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Mason Grimes

Mason Grimes

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Mason Grimes
@platinummodels.korea 🇰🇷 | Maxence danet fauvel, Male face, Cute white guys


Mason was born at 4:02 pm on November 12th 2009, the reason the time is important is because I have brother, who is just 2 minutes younger than me. The doctor's told our mom we Were Mirror twins, I was left handed and my hair parted to the left, Maddox was right handed his hair parted to the right. They found out we were mirror twins by the inkblot shaped birthmark on my left forearm just below my elbow crease, and my brother had the exact same mark mirrored on his right forearm.

We were born via C-section thanks to my "little" brother, he was facing wrong which caused our mom some complications. After a few days in the hospital we got to go home with our mom. Now she was a party animal per say, at least that's was she told us. She meet our dad one wild night, and he disappeared after that. 

Our grandparents helped our mom out, by moving us into a little house behind theirs. As we got older, we weren't the best of kids to our Momma G. Her and our grandparents tried to help us the best they can but they were at a lost with our anger issues. In school we were bullies, well mainly my brother, who hit first and asked later, but I always stuck up for him, no way was he going down without Me by his side. 

One day when they were 6 years old, they came home to their grandparents house burned to the ground, sadly they were inside and didn't make it out. 

We also had learning issues, we got told we had ADHD and Dyslexia, which we just shrugged off. Didn't matter what labels we had, it didn't change who we were. In September just two months before we turned 12 years old, we were called into the principal's office, which wasn't unusual for us. But something was off when we walked in and there was a cop and some lady we didn't know. That was when we found out that our Momma G died. As we took that information in, they started to talk about foster care, that's when we both looked at eachother, talking through looks, we knew foster care wasn't for us, we didn't want to be seperated. With in seconds, I shoved the cop, and we both darted out the door. 

We found some older "street" kids, that took us in and helped us learn the streets. We lived happily, even celebrating our 12th birthday with the kids we meet. We would steal, fight, and do whatever we needed to do to serve. 

We had only lived on the streets for about 5 months, when were out without our street family, and this giant bird like creature came right for us, both I and my brother were frightened we had never seen anything like it. Just as I was about to get in front of my brother, he grabbed my jacket pulling me back as this strange man came racing up with a sword, fighting and eventually killing the creature. 

Maddox was ready for a fight with the guy that just saved us, and I was just standing there in shock trying to take it all in. The guy explained to us that he was Satyr and about a camp, and I felt maybe this was for the best. Of course I had to convince my brother, and we set off with the clothes on our back and nothing else. 

After a few weeks, and plenty more creatures trying to attack us, we made it to this big blue house, where the satyr told us to wait inside there, for more instructions.


Mason was the level headed one of the two. Well if you could call him level headed. If you compared him to someone other than his twin they wouldn't really call him level headed. He had his anger issues, but unlike his brother he didn't always hit first. 

He cared for his brother and that was it. He had trust issues, only reason he trusted the Satyr was because of some weird gut feeling he had. He hated authority, and would fight back any chance he got. He didn't get told what to do, he told you what you were going to do. 

Mason did have a hint of a sensitive side, but the hell if he would let anyone know that, he wanted everyone to be scared of him. He didn't want anyone thinking they could weasel their way into his or Maddox life. Which by the way they were a 2 for 1 deal, no matter where Mason was Maddox wasn't far behind. 

Mason is hard to get along with, so his only real friend was his brother Maddox. Which he was perfectly fine with.

About Me

Birthdate: Nov. 12th 2009
Likes: His brother, fighting, the streets, basketball, spending the night under the stars, loud music
Dislikes: Anyone who picks on his brother, winter/snow, pansies, people feeling sorry for him, being told what to do
  • Mom:
  • Momma G. 29 (Deceased) 
  • Dad:
  • Unknown
  • Siblings:
  • Maddox Grimes (Twin)
  • Other:
  • Grandparents in their 50's (Deceased)
Happy Thoughts: Being with his brother and Momma G
Nightmares: Losing his brother Maddox
Fatal Flaw: Anger Issues
FACE CLAIM: Maxence Danet Fauvel
Edited by Mason Grimes
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