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Camp Half-Blood RP

Vienna Pimm

Vienna Pimm

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Vienna Pimm


Vienna's mother (Maria) worked at her parents’ vineyard in California when she met Dionysus, Greek God of Wine, Madness and a number of other things. The poor woman suffered from hallucinations since a young age and her parents kept her at the farm to ensure her safety. Dionysus came to the farm to sample the wine and also cure Maria of her madness. Once cured of her madness, Maria was ever so grateful that she doted upon Dionysus who found her hard to resist. After this they had a brief interlude together before Dionysus left to return to Camp Half-Blood and complete his banishment. Dionysus had made no secret of his true nature while with her, though, and when Maria told her parents she was going to have a child of a god, they didn't believe her and sent her to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, assuming the madness had returned. 

The time in hospital was not kind on Maria, who was now cured of her previous hallucinations but suffering with the treatment she was receiving. When she gave birth to her child, Vienna, the baby was taken from her and soon after Maria lied to the doctors in order to get back to her child. She was released from the hospital and for a few years, looked after her child at her parents farm. However, she could never forgive her parents for what they had subjected her to, so when Vienna was old enough to walk, they moved to Las Vegas together. 

Maria gave Vienna every freedom in childhood, never wanting her daughter to lose her freedom like she had. As a result, Vienna became a truly unruly child, running away from her home and doing whatever she could to be obnoxious. Even then her mother wouldn’t discipline her and Vienna began to wonder what it would take to get her mother to actually pay attention to her. She was nearly 10 when she escalated beyond what her mother could even handle, however.

While on one of her runaway attempts, Vienna found herself being chased by some creatures that hid themselves in the wind. She swore she saw their faces as she ran. And they terrified her. The young girl crashed her bike off the side of the road, falling down a very rocky hill, and was lucky to be alive when she was found. A man—if he could be called that with his goat legs—dragged her out and took her home. The next thing Vienna recalled was him having a conversation with her mother, saying ‘it’s time, Maria.

Vienna came out of the room and demanded answers. Maria had always been too scared to tell her daughter about her Dad, for fear of being locked up again. Once Vienna learned of her true parentage, she realized just how much her mother had done for her. She agreed to go with the satyr to this Camp Half-Blood place for the summer. Mr. D—who it turned out was Dionysus, her father—claimed her upon her arrival so she could join her siblings in their cabin. It was, perhaps, the only real kindness he ever showed her while she was there, though.

During the Titan War she tried to maintain a low profile. In truth she couldn't much decide what side to join and therefore was on the fence for most of the war. In the end she decided that the only real family she had left was her Dionysus siblings, Castor and Pollux, and she helped them in the fight. Of course she killed a few friends and a few foe but by this time she had already dealt with a lot and it didn't effect her too much.

Vienna would return to camp off and on for the summers and school breaks every year. Until she was 16 and decided to return home to see her mother for the summer. However, upon coming home, she found her mother gone, killed by a monster who had been after Vienna. Vienna went a little crazy and trashed the placed. She was reluctant to return to the camp, but she had nowhere else to go. Upon her return Vienna took to partying and drinking. Eventually she fell into that rhythm and it became what she was known for. She learned to live through the parties and having a good time and slowly she began to enjoy herself more.

As more trauma added itself into her life with the Second Giant War and the Second Demigod Civil War, Vienna only found herself self-medicating more and more. It took Lilythe, James, Azrael, and Larissa holding an intervention for Vienna to realize how much of a problem her go-to coping mechanism had been.

At the age of 21 however, she decided she needed some normalcy in her life and left the camp to experience one year as a legal adult. During that time she found herself back out in California, and subsequently New Rome. Her one year quickly turned into a few more as she started attending university out there. She changed her major several times and never really settled on anything. 

She might have stayed there permanently, if it weren’t for Azrael coming to get her. He explained that Lilythe—Vienna’s best friend from Camp Half-Blood—seemed to need her help. Azrael seemed to be convinced that Shadow’s return had created something unhealthy for Lilythe. After everything that Lilythe had done for her, Vienna couldn’t bring herself to leave her hanging when she was needed most.


Vienna is a party animal. When she was younger she was wild as she was acting out to get her mother's attention. She would not listen to anybody and was constantly in trouble. She loves to have a good time but her good time often involves hair-brained schemes and high chance of injury. Vee was reckless, and to this day still has a significant impulsive streak in her as a result of her wild younger years.

Vienna has tried to become more responsible over the years. She actively avoids using alcohol when she’s upset now, but she still likes to party and have fun. The young woman is a bit of a handful, and still talks just a little too loud and speaks what is on her mind. She can pull people out of their shells and get them to be loose and have some fun. Vee’s playful, hilarious, reckless, brave, and one of the most loyal friends you could ever ask for. You just have to be willing to put up with her more chaotic side.

About Me

Birthdate: December 12, 1996
Likes: Partying, Mayhem, Party Poppers, Streamers, Fairy Lights, Alcohol, Red Wine, Music, hitting things
Dislikes: boredom, sitting still, rehab, water, clothing, small places, getting hit by things
  • Mom:
  • Maria Pimm (deceased)
  • Dad:
  • Dionysus
  • Siblings:
  • None
  • Other:
  • None
Happy Thoughts: Her friends and family at Camp Half-Blood
Nightmares: Her mother’s death and being trapped in a small places (Claustrophobia)
Fatal Flaw: Reckless -- She doesn't know when to stop most of the time. She just keeps pushing and pushing until something breaks.
PLAYED BY: AdelynnWilde
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