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Camp Half-Blood RP

Dawn De La Vega

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Posts posted by Dawn De La Vega

  1. "DAHLIA!! AND MEI! AND LUCA?" she said cheerfully, bounding over to hug them each in turn, "Wow... what a night it has been already, huh? Nice to see you all, the night is going great, and with you ALL now here? Even better!" she quickly dusted off the black jeans she wore underneath her long shirt-dress-thing, getting a marshmallow in the process. "Come on, come on, sit! Tell me ALL about yourselves lately; I would like to hear everything!" she dragged them all over to sit with her.

    Before sitting down, she locked eyes with a familiar stern face, and smiled widely, waving excitedly at him, making a gesture as if she were inviting him over. Nonetheless, she sat down to go roast her marshmallows as well, humming as she did so. Content to be with her friends, and surrounded by them as well. This, this is where her happy place was. 

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  2. "Oh please," she rolled her eyes playfully at him, waving his comment away, "At least it's somewhat organized," she just giggled with him as well from the floor, still lying dramatically. But was comfy enough to lie there regardless.

    She thought for a few moments, lacing her fingers together and placing them over her stomach as she rested. "Hm... I'm not entirely sure. I think it's a jacket, but it could be a shirt. I'll make it both, how about that?" her imagination was full to the BRIM with outlandish ideas, as she lay on the floor, thinking away about her next big project. "Actress? Hm! As if... I couldn't possibly HOPE to match any of the Aphrodite kids. Besides, I don't think I'm meant for that life. My dad already had enough of his name in the lights-- not for good reasons, either."

    Brief memories of stories told to her about his fashion designing career flooded through her mind, before letting it out in a brief sigh. "The De La Vega name probably can't be seen as anything positive now, and do I have to add we're a ragtag bunch of people... at a camp... having to be protected from monsters.

  3. Singing cheerfully, Dawn paused to take a breath before sitting back, recovering from the night's events as she sat on her log. Brightly dressed as always, she wore her camp t-shirt over such an outfit, to do her part of showing camp spirit! Well, that and she wanted to add some color to her clothing. Despite not seeing her friends or siblings present, she was here anyway, and happy to participate as such in the activities! But looking around, she saw a mixed crowd. Some hang off to the sides, many were singing, and a lot of people seemed to be present as... were those COUPLES she saw? Ahh, love. Something she never really thought about!

    It didn't seem necessary to her at all at the moment either. If it came, it came. If it didn't... she had her plants for company! The thought made her feel rather happy, as she played with some of the sprouts in the grass, making them bloom and humming along to the song still. Quieter now, she was a bit worn out. 

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  4. Dawn just gave a hearty salute. "Aye, aye! Don't worry, I can work just fine, and even if monsters attacked, I know a LOT of fighting techniques. Well-- some. Kinda. You know what, technicalities!" she just huffed in thinking about her lack of capability in the combat department. But she shuffled over quickly to stare at the flower, reaching over to the petals to touch it gently. "Well, yeah. True, our powers can definitely offset these kind of flowers, but that makes it ALL the more fun, huh? Come on, I have a point."

    She just gave a mock offended gasp at the comment in regards to her room. "Hey! My room is not messy. I'd call it more planned chaos, mind you! Like you're one to talk, I bet your room looks like a BOMB went off in there!" she playfully shoved him, before bursting into giggles. "I was working on a new project, I'll clean it soon... just working on some new designs. Nothing too special, nothing's going well right now in that department. Oh, woe is me, my muse has left me just as the sun leaves the horizon at sunset... ignore my dramatic ass," Dawn muttered, laying on the floor of the treehouse, sighing audibly, yet dramatically. 

  5. Dawn seemed completely oblivious to Ibram's sort of... dislike towards her, her ditzy side showing through even more at the moment, smiling at him. "Well then! Popular, aren't I?" she didn't seem aware that it could be... for all the wrong reasons. Dawn wasn't naïve by nature, just a bit ignorant to social cues. She grabbed the tools quickly and ran off, over to the mess she made to begin cleaning it quickly. "Say, what have you heard about me?" she looked up quickly, her eyebrow arched. "Hmmm... I wouldn't call myself a star here," she got up to do a little twirl, "I mean, I'd feel like we've met before." The Demeter kid didn't seem to remember the times he'd probably call out for being such a prankster. She was cheeky in that sense, always stirring up harmless trouble. 

    A boundless ray of sunshine and a wild tornado, sweeping up anything and anyone in her path, without much thought. Still young enough to not fully understand the consequences of her actions, but old enough to be smart about what she'd do. Dawn was... learning, at the very least. But right now, she saw a potential best friend, despite his apparent dislike of her, she glossed over it entirely. In fact, she saw a challenge to befriend him... no one could resist from being her best friend for long! 

    "Heyyyyy..." she seemed to realize something, a curious expression on her face as she pointed a finger at him, before tapping her chin, "It's awfully early, and unless you're... a spooky nocturnal vampire, feeding on things, oooh, scary!" she giggled a bit, "--No one really gets up this early. So come on. Indulge me a bit, and whatever you say, I'll keep it a TOTAL secret!! Pinkie promise." she extended that appendage, a happy look on her face, and a twinkle in her eye. 

    Dawn was trouble. Apparent from the start. But perhaps there was more to her than meets the eye.

  6. Dawn had sighed and started walking to the shed, dusting off any other vestige of dirt. "Hm?" she had spun around to look at Ibram once more, "Oho, curious, are ya? Need any plants grown? Sorry, I am DEFINITELY not available for any colossal, mutated plants. Out of the question," she made the zipper gesture with her fingers, sealing her lips like a well kept secret.

    "But yes, I am part of Cabin 4!" she hummed happily, bending down to tend to one of the strawberry plants and pluck one gently, tossing the new fruit over to him. A sort of replacement and partial apology. Her tone was light and playful, albeit a little exaggerated and dramatic. She definitely had an imagination. A wild one, no denying that, but she was still a happy-go-lucky seeming person on the surface. Get to know her more, and it ran more than just first impressions deep.

    She had skipped off to go grab tools, stopping to turn around once more. "Say, I shoot the question right back-- you look familiar too! Oh- right... manners." the scatterbrained Cabin 4 kid dashed over, almost tripping over her own feet. "Dawn's my name. Dawn De La Vega. If it sounds familiar, don't worry. Either you know me from somewhere, or from my incidents here." she dusted off her hand to hold it out for a handshake. "What's yours? Cat got your tongue, oh strange one?"

  7. The early bird does catch the worm, and for the girl who's name lay similar to the current hour, came bounding through, light pink shirt and overall shorts, hair frizzy and free as always, carrying a pot of fresh dirt, running at top speed towards the strawberry fields. It was a hypothesis she had-- would this soil be better for the cute little strawberry plants? Would they grow to be bigger? Stronger? Juicier, tastier? The possibilities were endless, and Dawn had one thought in mind, do them all! She wasn't exactly the most aware about her surroundings however, so she mused to herself, "Redder, shinier, and sweeter! My goals for today... who am I talking to? Myself? Wait, why am I still talking?" she just chuckled a bit as she attempted to balance the pot on her head as she bounded into a sprint.

    Unfortunately, it fell, but Dawn caught it, balancing forwards a little. "Whew- that was close-" she kept skipping along, still cheerful as always. And still blissfully unaware of the guy in her path to the strawberry fields, still humming to herself and doing simple, little rhythmic hop steps as she did, still carrying the pot of dirt, until her unawareness caught up to her...


    "Oof!" she let go of the pot of dirt, and to her surprise, it collided with something- no, someone. "Uh oh..." she said, backing up slightly, dusting off her dirty hands on her already coated overalls from earlier gardening.

    "OH! OH NO! I am SO sorry, are you hurt? Ah- you're kinda covered in that stuff- man, I should've been more careful- sorry again!!" she panicked, looking around for something to clean off the dirt. "I should've been more careful!!"

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  8. "I guess you're right!" she said cheerfully, puffing out a cheek and pursing her lips together. Dawn took a liking to Dahlia, she was a sort of calmness, a fresh sprout of spring, as opposed to Dawn's crazy, sunshine self. "Mmmm... well, you're right. But a lot of the other camp members are powerful, and- Ahhh, just what if, you know?" she did a dramatic little twirl before clutching the fabric of her outfit over her heart. Dramatic as always, she always seemed to overreact to things. It was more comical than anything, she didn't really mean to act like that genuinely.

    "Hmmm, the concoction of deliciousness?" she did little jazz hands to accompany her words, "Well, yeah I do. Who knows...maybe another will fall...VICTIM TO IT!" she jumped a little, hands outstretched in a sort of 'boo' pose to scare her sibling a little, her eyes widened slightly. "Oooo- I'm just messing with you. Why do you ask? Do you want another bite, hmmm?"

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  9. Dawn could feel herself getting all bouncy again, talking to Dahlia. "Hehe, well honestly?" she stopped, thinking about her fears and she tapped her chin, genuinely lost in thought. "Fears? Wellll if you ever try to put me into- you know- a confined little circle or space, put me in normal clothes, made me be just an average girl," she shuddered at the thought. "Ew. It's terrible for me...gods, I've had nightmares over it even!" she shook her head, trying to rid of that feeling. "But anyway- uh, being choked. I hate it. It's DIGUSTING!"

    She just regained her composure after a brief freak out. "Well, don't take it from me. You could ask Gael and find out the rest, maybe that'll give you some ideas for me to meet him!" Dawn kept glossing over the fact that Dahlia wanted to set them up. Truth be told, she was scared of Gael a bit. What if he did his creepy magic and made her fears come true? Not to mention the fact that he could use it to retaliate against her. What would happen then?? Would she get hurt? Would she have to fight him?

    He seemed strong, so she knocked out that last option. But curiosity got the best of her sometimes, and that time was now. She now really wanted to meet him.

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  10. She gave a happy gasp. "A new best friend you say, hm? Well! I'm looking forward to that." Dawn gave a sly grin as she dug in her pockets. She always had some form of flora on her, and it took her a bit to find the little white petaled specimen. "Here you go! One payment of a daisy; don't worry, it's fresh. I hope you're not allergic or anything, nonetheless..." she tapped her chin, making a 'hm' noise. She had a twinkle in her eye, excited at the fact that she was welcome here now. It gave her some relief to know that there would be a cabin willing to accept her eccentricities.

    But at the prospect of a fashion show, and at the comment on her outfit, she smiled. "I go thrifting out of camp a bunch for some of my materials, as well as some things I can't exactly make here, so yep! Pretty much all hand crafted. I'd love to whip you up an outfit sometime; you've got great taste in that, mhm!" she hummed happily as she looked around. "How about your room, for starters? You seem like you're a fan of color. I'd love to draw some inspiration from you, if that's alright!

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  11. Dawn kept still so she could pose for the girl. She liked her already; she was cute, understanding of her- kind of. Of course, intrusion wasn't a good thing, but she was glad that she didn't kick her out yet. "Really? I can keep it! Yay!" she said excitedly, as she tried to clap her hands in that pose on the floor. A lovely surprise, for her at least. "Oh? Petal's your name? Ah, that's so pretty! It fits you so well, honestly. I'm Dawn, you know, like the morning phenomenon." as she saw Petal turn the painting around, she got up to look at it and excitedly clapped her hands. "Ooh, that's beautiful! I love it!! I can really keep this, really? Thank you!"

    As she looked around, her eyes refocused on the girl and smiled impishly. "Well, I've always liked colorful things," she gestured to her outfit, doing a little fashionable twirl, "and I design most of my clothes, or restyle them. Soooo, I decided to take a peek into the most colorful cabin in camp! Surprise! Well, I should've used the front door...but I'm here now!"

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  12. "Ramen?!" she gasped excitedly in surprise, clapping her hands together, "Ooh, you have to make me some sometime! That sounds godly, pun intended, hehe." she sighed dreamily, thinking of the steamy, soupy, noodley bowl of luscious broth and- she was melting at the prospect- literally. She slid down a chair and onto a floor, collapsing on the floor. But at the prospect of dating, she sat up, curious. "I mean, girls and boys are both fine with me, but a date?" she cocked her head to the side. "Surely if he could handle me, I doubt it, silly. But I would be open to that prospect..." she trailed off, twiddling with her fingers.

    Dawn wasn't the romantic type, she just liked running around the camp, bouncy and silly as always, rarely making friends, even more rarely developing crushes. "If I ever come across him, I'll be sure to mention you, alright? Well- you gotta point him out to me sometime, alright? I always need a new victim- I mean, friend!" she snickered, entertained by the idea.

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  13. "Check, check, and check!" the Demeter child giggled, twiddling her thumbs excitedly. "Well, of course, I could only use the best for you and our siblings!" she noted on Dahlia's score and wrote down on her hand, "Note...to...self...need...more...variety and flavor...thanks, sis! Your feedback is appreciated!" she said teasingly, tapping the pen on Dahlia's nose like an affectionate boop. She had fun messing with her sibling, but nonetheless wanted to make sure she was okay. Despite her wild and untamed personality, she was fond of Dahlia, and always enjoyed interacting with her when the opportunity arose.

    "What have you been up to, my dear sister?" Dawn asked innocently, cleaning up some the cake for people to fall victim to once more. "I mean, I'm sure the cake smells delicious, but there must have been something you were doing before I had intruded upon your peace, hm? So go on, tell me all about it! I'm always all ears."

  14. "OH GODS!" she called out in surprise, scrambling back, in surprise. Her chest heaved as she took deep breaths, obviously startled. Her pulse rate shot up, and she finally exhaled out of relief noticing that the person wasn't too angry. "Hah, you caught me, alright alright. Welllll, do you promise not to tell anyone I was here if I model for your painting..?" she trailed off as she got back into position, completely still. "...and take a couple of, hehe, let's call them samples, from here?" she winked at the girl. She was cute, but Dawn meant it as a more sign of friendliness. "Your cabin is so nice and colorful, and I reaaaally need fashion inspiration?" she put on the puppy eyes act.

    "If not, I can just- pretend I was never here? And leave a nice little flower for you. You look like you like daisies. What's your name?"

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  15. Name: Dawn De La Vega

    Years of Fighting Experience: 5-6


    -Can use an epee like sword, very good at jabbing/stabbing with her fencing experience.

    -Has a wide array of knowledge with poisons 

    -Can shoot a bow and hit a bullseye 7/10, prefers archery over fencing.

    Preferred Weapon of Choice: Thorn, her rapier sword that she has at her side almost constantly.


    -Extremely fast and unpredictable on the battlefield

    -Can infuse her rapier with poisons to stab and jab enemies, very fast with footwork and good at deflecting/parrying attacks

    -Is a very accurate shot, can hit her target very well with a bow







    Strength (out of 5)

    Speed (out of 5)

    Stamina (out of 5) 

    Intelligence (how quickly can they think in battle? are they more calculative? do they play dirty? or do they go in swinging?) (out of 5)

    Agility (Flexibility, like are they acrobatic? nimble?) (out of 5)

    (to be finished)

  16. Dawn, per usual, had been wandering around camp in search of a good thing to busy herself with. Her siblings may have been busy, but that didn't stop her from having a bit of fun! She had always been fascinated with the Iris cabin. Was it adorned in rainbows? Did all the campers dress colorfully? She had hoped to take a snooping peek through the cabin, see if there was anything good to get her hands on. Surely, they'd have something valuable in there! Well, to her, valuable landed under "brightly colored objects," or "rainbow pastels," so it wasn't too hard to actually fall under her tastes here.

    Slowly, the Demeter child opened the window on the backside of the cabin, sliding in and landing in an "oomph!" on the floor. She army crawled and scooted behind an armchair, peeking around to see if anyone was there. Little did she know, someone was, but she didn't even notice, as she carefully looked around the place, giggling to herself. 

    "Oh, this is gonna be so much fun!!" @ Petal Price

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  17. Dawn literally leaped when she saw Dahlia fall over, panicking as she got to her knees to check on her. "DID YOU DIE?" she said way too loudly, shaking her sister by the shoulders. "NO! DON'T BE DEAD, I CAN'T BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS!" she looked around for a way to revive her sibling. Ohhhh jeez, this would not look good with her other siblings; she already had a rather offset reputation to begin with. But as soon as Dahlia arose from the dead, the troublemaker nearly passed out.

    "Well, I know that was terrible, but I thought I- poisoned you or something!" she said, her eyebrows furrowing in worry. "But nonetheless, since you're alive- how was it? How would you rate that treat?" she snickered as she got to her feet, feeling slightly unsure if Dahlia was actually okay, but still was asking nonetheless. She was always looking for tips for improving, quote unquote! But she could definitely use some empathy in that little head of hers, considering what she had just put her sibling through...

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  18. "Oh shush," she chided, using her fist and bonking him on the head gently, "Of course I wanna go with you to the farm! I just am worried that...it'd be weird...or whatever..." she mumbled, messing with the ends of her hair. "Besides, you know how I am. I can't mix with such open land; what if we end up causing a natural disaster or something? You by yourself, pfft, I could call it tame, but I'm collateral damage if I tag along...I suppose I can take you up on that offer though." she sighed, looking around the treehouse. In regards to the flower comment, she turned towards him in surprise.

    "How'd you know what my favorite flower is?" she said curiously, tilting her head. "Well, the morning glory is a cute flower...grows in the morning, closes at night, like my name. Dawn. But hmmm," she narrowed her eyes playfully, tapping her chin. "Has someone been snooping around my room?" she teased, looking him up and down.

  19. "Come, come, sit, no one's around right now, some of them are out and doing weird leader things- ew, I know," she fiddled with her colorful fingerless gloves, which were colored in different hues of purple, orange, and black, like Halloween. She pulled up a chair for Mei Lin, her new friend, and listened to her questions. "The Ares cabin is the Ares cabin, alright. They've always been working hard at their combat...keeps some of the camp up at night," she chuckled, going back to sketching, adjusting the pot's angle so she could see the flower better. Well, you did miss a big event at volleyball...a scuffle broke out and someone got decked in the face. That was really fun to watch! It did result in Mr. D coming down to interfere...which wasn't so fun...but nonetheless," she looked up, "No one's really been hurt, and Ares cabin has been fine. And so have I!"

    She swung her legs back and forth cheerfully, humming as she sketched the flower. It starting wilting a bit, and she coaxed it to grow some more. She didn't want to have an inaccurate drawing after all! "Oh hey, I meant to ask, Mei Lin," Dawn's gazed shifted up once more, "Where did you go, if you don't mind me asking?"


    (yet again messed up *sigh*)

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