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Camp Half-Blood RP

Liam Santos

Liam Santos

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Liam Santos


Maria and Paulo Santos were a Brazilian couple who worked for the government. There jobs were simple, they were in different departments but were in charge of watching the imports and exports of the country. Both knew the the challenges of this job as Paulo was put undercover to find out information on the many pirates that were threatening the trade routes on the Amazon River. This of course worried Maria as she watched her love go off, wondering if she would ever see him again!

Paulo had been doing his job well as many of the attacks had been stopped. Well this was until the government was sent a video of Paulo being killed telling them they were out for blood. If they wanted his body back they would have to give them money in exchange. This was Maria's fear coming true as the woman became blood thirsty! Getting a team together to recover the body. The woman only had one thing on her mind and that was to kill every pirate on that ship.

It happened in the middle of the night, Maria and her team had a decoy ship of supplies set up to lay a trap for the pirates which worked all too well. As the Pirates descended, Maria only saw read as the woman and her team began to take out the pirates one by one. The blood thirst driving her to take out every one of them and even running down their ship that was getting away to get the info to recover her husband's body. A man on her team that was with her every step of the way as they killed the pirates, was none other than Ares in Disguise. Maria filled with so much of an adrenaline high plus pride that the two had a moment of passion with the man as she felt herself needing to feel connected with someone again and thought this man was the one. This is how she got pregnant with Liam, which she found out weeks later. This caused her to be shocked at first as then depression took over.

As Liam grew up he was a hot headed child who could always been seen outside playing with other children playing sword fight or exploring. It was as if he he feared nothing which scared Maria as she never wanted to lose her boy as she lost her husband. This made her a bit over protective as he grew up which just made him become more cunning as he made up stories in order to go out and have fun.

As the boy started school he had a hard time sitting still as he just wanted to play outside which caused a ton of outburst of anger. Reading was hard as the letters never made sense to him so he just wanted to do what he felt good at which was playing. It was then when strange things began to happen to the boy as he grew into middle school. It was here in school where he made a friend named Ajax. A weird curly hair boy who was always down for the war games Liam would want to play with the other kids. But at times these creatures would attack him as he played outside.

This made Maria try and keep Liam home when he was not at school. Making him angry as he wanted control over his own life. But in an instant his whole life changed, in the middle night Liam woke to what sounded like a big BOOM. Making him sit up in bed and rush towards it as he found himself face to face with a creature who seemed to have destroyed half the house. Liam's eyes went to the ground behind the creature where his mom laid dead. Feeling his anger taking over, all Liam wanted to do was kill the monster. As he was about to act, Ajax came rushing in stabbing the creature turning it to dust. Shocked, he just stood there seeing Ajax who had goat legs and hoofs...what?

Ajax told him he had to go to Camp Half-Blood where he would be safe. After what he just saw he had a gut feeling to trust the goat man. It took a while as the boy and Satyr had to travel to the states first. Then too New York where the camp was. On the way they fought several monsters together until they arrived over the hill into the camp. Liam was then explained everything about the god's. Later at the bonfire he was claimed at age 12, by Ares.

Liam lives at camp year around with his siblings in the Ares Cabin. He is close to both Dustin and Benji who are close to his age. The boys can always be found together. Liam is a hot headed boy who is always into trouble as he is one not to think clearly when angered. Resulting in a couple of relationship breakups over the years. Liam can always be found by Dustin or Benji's side or in the Arena practicing for the next challenge he will have.


Liam is a hot headed boy who always wants to be in control of whatever is happening. When things go differently it makes he act out in anger. Which has caused several of his relationships go south as he allows his anger to make him say things he regretted later. Liam is also loyal to his friends and half siblings who he would do anything for. Over the year he had become more and more stubborn as he is stuck in his ways.

Liam is also known for his great cunning tactics in war games as he wins them quite often. He prides himself in trying to beat the Athena cabin Campers. But at times his arrogance gets him into trouble as he doesn't want to listen to his siblings if they have ideas. He wants to be the best and show he is the best!

About Me

Birthdate: Febuary 24th 2005
Likes: Girls, Fútbol, his siblings, war games, punk music, metal music, Volleyball
Dislikes:Athena Campers, school, having no control, When people disrespect him or his family, complicated relationships
  • Mom:
  • Maria Santos, deceased
  • Dad:
  • Ares
  • Siblings:
  • None but cabin 5
  • Other:
  • None
Happy Thoughts: Winning some big war game and getting his father's attention
Nightmares: His life being out of his control and his siblings dying
Fatal Flaw: Hubris. He wants to be the best ever more than his brothers
FACE CLAIM: Francisco Lachowski
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