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Camp Half-Blood RP

I can feel it coming

Dustin Graves

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Music to listen to: War by Matstubs


Ever since his father had arrived, he couldn't help but be on edge a little. Something was coming..war. He was a hundred percent sure that the only reason for this was because his father was the God of war himself. It was like the God could smell it in the air. Dustin had no idea when it was going to happen, but he knew that it was coming, and he wanted nothing more than to get ready for it. It also didn't help that he had gotten attention from his father. Even though it was bad, because the God had pulled his ear and what not, it was still attention that the others hadn't gotten. Even though he had come to see them all. He got to have his father touch. He spit at the fact. That shit hurt, he would have gladly switched any other of his siblings. They weren't really talking to him; he didn't care because he was taking what his father had said to heart and he was getting ready. He had pulled out all the stuff into the training yard and had been boxing a boxing bag for the last hour and a half. His mind was only on one goal. That was to be ready for the war that his father had told him was coming. He was going to be ready. He went to hit the bag once again and ended up missing. He let out a growl in frustration and ran his hands through his hair, slicking it back. 

Edited by Dustin Graves
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Liam knew shit was about to go down, he just knew it! Even before his father told him what was up, it was as if he was on the same level and shit. Of course his dad was a bit terrifying as most Gods were....well except Mr. D which he felt like was a joke. But shit was about to hit the fan as War was in its way. It must be a big deal as their dad made a trip just to tell their cabin after all. Liam watched his brother from a far as took in the news. Going out to him he was going to try and speak to him as it was a lot for his brother to take after all. Dustin would have to lead them since he was cabin leader which was a lot on his shoulders. Getting closer he began to speak.  "Dustin, I get it. War's coming, and Dad being the God of War amplifies that feeling in the air. You're keyed up, certain about this impending conflict. " He stopped when he got close as he knew they were alone. " You spitting at it just shows how conflicted you are. Talk to me man or at least let me help you fight it out." Liam was trying to be there for his bro! They had always been tight since they got to camp around the same time. 

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Dustin wasn't even thinking at the moment. He was in full battle mode. He was ready for what was coming, even if he wasn't ready at all for it. He would walk through the hells of every religion that was ever thought about in the world to be able to keep his siblings safe from what was about to happen. He whipped his brow for a second when a voice came to his ears. He perked up knowing that it was Liam at that moment. He turned to face his brother, his body was stiff, and his jaw was locked in a frown. He turned to face the punching bag once again and punched it for good measure. "It's crazy." he gritted out while shaking his head a little. "Dad comes..." punch... "And he tells us about a.." he looks around for a moment. "War." he sighed. "And I'm expected to not do anything about it right now?" he looked back at his brother for that moment and sighed harder. "I want you, Benji and the rest of my siblings to live through it, because let's be honest, it's going to be bad." he punched the bag once again and turned to look at his brother. One of the only ones that had anything to do with him. Benji was the other one. They had all been thick as thieves since they were younger. He loved their relationship. "I can't lose any of you." he told him sweat dripping from his face. He had heard what happened in the last war, he didn't want to lose anyone. "You get it but again you don't. Being this." he pointed to himself. "Being a cabin leader means that I have to prove myself to everyone. You know how hard it is to sit here and not want to break down and lose all my control?" 

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Dustin's frustration poured out in each punch and tense movement, Liam watched with a mixture of concern and understanding. He could see the weight of responsibility weighing heavily on his brother's shoulders, and he knew that Dustin was grappling with more than just the impending war. Liam's gaze remained steady on Dustin as he listened, his expression a mixture of frustration and empathy. "I can only it's a lot, Dustin," Liam replied, his voice calm yet resolute. "But you don't have to shoulder it all alone. We're family, and we've faced tough situations together before. I'm here for you, man." He knew he wasn't cabin leader but it doesn't mean he could be there for Dustin. Trying to do whatever he can to protect his family! Dustin's exhaustion and fear were palpable, his vulnerability shining through despite his efforts to maintain a tough exterior. Liam took a step closer, mirroring his brother's stance. "You're right, it's insane. But you've got a team behind you—Benji, me, and all the others who believe in you. You're not alone in this fight." Liam's words held an unspoken promise of solidarity, a reminder that they were all in this together. Seeing Dustin on the brink of breaking down, Liam's voice was strong, carrying a sense of unwavering support. "You won't lose any of us, Dustin. We're stronger when we're united, and I've got your back. Let's face this war head-on, as a family." 

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From his spot, Benji watched the emotional interaction between Dustin and Liam with a pang of sympathy and understanding. He rarely felt any emotional attachments but for his brothers there was always an exception. He had always felt he had been the more observant of the three, often choosing to stay silent and analyze situations rather than jump headfirst into them like Liam or carry the weight of leadership like Dustin. The raw intensity in Dustin's voice, combined with the uncertainty in Liam's, tugged at Benji's heartstrings. He felt the gravity of the looming war, the impending danger, and the pressure they all bore. But more than anything, he felt for Dustin, the burden of being the leader of a cabin in such a crucial time.

After taking a deep breath to gather his thoughts, Benji approached the two. "Dustin," he began, his voice firm, "I've seen you handle things that would break others. This? This war? It's not something any of us asked for, but we'll face it. Together." He paused, letting his words sink in. "You said you can't lose any of us, but remember this - we can't lose you either." He glanced at Liam, nodding subtly, indicating they were of the same mind. "We're your brothers. Not just by blood, but by bond. Lean on us, just as we lean on you." With those words, Benji hoped to instill a bit of strength and hope back into Dustin, reminding him that unity was their biggest asset in the face of adversity.

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Dustin couldn't help but watch his brother at the moment. Everything that was happening for a reason, and he knew that this was going to be on him to lead his brothers and sisters to this war. He sighed heavily and turned around putting his back to his brother, not in a disrespectful way but in a way that meant that he was more worried about it. He was worried about everything and everyone. He turned back to Liam and sighed when Liam told him that there, they were family, and they would be facing the situation together. Because they had done so before. He unclenched his jaw a little. His brother had a point and that was something. He was also worried though, and that wasn't something that he was going to be able to stop. Dustin went to the ground in a heap. His legs out in front of him and his arms behind him holding him up all the way. Laim went on to tell him that they were a team and that he and Benji and the others were going to be behind him. He gripped the ground; he knew that his brother was right. The confidence in his voice carried. Even leaders needed this sometimes. He felt something wet coming from his eyes before the next voice saying his name brought him over to glanced at Benji. He had been there too? Crap and he was showing his weakness. He didn't want his other brother seeing this. But honestly there was a lot going on and he wanted Benji there too. He stays quiet listening to his other brother. The tears were soon falling freely from his eyes. "Fuck guys." he said as he brought up an arm to whip away the sweat and tears on his face. "It's good to have you all here with me."  he muttered, still hiding his face from the two standing there. He was worried that they would bash him for crying on them. 

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Liam's unwavering gaze remained fixed on Dustin as he spoke, his words imbued with a genuine sense of loyalty in him. Even Benji came up and seemed to feel the same, forging a  connection among the brothers. The feeling of impending war hung heavily over them all, making Liam's steadfast presence beside Dustin was one he hoped showed his stance. Their blood was thick and he would never waver in his loyalty. As Benji spoke, it only fueled him more for how he felt about his brothers.  Dustin's vulnerability lay exposed for all to see, evoking a surge of compassion within Liam. Throughout their shared history, it had often fallen on Dustin's shoulders to bear the heaviest burdens, and this moment was no different. "Until the end, this life hasn't been easy for any of us and we won't let it beat us down without a fucking fight" his face was stone straight but then grew a smirk "We Ares boys know a thing or two about war." This was true as it was in their blood!!!! So whatever the future held for them they would face it together. This camp had seen a lot of war before and it wasn't something that would just go away. It was as natural as something as love in this world. 

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The tension in the air had been palpable, and seeing his older brother let his guard down, even for just a moment, was like lifting a weight off Benji's own shoulders. For too long, he had been the silent observer, taking in the nuances of his brothers' characters, understanding their struggles but not knowing how best to address them. Now, as he looked at Dustin's tear-streaked face and heard Liam's words of loyalty, he felt a new sense of unity among them. "You're not alone, Dustin. None of us are," he reaffirmed, hoping to echo the strength of Liam's earlier sentiment. "We've each got our own way of preparing for what's coming. Yours is to lead; mine is to observe and strategize; Liam's is to charge in with all the strength and courage he possesses. Together, we cover each other's weaknesses and amplify each other's strengths."

Something about this interaction had cemented something within Benji, a resolve that seemed to say, 'We will face this, and we will face it together.' He wasn't naive. He knew that the upcoming war would bring trials that would test them in unimaginable ways, but in that moment, as he stood there with his brothers, he felt ready. Benji was often accused of being too aloof, too detached, but he loved his brothers fiercely, and he knew that now was the time to show it. "It takes a strong leader to show vulnerability, Dustin," Benji added softly, locking eyes with his brother. "Your strength isn't just your own; it's drawn from all of us. Remember that, especially when you feel the weight of this war on your shoulders."

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 Dustin couldn't help but watch his brothers in awe. It wasn't always that they had this type of talk. But it was needed because Dustin was really feeling off and he didn't want to burden the other cabin leaders at all. He knew that there was a lot going on with the other cabins and he didn't want to have to explain why his father was there. They were already sworn to keep it a secret. So, there was that. He glanced at Liam and nodded his head, understanding that there was more to come but they were going to weather that storm together. It wasn't like the others were going to see him like this. Only those that he trusted. He turned to glance at Benji as he began to talk. He laughed at his brother, but he wasn't wrong at all. He knew that it was going to be up to them and their brute strength to get them through this. However, what Benji said about how it takes a strong leader showing vulnerability made him want to puff up a little bit. He knew that there was a lot going on in their minds too, and yet here they were helping him get things done. He stood up from the ground and went to wrap both his brothers in a hug. There was a lot that he could be thankful for and of course these two were the main people that had his back, that was for sure. He went to open his mouth to say something else to the boy when all of a sudden, his stomach made a sound which made Dustin's eyes raise up in worry. "What time is it? Did I miss lunch?" he questioned the other two. "I think we should go eat." he said glancing at the both of them. 

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