so on and so forth.
  17. Leroy and Old man Salomon had been traveling for what felt like forever to get to wherever they would be heading. Leroy would turn to Salomon “Have y’all always been this half donkey, no not donkey, deer, no too fat to be a deer,” Salomon would interrupt and say “goat it is half goat, also know as a Satyr and I was sent to watch over you and your family a long time ago.” They would be trudging through the Forest and swampy areas by now Leroy had rolled up his blue jeans and in his white shirt would inevitably get bored. He would take off his shoes and start walking again. After a while they would happen upon the gates at camp half-blood. “I ain’t going in ther not without some reassurance. Some camp somebody gunna give me the grid-gris”. He would pull out a coin from his pocket “It has never let me down before, call it in the air Salomon. You win I’ll go I win, wait wait my coins all of my coins in my collection well if I win we go back for those. I can’t believe you forgot my coins.” Salomon would react “we do not really have time to do this.” But it was too late Leroy’s coin was flipping in the air “heads”. And hit would land on a stump and start to spin then fall and it was heads. “ come on Salomon allons, why were you so scared anyways?” They would continue and enter a building right inside. Leroy would continue “I was only half jokin about the coins.” Salomon would ring the bell on the counter and say “hello?!”
  18. Leroy Bernard biography Leroy was born in the great city of New Orleans and raised by his father Remy.his father was not a rich man at all living with his grand-mother, Térésa Boutin, and Marius, Remy’s step father. Their neighbor Salomon Bergier would help when he could. He was a lot younger than Remy, maybe 17 or so when Leroy was born. Salomon was born with some birth defect or muscle disease. But he would watch Leroy if all the adults were working. Remy worked on a boat in the gulf and would dredge up all sorts of things. Nothing usually valuable but one time he dredged up 3 coins. 2 were obviously French francs from the 1600s and one that he had never seen before. Leroy was about 4 when his father gave him those coins which unknown to his father at the time would run his life and help him make some of the biggest decisions in his life. They lived out in the bayou and his early childhood was uneventful for the most part. His father was either working or gambling/cheating. Which is where Leroy probably got his fix. Playing poker with his family for candy or to get out of chores. His father would always refer to Leroy as his “porte-bonheura” because his winnings would drastically increase when Leroy was around. Leroy would go to public school He had alway struggled with school he spent more time trying to scam other students by playing red/black and would sometimes make enough money off his fellow students to buy his lunch and sometimes even dinner for the family. He, like a lot of his fellow students from the bayous, had thick cajun accents. He also had a hard time sitting for so long during the day. Very active, always exploring the swamps and the area around his house. He would play all the typical war games with his friends then go and try to scam some of the older kids in dice. He would continue this for most of his life. He would alway have his coins though and would use them to help him make some decisions. Like heads or tails on which kid to challenge or which path to take and for some reason it always worked out in his favor whenever he did that. All the way through his time till 2019 when his father was working out in the boat trying to make a living and a hurricane swept him out and his body washed ashore. Leroy's grandparents had been given the instructions that if Remy were to pass they were to “give THE letter to Salomon”. Leroy's grandma had since passed, but his step-grandfather Marius knew what that meant but refused to do so. Now it is 2022 and Salomon was not waiting any more. Marius was not necessarily the nicest man or most attentive Grandfather. Salomon on the day leroy turned 12 showed up. Marius did not let leroy have a party but was passed out on the couch after drinking himself into a coma. So Salomon would look at leroy as he Marius was taken away in an ambulance. Something was off about the scene and Salomon would shed his disguise and show to be a satyr and escorted him to the camp for his safety. Their travel was uneventful, and Leroy arrived at Camp Half-Blood within a few days of this tragedy. Personality Leroy is typically very polite. Raised by an old school Cajun grandmother, she would not accept any sort of disrespect or rudeness. He is a fairly normal looking kid. Nothing too special but he can seem overly nice. This niceness seems sincere but it is rarely sincere; he almost always has an ulterior motive. He can be quite reckless because he figures his lucky coin can get him out of most problems. Even though he is very outgoing and talkative he does not have very many friends. He is very slow to trust thinking people are out to get back what he won. Those that are considered friends are lucky because he is one of the most loyal and fun people to be with. About Me Birthdate: October 21, 2010 Likes: Cajun food, scamming, Games, Coins the rarer the better, Mardi Gras, Blues music Dislikes: bad weather, Bullies, the rich, the cold, disrespect Family: Mom: unknown Dad: Remy LeBeau Bernard age 43 (dead since hurricane Barry 2019) Siblings: None Other: (Names, relationships, and ages) Happy Thoughts: when he remembers walking down the French Quarter listening to music and seeing all the people. His other happy place is just fishing in the bayou. Nightmares: Hurricanes Fatal Flaw: Hubris thinks that his good luck ill get him out of 99% of his problems. PLAYED BY: ReBeL FACE CLAIM: Johnathan Taylor Thomas n
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