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Camp Half-Blood RP

Devon Long

Devon Long

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Devin Long


Born in west county, St. Louis to a mom who worked at a garage as a secretary, front desk lady.  So he spent most of time playing in the garage and the older gentlemen mechanics would teach him a few things here and there. They would talk to Steve, the owner of the shop who wasn’t actually a very good mechanic. At about six was the first time he accidentally burned a candle by making the flame so intense, vibrating the atoms so vigorously that the wick burned inside the wac also. It seemed like the fire was mimicking his intensity with his anger. It happened when he and his mother got into a fight. This amazed and scared him and he could not figure out how it happened.  He would turn to his mother after however she could not explain it either.  She would let Steve know what happened.  He would spend the next few days making Star Wars hands at every candle but not understanding why it wouldn’t happen again. 


 He would spend everyday at the mechanics before and after school till he was about 9.  He had to study more for a test and formed a study group. when he was attacked by something in his school and he accidentally burnt the school's library down defending himself. He had noticed that the librarian was paying a little too much attention to Devon.  All of a sudden he saw feathers sprouting from her and The monster moved with great speed.  When he got angry and scared a fire would form in his hand and he would just start throwing them willy nilly. The fire in the library got more intense the more upset and scared that devon got.  Devon would rush home. Steve had gone over after hearing about the attack. He wanted to talk to Devon’s mother about getting devon to Camp half-blood as soon as possible now. He saw the same type of creature which he recognized as a harpy attacking Devon’s mother. Steve would fight it off. Steve was his protector,a satyr. He knew they were after Devon because of his abilities.  When he got home Steve was over and grabbed the young buy stuck him in a 69 Chevy and drove to camp half-blood.  Devon was so confused seeing a half goat trying to drive and asked so many questions on the trip to camp half-blood.  He would try to answer as many as he could. The only thing he could answer was why they were after him.  He would try to explain that Devon was a demigod, and a very rare one with the power of pyrokinesis which made him more valuable and more of a threat to others and that The harpy killed his mother. 


He arrived at camp half-blood and found out that he could control fire. Chiron would go into more depth about the pyrokinesis.  About how the last camper with it was some kid named Leo and how it is very rare. When he turned 11 he was claimed by Hephaestus which shocked no one because of his fire abilities. He would celebrate that night and then move to cabin nine He would be trained and learned how to control those abilities. They would train him in fighting too so that he could defend himself better next time he got attacked. However he fell in love with building machines and weapons for the camp, taking in requests all the time.  He would spend from 13-16 building a mechanical horse to ride that was as fast as motorcycles and cars it ran off of his pyrokinesis. They would train him in weapons and fighting but his true love was building and forging.   


He tends to be more of a loner than anything. He is friendly but likes to alone in the garage or a workshop rather than in a large group of people. He does not like to go in front of crowds or show off any talents he might have. He is quite Reserve when he is off the battlefield or not in his garage. But if you ask him about a device or a weapon he can talk for days. He is not very talkative but is a very good listener, sometimes. He tends to be a little reckless at times even though he is calculating and very good at making things work. He tries to make machines that might be too reckless or explode or cause damage. This extends to battles too; he fights in a reckless manor. It takes a lot for him to make friends or relationships in general so the ones that he does he is very loyal. He is also very protective over his family and friends. he tends to be a little secretive about his ideas and drawings.  He is also talking to himself a lot of the times doing calculations and things in his head.    

About Me

Birthdate: October 19, 2003
Likes: working on and riding his machines, salty foods, sea food, mechanics, hard rock ,older cars, St. Louis sports teams
Dislikes: modern cars, large groups, Chicago sports teams, swimming, the ocean in general.
  • Mom:
  • Laura Long deceased.
  • Dad:
  • Hephaestus
  • Siblings:
  • none blood related only the step-siblings
  • Other:
  • (Names, relationships, and ages)
Happy Thoughts:He likes building mechanisms and engines the more complex the better so his happy thoughts are ideas for that or memories of him and his mom going to Blues or Cardinal games. 
Nightmares: being put on stage to perform something
Fatal Flaw: He freezes in large crowds
FACE CLAIM:Josh Sorrentino
Edited by Devon Long
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You're off to a great start! There's just a couple of things that need tweaking. Please check your inbox for a letter from our staff explaining what we've found.
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We are happy to announce you've been approved to join Camp Half-Blood RP!

Please make sure to do your claims and update/start your Member Directory post. All of these can be found HERE.

Please allow staff 72 hours once you've done your claims to sort you appropriately.

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