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About Me

  1. New Member Orientation It can be hard starting on a new site. You don't know anybody. You're not used to the layout. There are subtle quirks that you haven't been made aware of... We get that. So, in the interest of making your start here go as smoothly as possible, we thought it might be nice to arrange an orientation of sorts! During this orientation, you'll be paired up with a member of the site who has been around a while. They'll help answer any questions you have, find people to RP with, and anything else you might hope for in a mentor. To sign up for the mentoring program, simply post below with the following information: Character Name: Alias: Time Zone: Preferred Mentor: (If Applicable) Mentors ϟ Lilythe Rayne ϟ Helena Lamour ϟ Aislynn ONeill ϟ James Selway ϟ Dustin Graves ϟ Azrael Blackburn ϟ Krystal Rose ϟ Samantha Adams Active Pairs ϟ Krystal Rose with Oliver Carter started 02Aug23 (Oliver fell inactive) ϟ Lilythe Rayne with Ace Stumm started 31Aug23 ϟ James Selway with Loki Dacivs started 31Aug23 ϟ Dustin Graves with Jasper Tyke started 31Aug23 ϟ Lilythe Rayne with Eliza Hemingway started 01Sep23
  2. Adjustments to Minor Deity Parent Rules It is so awesome to see the enthusiasm that everyone has for having a minor deity as a parent! When we first introduced them, we weren't sure how many people would really go for it since they don't get a cabin of their own and are housed in the Hermes cabin. We are blessed that it has taken off as well as it has! That being said, in order to stay in alignment with canon, where children of minor deities are rare, we have had to change the way that minor deities work ever-so-slightly. The way you apply for one hasn't changed. What has changed is that now we are limiting how many can be on the board per parent at a given time. Unlike other slots that reset every 6 months, these spots are static and only change when people make or retire characters. So if a parent is full, they are full; you'll have to wait for someone to retire a character or miss 2 consecutive activity checks before a spot will open up again. You can read more about the rules for Minor Deities as parents in Article III, Section 8
  3. Reactivation Request Coming back from a break? Great! We're so happy to see you return! Getting your characters active again is a fairly quick process. Just submit the form below, and we'll sort you within the next 48 hours. Account Name: Member Group: What you *were* not what you want it to be (I.e "unsorted character" if you didn't have an approved app Has it been more than 6 months since this account was active? Yes/No Anything Else?: (if you need us to unarchive an Enrichment Forum, thread, or application it goes here)
  4. Activity Check It's that time of year! Time for Camp Half-Blood's quarterly activity check! What is an activity Check you might ask? Well it's a check we do to see who is active on the board and who isn't. Those who are inactive will lose their claims and free up spaces for new members. We engage in an activity check every 3 months. March, June, September, and December. Activity checks last for ONE WEEK and close. If you don't sign before the end of the week your characters will all be placed on Voluntary Inactivity, for which you can read the guidelines below. If you are a member of staff, this will constitute losing your staff position, as you will not have active characters and you must have at least 1 active character to be on staff. But Lilythe, what do I need to do? It's simple! Fill out the code below for every character you have. If your character has posted and average of once per month for the last three months, or is less than 3 months old since approval/pulled back out of the archive, it is safe! If it is not, the character will be placed as inactive. How long do I have to wait to reactivate if I fell inactive? To give new members a chance to grab at spots that they may not have had a chance to otherwise, we ask that you wait until the end of the month the activity check was conducted in. For example, if it is June, then you can reactivate as early as July. Your Options: Keeping: Keeping means that you are choosing to keep the character. They must meet the requirements for staying active, which is to say that they have at least 3 posts since the last activity check. Voluntary Inactivity: Have you lost muse for a character but are hoping they'll come back soon? Maybe you couldn't reach the 3 post minimum for the 3 months due to real world obligations. This is the category for you! If your character falls in this category, don't worry. As it says above, you can reactivate once the month is over, or whenever is convenient for you after that. Your positions are safe for up to 1 AC after this one. If you are inactive for more than one additional AC (i.e. 3 or more activity checks), you may lose exclusive rights to your face claim and limited positions (i.e. positions that have a limited set of positions available) but you won't lose anything else (i.e. you can keep your face but someone else might use it.) Retiring: This means you are dropping this character permanently. Your spots will immediately open up as soon as the activity check finishes at the end of this week, and this character can never again be reactivated. Be careful when choosing this status, we don't even put people who have left the site in this status unless they specifically request it. Once it is done, we will not undo it. Choosing to retire a character will award you 100 Drachmae per active year awarded to a new character of your choice. Characters retired before they have met the year mark, but more than 6 months will receive 50 Drachmae. Characters who were retired before their 6 month mark receive no Drachmae bonus. The Code Alias: Characters you are Keeping: Characters you are Making Inactive: Characters you are Retiring:
  5. So you want to be a hunter of Artemis? Being a Hunter isn't something to take lightly. In doing so you are swearing an Oath to forsake romantic bonds and give undying loyalty to Artemis in all things. It provides you with eternal youth, enhanced strength and agility, and so much more. But it comes at a cost. Are you willing to make the sacrifice? By signing below, you indicate that you understand the following: Your character's life is forfeit if they break their oath. Depending on how it happens, Artemis may be lenient and simply strip them of immortality, or turn them into an animal. But she can kill them for it. So we are reiterating it here, as well as in the site rules, that this is a possible outcome for oath-breakers. Your character is taking an oath to forsake all romance. This means your character cannot fall in love. Ever. Your character is taking an oath to obey Artemis in all things -- even if they disagree. Artemis is a decent goddess and will hear them out, but ultimately they must follow her decision If you agree to the above, please post below with the following: Character Name: Character Age: Do you understand, and agree to, the above? Yes/No
  6. Upcoming Delays As many of you know, ShadowsOverScotland and Lilythe will be getting married on July 28th. DUDEITSBRITT will be in attendance at the wedding. Since we've had a staff member step down recently, that means that there will only be one staff member around to monitor the site for the bulk of the day. We ask that you be understanding during this time. What does that mean? It means that many of the tasks around here that require staff will take a bit longer than normal. Applications require 2 staff members. We don't have 2 staff members... Applications likely will not be reviewed between July 22nd and August 1st. Please be patient with us! Since the remaining staff member is a Moderater and not Admin or Global Mod, they don't have access to the ACP... So sorting member groups, awards, and drachmae distribution will be on hold after July 22nd until DUDEITSBRITT is back in the states. Really, all we're asking is that you please be patient. Lilythe and ShadowsOverScotland deserve to have a relaxing wedding with their friend DUDEITSBRITT in attendance without the site going to chaos. We will be back to everything as scheduled as soon as we can be. We appreciate your patience in this matter.
  7. Changing of the guard Our site has been open just a little over a year now and we've had almost the same staff the entire time! It's been a fantastic run and we couldn't have done it without the help of everyone on our staff. Each member has done a fantastic job in helping the site run smoothly. However, due to real world obligations, one of our staff members needed to step down and focus on things offline. They will, hopefully, continue to be around for many more years as role-players. The remaining staff want it known that they chose to step down and were not kicked out or forced out. We appreciate everything they've done and to imply that this was anything other than their own choice would be a disservice to all they've done to support us over the last year. We want to give a heartfelt thank you to @ ★NickyNack , a global moderator who has reviewed apps, sorted members, and contributed ideas to the site plot. She's been instrumental in helping run things over the last year and we know we couldn't have done it without her. Thank you for all your support and hard work, we look forward to watching your characters grow! Feel free to post below your thanks for her work. It's not all sad news and goodbyes though. With the stepping down of a Global Moderator, comes the promotion of a Moderator. We'd like to welcome @ ★ShadowsOverScotland to the Global Moderator Team. Open Moderator Positions We now have 1 Moderator positions that need filling. If you are interested in the position, please contact @ ★Lilythe via PM and she will respond with a series of interview questions. Once that is completed the staff will deliberate on your application and get back to you. Applications will be open for 1 week, or until both positions are filled if not filled after 1 week. Who May Apply At this time, we feel it would be unfair to exclude anyone since many of our most active members are new. So, currently, anyone may apply so long as they have an accepted character on the site (meaning you've completed the application process for your character and been approved, done your claims, and been sorted). The remaining staff will select the applicant who has submitted a satisfactory application that is met with unanimous approval from the staff will be selected. Why unanimous? Because it's important to us to ensure the staff's cohesion so that we may continue to provide an epic atmosphere for everyone to roleplay in!
  8. Article III: Character Creation The most important part of any site is ensuring that we have characters that people want to interact with. We also, however, have to protect certain categories to ensure that they maintain their uniqueness. So to make sure that happens the staff here as created the following rules to help you understand how character creation works here on the Camp Halfblood RP.
  9. Article I In this section we will detail out the expected code of conduct of the site. These rules are site wide, and apply to any interactions between members that impact the site. It is expected that all members will know and understand these site rules and abide by them when interacting with one another and staff.
  10. Article V: Posting Content This section details information about the community standards regarding posting and various types of content.
  11. Article IV: Site Setting, Plot, and Structure This section will go over a wide variety of details about the world we are operating in on the site, and how things are impacted.
  12. Article II: Account Registration and Responsibilities In this section we will detail out what the different types of accounts are on our site. Who may have them. And what the rights and responsibilities of those accounts are that may be different from other accounts.
  13. New Cabin Leader Positions Interested in having your character be a Cabin Leader? That's great! What is a Cabin Leader? In Character: A cabin leader is an in-character position that has some minor in-character power over the others in their cabin. They are, exactly as their name implies, the leaders of their cabins. They can assign chores to their cabin mates, attend Cabin Leader meetings, and are also responsible for teaching one of the 'classes' around Camp Half-Blood. it is typically one of the older character, or one that has been there longer, but it doesn't have to be. Out of Character: This position holds no actual power on the site. It's a great position to use as a stepping stone if you're interested in becoming a Moderator someday however. Cabin Leaders are expected to try and help keep members in their cabins active and may help with new camper entrances where possible, if interested in doing so (the first 5 of these will be done jointly with Lilythe Rayne to ease you into it both in and out of character, so don't let this intimidate you!). Open Positions: -Hecate Cabin Leader -Aphrodite Cabin Leader How to apply: Fill out the form below and message it to Lilythe! Character: Character's Age: Ideas for Boosting Activity:
  14. Registration Problems Are you having problems getting the registration to work? Did the validation e-mail never arrive? That's okay! Respond to this topic using the format below to receive help from the admin. Account Name: E-mail for the account: Point of Contact: (Where do you want us to contact you, and with what information? i.e. State you want us to contact you on Discord and the Discord Account to contact you on when it's complete)
  15. About the Yearbook Every January, the camp will have a new yearbook so that we can watch how the cabins grow and change over the years. The idea is for this to be an in-character experience, as well. From your character's perspective, this is for the year-round campers. So even though some older campers may be added later, they just weren't pictured because before now they weren't at Camp Half-Blood year round. Your characters are free to 'sign' (post a message) on yearbook pages until the end of January. At that point the threads will be locked and preserved for the future to look back on, just like a real yearbook! Missing Cabins are because there are no active campers in that cabin at this time. Credit for the photos for this year's yearbook go to The Muses Gloss
  16. Minor Gods as Parents There are many deities beyond the 20 who we have listed here. Several of them are noted to have children as well throughout the series, even though they never have cabins built at camp. In an effort to reflect that, Camp Half-Blood Roleplay offers a pathway by which members can create campers who have other gods as parents. However, to ensure that canon is followed, the following procedures are in effect for those who would like to have minor gods as parents... Procedures: Check the list below to see if your minor god is on it. If they are, please proceed. If not, please contact @ ★Lilythe so that she may begin working on developing a set of powers for them. Check the Character Claim to see if there is even an opening for Children of Minor Deities. This can be found at the bottom of the "Campers" section. If there is, you may proceed with your application. If not, you will need to wait until a spot opens up. Since they are not common, we are not allowing too many at once. Additionally check below to see if the limit has been reached for the specific god you're looking for, as we have a limit 3 children of any minor deity at any given point. Unlike other claims, this does not reset. Once your application is posted, @ ★Lilythe will be directly part of your review team to ensure that Riordan and Site canon are in compliance as the Lore person for the site. In all other ways, the application process will still be the same. Limited powers may exist for some deities (just like with the others). If your desired parent has any, they will be listed below (or if your god is new to the list, Lilythe will alert you in response to your inquiry). Universal Abilities Certain abilities are considered to be commonplace in the demigod world, while others are more rare. This will help you know what your character is capable of doing based on who their godly parent is. It will also alert you to which abilities are limited and must be applied for. This information was pulled, in many cases, directly of the Riordan Fandom wiki. Some information has been altered where appropriate for the site. These are abilities inherent to all half-bloods regardless of who their godly parent is. Superhuman Strength: Demigods are far stronger than any human. The children of the Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades are even stronger than normal demigods. Superhuman Speed: Demigods are far faster than any human, and possess greater swiftness. Superhuman Agility: Demigods possesses agility, equilibrium, and bodily coordination that are far greater than that of humans. Meaning, they possess great acrobatic prowess and maneuverability helping them in the midst of battle. They can move, jump very high, flip, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. Superhuman Durability: Demigods possesses much greater durablity, resilience, and constitution than any human being. Therefore, they are capable of withstanding and surviving blows that would otherwise leave a human dead and/or injured if lucky. Superhuman Endurance: Demigods can endure physical stresses beyond the capabilities of the greatest humans, allowing them to operate efficiently for extended amounts of time, even if they are weakened or exhausted. Above-Normal Healing Factor: Demigods can heal faster and with more finality than humans and sustain far greater damage than humans. Heightened Senses: Demigods' five senses (hearing, smelling, sight, etc) are greatly increased. The senses of a demigod helps them notice small details and unusual attributes that shouldn’t be there, which help keep them alive in battle. Superhuman Stamina: Demigods have an unusually advanced musculature, granting them exceptionally high stamina and endurance surpassing most mortals. Demigods can perform rigorous physical activity for hours, until fatigue toxins in their blood stream begins to impair them, and they will begin to show signs of fatigue. Superhuman Reflexes: Demigods have far above average reflexes that can keep them alive during a fight (diagnosed as ADHD in mortals). It allows them to dodge inhumanly fast attacks that mortals wouldn’t be able to react to. Their reflexes also enables them to keep pace with beings faster, or as fast as them when in the midst of combat. Children of Eris Current Total Children of Eris: 1/3 Chaos Manipulation: As a child of the Goddess of Chaos, they can influence chaos and cause people to behave irrationally. Strife Manipulation: As children of the Goddess of Strife, they can influence strife, and cause feelings of strife in others. Discord Manipulation: As a child of the Goddess of Discord, they can influence discord and cause disagreements between others. Children of Phobos Current Total Children of Phobos: 2/3 (1 application in progress, no new applications at this time) Children of Phobos have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Phobikinesis: As a child of the God of Fear, they can influence the emotion of fear and can cause people to experience fears or anxiety. Children of Melinoe Current Total Children of Melinoe: 1/3 Children of Melinoe have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Phobikinesis: As a child of the Goddess of Nightmares, they can influence the emotion of fear and can cause people to experience nightmares, but it's limited to dreams alone (i.e. they cannot use it while someone is awake the way a child of Phobos can). Commune with Dead: Children of Melinoe can speak with spirits of those who have passed on. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Necromancy: the natural born ability to summon and control the dead (but only ghosts) Children of Kymopoleia Current Total Children of Kymopoleia: 0/3 Children of Kymopoleia have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Hydrokinesis: The ability to control water with the mind. They can will themselves to stay dry in water, extract water shoot from petrified seashells, create oxygen bubbles underwater for people who cannot breathe underwater, and harden water to form solid ground to walk on or shields. They even can make giant fists of water that mimic whatever they do, which can be used to grab enemies or smash them into the ground. (Though to a much lesser degree than a child of Poseidon). Commune with Storm Spirits: Children of Kymopoleia can speak with spirits of storms. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Atmokinesis: also known as weather manipulation; one of the most powerful abilities in existence where one can control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself. Children of Eurus Current Total Children of Eurus: 1/3 Children of Eurus have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Aerokinesis: is the elemental ability to create, control and manipulate the air and wind in a variety of offensive or defensive ways. (Though to a much lesser degree than a child of Zeus). Flying is a version of Aerokinesis, but it is the most difficult to master. No camper should be flying before arrival at camp (with the exception of maybe a panicked slowed down fall), and even upon arriving at camp it would take years to master. Flying cannot be done where no air currents exist, such as in a cave where there is still and stagnant air. Plant Rot: Children of Eurus can cause plants to deteriorate and rot at will. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Atmokinesis: also known as weather manipulation; one of the most powerful abilities in existence where one can control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself. Children of Boreas Current Total Children of Boreas: 1/3 Children of Boreas have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Aerokinesis: is the elemental ability to create, control and manipulate the air and wind in a variety of offensive or defensive ways. (Though to a much lesser degree than a child of Zeus). Flying is a version of Aerokinesis, but it is the most difficult to master. No camper should be flying before arrival at camp (with the exception of maybe a panicked slowed down fall), and even upon arriving at camp it would take years to master. Flying cannot be done where no air currents exist, such as in a cave where there is still and stagnant air. Cryokinesis: They have significant control over ice; such as create frozen items, like sharpened icicles that act like daggers, to throw at things or can blast a cone of cold icy wind from their hands. Unlike children of Poseidon, they cannot necessarily create whole weather patterns unless they also have Atmokinesis, but they can create small areas of snowstorms. Fluent French: Children of Boreas can speak fluent French because of their father residing in Quebec. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Atmokinesis: also known as weather manipulation; one of the most powerful abilities in existence where one can control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself. Children of Aristaeus Current Total Children of Aristaeus: 0/3 Children of Arisstaeus have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Zoolinguism (Bees and Wasps): is the elemental ability to speak with animals. Children of Aristaeus are specifically limited to talking to Bees and Wasps. They are good with art supplies and make great artists. They are excellent at creating artisan goods such as homemade cheese or honey. Children of Triton Current Total Children of Triton: 1/3 Children of Triton have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Hydrokinesis: The ability to control water with the mind. They can will themselves to stay dry in water, extract water shoot from petrified seashells, create oxygen bubbles underwater for people who cannot breathe underwater, and harden water to form solid ground to walk on or shields. They even can make giant fists of water that mimic whatever they do, which can be used to grab enemies or smash them into the ground. (Though to a much lesser degree than a child of Poseidon). Commune with Sea Creatures: Children of Triton can speak with all marine life. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Shapeshifting(sea animals only): Rare children of Triton are gifted with the power to change shape into a sea creature. Children of Khione Current Total Children of Khione: 0/3 (1 application in progress, still accepting applications) Children of Khione have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Cryokinesis: They have significant control over ice; such as create frozen items, like sharpened icicles that act like daggers, to throw at things or can blast a cone of cold icy wind from their hands. Unlike children of Poseidon, they cannot necessarily create whole weather patterns unless they also have Atmokinesis, but they can create small areas of snowstorms. Fluent French: Children of Khione can speak fluent French because of their mother residing in Quebec.
  17. Can I Post Here? Every forum has unique ways it runs, and it's unrealistic to expect that people will just intuitively know how a given site works. So we wanted to provide some guidance on how the system at Camp Half-Blood RP works. Where Can I Post? Starting a Thread: In general, if you can start a thread there, you're allowed to start a thread there. Posting permissions are managed on the back end through the administrative panel. So if the staff didn't want you creating threads there, they would be able to prevent that through posting permissions. So if you are able to create a thread there, meaning that the site lets you, you're absolutely allowed. Caveat: Only people with the "New Camper" group or a Cabin Leader should be starting threads in the "New Camper Entrances" section of "The Big House". Replying to a Thread: This gets a little more complicated. Because we want to both create an environment where our writers feel safe, but also encourage people to interact with everyone and not just a small group, we've created the tagging system. This will be explained below, in a table, that indicates the tags, what they mean, and so on. But the general rule is that unless it says "Open" or "Site Plot Related", you should not be replying to a thread that you were not invited to. Tags/Prefixes. What do they mean? We get it. There's a lot of them, and they may not be as clear as we would like. Below is a list of tags/prefixes and what they are used for. Tag/Prefix Description New Camper This is exclusive to the "New Camper Entrances" section of "The Big House" and should only be posted in by that New Camper who created it and a Cabin Leader. This is, in part, to ensure that any lore-based questions are answered in-line with site expectations. In Progress... This is primarily used to indicate applications that are still being worked on (or sometimes site information threads that the staff are still working on). Nobody should be posting in threads with this except the person who made the thread or Staff. Last Week Warning This is primarily used to indicate applications that appear to have gone inactive. Nobody should be posting in threads with this except the person who made the thread or Staff. Ready for Review This is only used to indicate applications that are complete and ready for Staff to review. Nobody should be posting/editing in threads with this tag. Under Review This is only used to indicate applications that are complete and Staff is currently reviewing. Nobody should be posting/editing in threads with this tag except Staff. Approved This is only used to indicate applications that are complete and have been approved by Staff. Nobody should be posting/editing in threads with this tag except Staff. Pending This is only used to indicate applications that require some modification after being reviewed. Nobody should be posting in threads with this except the person who made the thread or Staff. Denied This is only used to indicate applications that Staff have deemed inappropriate for the site. Nobody should be posting in threads with this tag/prefix. Reactivated Account This is only used to indicate applications that have been reactivated by Staff after a period of hiatus. Nobody should be posting in threads with this tag/prefix except Staff. Advertisement This is only used in the Out of Character section for Advertisements. Anyone may post in those threads, however, any comments bashing an advertised site will be removed and members given warnings. Contest This is only used for site-based contests. Anyone may post in those threads, however, please keep posts on topic! Important This is only used for indicating important site information. Only Staff may post, but EVERYONE should read that information. Inactive This is only used for indicating an inactive member's application. Only Staff may post in these threads, but they will usually be archived and not replied to. Mature This is used to indicate that a thread contains mature themes including extreme violence, gore, sex, and several other topics. Only those invited by the original poster and the original poster should be posting in these threads. Personal Plot Related This is used to indicate that a thread contains events relevant to a character's personal plot (a plot approved by the Staff that may involve several characters or NPCs from the site). Only those invited by the original poster and the original poster should be posting in these threads. No Tag/Prefix This is a roleplay between characters on site that didn't require a tag or prefix, but is still considered a 'closed' RP. Only those invited by the original poster and the original poster should be posting in these threads. Open This is used to indicate that a thread that is open for anyone and everyone to join. Any character may join these threads, and you are encouraged to participate if you want! Site Plot Related This is used to indicate that a thread that is related to the site plot directly and is open for characters impacted by the current plot event to join. The Site News will indicate which characters are welcome to jump into the threads and how they will be working. Ready to Archive This is used to indicate that a thread has reached completion. Nobody should be posting in these threads. Resource This is used to indicate that the contents are a resource for the site and are free for members to use. Questions may be posted in the thread. Retired Character This is used to indicate that character is no longer being played on the site. Nobody should be posting in these threads.
  18. Put simply, the title of your application should be your character's name. Now we can get to the good part. First things first. Our application uses HTML coding. So the first step is to hit the "Source" button in the upper left hand corner of the text box before you paste the code. Not good with HTML? That's okay! After hitting that source button, paste the code into the text area, and then hit it again. Your app should look like the display. Now you can just edit it. Be careful not to backspace too much, etc. as it will mess with the coding underneath. You can also save at any time by adding the "In Progress..." Prefix to the post and then hitting Submit Topic. This indicates to us that you're still working on it! To go back and work on it, just click the ellipses ("...") button at the top of the post, and choose "Edit Topic". Once you're done, change the prefix to "Ready for Review". Our staff will handle it from there!
  19. Posting Problems Can't seem to post in a forum? We're here to help. Post with the code below so we can fix it as soon as possible! Filling it out tells us information that can help us track down the problem quickly and efficiently in the Admin Panel. Account Name: Account Group: Forum with the issue: (Write the name of the forum you can't post in here) Point of Contact: (Where would you like us to send messages regarding this?)
  20. Inherent and Restricted Abilities Certain abilities are considered to be commonplace in the demigod world, while others are more rare. This will help you know what your character is capable of doing based on who their godly parent is. It will also alert you to which abilities are limited and must be applied for. This information was pulled, in many cases, directly of the Riordan Fandom wiki. Some information has been altered where appropriate for the site. Universal Abilities These are abilities inherent to all half-bloods regardless of who their godly parent is. Superhuman Strength:Demigods are far stronger than any human. The children of the Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades are even stronger than normal demigods. Superhuman Speed: Demigods are far faster than any human, and possess greater swiftness. Superhuman Agility: Demigods possesses agility, equilibrium, and bodily coordination that are far greater than that of humans. Meaning, they possess great acrobatic prowess and maneuverability helping them in the midst of battle. They can move, jump very high, flip, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. Superhuman Durability: Demigods possesses much greater durablity, resilience, and constitution than any human being. Therefore, they are capable of withstanding and surviving blows that would otherwise leave a human dead and/or injured if lucky. Superhuman Endurance: Demigods can endure physical stresses beyond the capabilities of the greatest humans, allowing them to operate efficiently for extended amounts of time, even if they are weakened or exhausted. Above-Normal Healing Factor: Demigods can heal faster and with more finality than humans and sustain far greater damage than humans. Heightened Senses: Demigods' five senses (hearing, smelling, sight, etc) are greatly increased. The senses of a demigod helps them notice small details and unusual attributes that shouldn’t be there, which help keep them alive in battle. Superhuman Stamina: Demigods have an unusually advanced musculature, granting them exceptionally high stamina and endurance surpassing most mortals. Demigods can perform rigorous physical activity for hours, until fatigue toxins in their blood stream begins to impair them, and they will begin to show signs of fatigue. Superhuman Reflexes: Demigods have far above average reflexes that can keep them alive during a fight (diagnosed as ADHD in mortals). It allows them to dodge inhumanly fast attacks that mortals wouldn’t be able to react to. Their reflexes also enables them to keep pace with beings faster, or as fast as them when in the midst of combat. Children of Zeus Because of how powerful these children are, and canon reasons, children of Zeus require a secondary application. Announcements will be made when these applications are open. Children of Zeus have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Natural Leadership Excessive Strength: More than typical demigods (other than Poseidon and Hades children who are equal). Bravery Electrokinesis: the ability to mentally and/or physically manipulate and control electric currents and static electricity. Aerokinesis: is the elemental ability to create, control and manipulate the air and wind in a variety of offensive or defensive ways. Flying is a version of Aerokinesis, but it is the most difficult to master. No camper should be flying before arrival at camp (with the exception of maybe a panicked slowed down fall), and even upon arriving at camp it would take years to master. Flying cannot be done where no air currents exist, such as in a cave where there is still and stagnant air. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Atmokinesis: also known as weather manipulation; one of the most powerful abilities in existence where one can control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself. Child of Hera There is only one Child of Hera, they are a canon character, and require a canon application when they are available. The child of Hera is a Camp Half-Blood RP canon character. As such their abilities are strictly ours to create. This list was created based upon Hera's actual demonstrated abilities and her sphere of influence. Domestic Manipulation: As the Goddess of Marriage and Family, all things related to domestic and familial relationships are under Hera's jurisdiction. Basically, they can influence relationships between people. Mnemokinesis: Hera has the ability to steal and restore memories. She temporarily manipulated Percy's and Jason's minds to protect them more easily. Aerokinesis (limited): As the wife of Zeus, Hera can control and manipulate air, though to a lesser extent than her husband's. Basically, riding clouds, stirring up small winds, and maybe blowing something out of someone's hand. Madness Induction: Hera has an infamous control and manipulation over madness. She drove the demigod Dionysus insane to the point he had to go to Zeus to be cured. Hera later induced Hercules to kill his wife Megara, his children and servants. Zoolinguism (Peacocks and Cows): Hera has a high level of control over animals, particularly the cow and the peacock. Children of Poseidon Because of how powerful these children are, and canon reasons, children of Poseidon require a secondary application. Announcements will be made when these applications are open. Children of Poseidon have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Hydrokinesis:The ability to control water with the mind. They can will themselves to stay dry in water, extract water shoot from petrified seashells, create oxygen bubbles underwater for people who cannot breathe underwater, and harden water to form solid ground to walk on or shields. They even can make giant fists of water that mimic whatever they do, which can be used to grab enemies or smash them into the ground. Cryokinesis (limited): They have very limited control over ice; such as create an icy hurricane to attack all nearby monsters. Vitakinesis (limited): They can use water to strengthen themselves and heal most wounds, the amount of water and time needed for the healing being proportionate to the severity of the wound. Water Immunity: If they fall into the water, they will be immune to water pressure. Additionally, they can breathe underwater for unlimited amounts of time and see in the darkness underwater. Heat Immunity (limited): They have a higher resistance to fire and burns than regular people. Watercraft Manipulation: When they are in saltwater, they always know their exact nautical coordinates, wherever they are (such as in water or on a ship or boat). They have the telekinetic ability to control boats and ships. They also know exactly how to work the boats and what all the parts do. Aerokinesis (limited): They have limited control over the wind. They can summon strong winds, which allow them to create miniature hurricanes and typhoons. Geokinesis (limited): They have a limited amount of control over the earth. They can create earthquakes as their father is known for creating them. Zoolinguism (Horses and Marine Creatures): They can understand and talk to marine animals, equines, and similar creatures. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Atmokinesis: also known as weather manipulation; one of the most powerful abilities in existence where one can control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself. Children of Demeter Children of Demeter have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Chlorokinesis: As children of Demeter, they have the ability to control plants. Plant Sensitivity: The children of Demeter can sense the location of various plants with superhuman precision. Plant Growth Acceleration: The children of Demeter can make plants grow more faster than normal or even in enormous proportions. Plant Teleportation: The children of Demeter can teleport using plants Wood Sensitivity: The children of Demeter can sense the location of wood with superhuman precision. Culinary Arts: They are natural cooks Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Geokinesis: They have a limited amount of control over the earth. Karpoi Summoning: As children of Demeter, some are able to summon Karpoi. Children of Ares Children of Ares have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Telumkinesis: They are able to adapt to using various types of weapons quicker than normal. They have the power to curse their opponents' weapons and transfigure any object into any weapon. Examples include making a sword too heavy to lift properly or turning arrows into rubber, forcibly disarming their opponents. Odikinesis: They can unconsciously arouse feelings of impulsive anger, hatred, and bloodlust in people, to the point of instigating physical violence. Enhanced Physical Prowess: They all have enhanced strength and swiftness. The daughters of Ares have the skeletal structure and muscle distribution of exceptionally large, strong, and well-conditioned human men, allowing them to withstand the rigors of combat as well as their brothers. Military Strategy: They are excellent war strategists, though they seem to prefer mindless brute force over strategy like their father. Fighting skills: They are natural fighters with inborn fighting skills. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Necromancy (limited): They can summon the dead of the losing side of a battle. Children of Athena Children of Athena have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Genius Intellect: They possess high intelligence and wisdom, especially regarding war strategy. Craftsmanship: Many of them have instinctive skills in architecture, forging and weaving. Audiokinesis: They never forget what they heard. Telumkinesis (limited): They adapt to using various types of weapons quicker than normal and develop great control over them. Enhanced Physical Prowess: They all have enhanced strength, swiftness and durability, above many other demigods (but not as strong as a child of the Big Three). Children of Apollo Children of Apollo have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Poetic Curses:They can curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets that can take days or even weeks to wear off (depending on strength and number of people in the spell). Archery:They are expert archers, inherited from their father. They also excel at anything involving throwing or shooting stuff, like shooting hoops or shooting firearms or other missile weapons as an extension of this. Enhanced Physical Prowess: They all have enhanced strength, swiftness and durability, above many other demigods (but not as strong as a child of the Big Three). Artistic and Musical Ability: They excel in the arts and music. Vitakinesis: As the children of Apollo, they are natural healers. They can heal people by singing a hymn to their father (in Ancient Greek). Audiokinesis: As the children of Apollo, they have the ability to control sound waves and music. Prophecy (minor): Children of Apollo have the ability to sense things before they happen. They cannot see things to the level of the Oracle of Delphi, but it's enough to sense a trap before they fall into it from time to time Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Photokinesis (limited): the mental and/or physical ability to control light. Hunters of Artemis Artemis doesn't have children of her own, as she is a virgin goddess. However she does have several hunters. The Hunters of Artemis are all female (with very few exceptions--Orion being one of them) and therefore only female characters may play a Hunter at this time. They have the following abilities guaranteed to them by Artemis: Eternal Youth: Hunters are immortal (can't die of illnesses, age, etc.) unless they fall in love or they fall in battle. Archery: They have excellent aim with their bow and arrows. Enhanced Physical Prowess: They are naturally stronger and faster than a mortal, demigod, or nymph. Zoolingualism: They can talk to wild animals. Children of Hephaestus Children of Hephaestus have the following abilities guaranteed to them: They are all expert builders. They can build just about anything. They are all mechanics. Technokinesis: As children of Hephaestus, they can control and manipulate machines. Can sense machines, mechanics, or metal. Can identify machinery type and use by touch. Can sense faults in metal ore. Can find and sense traps in the ground. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Pyrokinesis: Some children of Hephaestus have control over fire Children of Aphrodite Children of Aphrodite have the following abilities guaranteed to them: They have magical control over clothes, makeup, and jewelry. Amokinesis: As the children of Aphrodite, they have absolute control over love and desire They have the minor ability to change their physical features. Eye color, hair color, face structure. But not into something non-human, and only for a small amount of time. They have the ability to speak fluent French, the language of love. They possess high social abilities and awareness. They have the ability to use Permanent Makeup on others, as seen in the Demigod Files Clothing Curses: They have the ability to curse people so all of their clothes are two sizes too small for them for a period of time. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Charmspeak: Selected children of Aphrodite can influence other with the strength of their voices. Shapeshifting: the magical ability that one has to change his/her age, size, sex, and facial features and so on. Limited to human appearances in children of Aphrodite. Children of Hermes Children of Hermes have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Enhanced Speed: Children of Hermes have a high athletic ability and swiftness. Audiokinesis: Children of Hermes are skilled at trickery and very persuasive, acting very good as spies and influencers. Enhanced Theft Abilities: Children of Hermes are able naturally stealthy and can supernaturally steal things without people noticing, even other demigods. Clauditiskinesis: Children of Hermes can magically sense the internal structure and mechanisms of any lock they touch. They are able to make it unlock, even telekinetically. This doesn't work on cursed locks, though. Lock Intuition: They can identify curses and traps placed on locks. If they concentrates hard enough, they can deactivate them. Alchemy: Children of Hermes are good at making potions. Chrimatakinesis: Children of Hermes are presumably quite good with money. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Teleportation: Some children of Hermes inherit super speed fast enough to run on air and become a blur. Children of Dionysus Children of Dionysus have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Chlorokinesis: As children of Dionysus, they can control fruit-bearing plants, strawberry and grape vines. They are capable of causing or curing madness They are really good actors sometimes using this to their advantage when they get in trouble. Children of Hades Because of how powerful these children are, and canon reasons, children of Hades require a secondary application. Announcements will be made when these applications are open. Children of Hades have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Necromancy: They have control over the dead. They can reanimate skeletons and put them to sleep. They can summon souls of the deceased by digging a pit, filling it with food and chanting in Ancient Greek. Additionally, they can release the souls of people that should have died but had somehow managed to cheat death. They can physically touch and manipulate ghosts, such as taking hold of them by hand or forcing them to be silent with a gesture. Osteokinesis: They have control over bones of skeletons, such as summon Skeleton Warriors or destroy them. Sensitivity to Death: They can sense death as it happens or when it is coming, including when an immortal is fading. When a person close to them dies, it comes as a ringing in the ears. Life Aura: They can see/sense someone's life aura. Umbrakinesis: They have control over darkness and shadows for various uses such as solidifying it for attacks or to hide in it. Shadow Travel: They can use shadows as a way of transportation. However, great distances tend to wear them out. Darkness Generation: They can solidify shadows to shoot bolts of darkness, form virtually impenetrable shields, and surround enemies in pitch-black clouds of lightless space. Invisibility: They can use shadows to cover themselves in darkness to become invisible. Vitakinesis (limited): They can heal minor injuries to themselves or others by using darkness. Geokinesis: They have control over the earth, such as open fissures in the ground, levitating rocks, making rocks extremely sharp, and control the walls of the Underworld. Phobikinesis: They can radiate an intense aura of fear and death like their father Hades, but to a much lesser degree. Pyrokinesis (limited): They can create flaming fissures of hellfire, trapping people in their father's realm. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Ferrokinesis: Some of them can control precious metals. Curses: Some of them can curse people. Children of Iris Children of Iris have the following abilities guaranteed to them: They have good communication skills. They can communicate and are good with pegasi. They have good color coordination. They are good with art supplies and make great artists. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Photokinesis: the mental and/or physical ability to control light. Children of Hypnos Children of Hypnos have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Hypnokinesis: the ability to manipulate sleep patterns and, by extension, dreams. They are capable of memory retrieval. They are capable of memory alteration. They can induce sleep. They can astral project/dream travel. (when asleep) Children of Nemesis Since there are only two children of Nemesis encountered in the series, and their abilities aren't covered in much detail, we have created this list off what we do see from the characters. Children of Nemesis have the following traits guaranteed to them: They believe that people who are full of themselves should be brought down. They never forget an insult. They make good allies. They are loyal to their allies until they prove untrustworthy or betray them. They are good at making hard decisions when others aren't. They are able to sense when someone is vengeful and want to serve justice to another. They never stop a mission to serve justice to someone who has wronged them. They often help others when pursuing the act of vengeance and retribution. They often are accepting of their actions and the punishments and consequences that come with them. Tychokinesis: the ability to manipulate and control luck and probability. There are no other true abilities for Children of Nemesis. However, it is reasonable to have them be particularly skilled at something once they put their mind to it such as swordplay, archery, thievery, etc. Any physical task that they can put effort into and master, they can become excellent at. They just have to work harder for it. Children of Nike Since there are only two children of Nike encountered in the series, and their abilities aren't covered in much detail, we have created this list off what we do see from the characters. Children of Nike have the following traits guaranteed to them: They are extremely competitive. They live for contests and never settle for second best. They can be pretty intense and driven but they are hard workers and tough opponents. They never turn down a challenge. Most have increased strength. They are the fastest demigods, even faster than the children of Hermes. Are rougher than most of the campers at Camp Half-Blood, including the children of Ares. There are no other true abilities for Children of Nike. However, it is reasonable to have them be particularly skilled at something once they put their mind to it such as swordplay, archery, thievery, etc. Any physical task that they can put effort into and master, they can become excellent at. They just have to work harder for it. Children of Hebe Children of Hebe have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Hebekinesis:the ability to control and manipulate youth. Rejuvenation: This is the power of regaining, or restoring, youthful vigor and appearance. Rejuvenation reduces scars, wrinkles and lines of expression, increases skin elasticity and increases collagen in the skin. Preservation: This is the power of preserving the youth of oneself or another person. Longevity: This is the power of increasing the life expectancy of oneself or someone else. Vitakinesis (limited): Users of this power can heal various injuries, such as mid-sized lesions. In more severe cases, users can reconnect lost limbs, through surgeries. (However, the limbs remain with the scars.) Children of Tyche Children of Tyche have the following abilities guaranteed to them: They love games of chance. Tychokinesis: They have the power of luck manipulation. Their behavior often seems random and unpredictable. They usually come out ahead. They are natural gamblers Children of Hecate Children of Hecate have the following abilities guaranteed to them: Mystiokinesis: Reality Warping/Spellcasting abilities. Like their mother, their magic is strongest at night and weak during the day. By speaking in either Latin or Ancient Greek, her children can cast many spells for various effects such as creating fire, generating cold, protecting oneself, and shielding themselves from the tracking abilities of monsters and etc. If a child of Hecate overexerts their magical capabilities too much, it physically takes a toll on their body causing them fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, or faint. It could also cause their magical energy to be drained or depleted, leaving them powerless. This skill can be used to copy any other ability, however it will always require the verbal component and will always be weaker than the natural ability of someone else. For example, this could mimic hypnokinesis but would require an incantation and would be weaker than a Child of Hypnos's natural born ability. This also applies to their own limited abilities on this list. They can verbally cast spells to manipulate shadows or control dead, but will always be weaker than those who have a natural born talent for it. Those with natural born talents do not need to cast a spell for it. Mist Control: Those with the power to control the Mist can create Mistforms, illusions, and influence the minds and memories of mortals. Additionally, the following ability is available on a limited basis and must be applied for. Necromancy: the natural born ability to summon and control the dead. Umbrakinesis: the natural born ability to mentally generate and manipulate darkness, the absence of light.
  21. Regarding Personal Plots And Quests Personal Plots are things that occur on a character level. They are things that do not have an impact on the world as a whole, but certainly impact your character's life. These can be things like: Major Relationship Drama (involving several characters and long-term plans) A singular incident of crime Discipline for an action at camp Minor prophecies that only impact 1 character or a family etc. These are just a few examples but there are many different types of personal plots out there. The point is that they really only impact your character and a handful others at most. It wouldn't have an impact on the entire camp or the world at large. Not all personal plots will need an application, for example, if your character and their partner want to have a fight, that probably doesn't need an application. However, if you want to get NPCs involved, or have help from the staff in filling out roles that you need for your plot to work (such as a Cabin Leader to provide a consequence for breaking curfew or something like that) then you'll want to fill out the form below. Every quest begins with a personal plot and requires an application. Your character must have a plot written out to go on a quest. This is so that the site can make sure we can create NPCs as we need them for you, and make sure that the Oracle of Delphi gives the quest. What Isn't Appropriate There are many things out there that you can do for your personal plots. However there are definitely just as many things that wouldn't be considered appropriate. These are things that wouldn't impact just you, but the entire community as a whole. Some examples of this include: Serial killers Major Prophecies that impact the whole community, anything with a "Chosen One" Attacks on major places in Percy Jackson canon (i.e. Camp Halfblood), the real world, etc. A pandemic Again, these are just some examples, and not all the possibilities that exist. A good rule of thumb to figure out whether it's appropriate or not is: "Does this impact more than just my character and those I'm writing with directly?", "Would this make major headlines or otherwise ensue panic or happiness on a massive scale?". If the answer to either of those is yes--or if staff feels it is "yes"--then it's probably not something that is appropriate to do on an individual scale. You could, however, talk to staff about working it into the site plot so that you could participate in it down the road. Lilythe is always looking for ideas for the next site-wide plot event. Why It's Like This We are trying to create a highly interactive site where you and your ideas can shape what happens. By joining our site, our members agree to the plot and the setting of our world. However, they have not agreed to the ideas of other writers necessarily. In order to maintain a setting that everyone agrees to, we cannot allow members to have major plots that impact the site as a whole because members may not agree with any plot proposed by other members and then staff is left with the terrible job of choosing a side. Should I Ask the Staff? The questions mentioned in the earlier section should help you keep yourself from needing to talk to staff. However, if you're still uncertain you're welcome to ask @ ★Lilythe if it would be appropriate. As canon coordinator and loremaster for the site, this is her area of site responsibility. We ask that you accept her answer, with the understanding that she will do her best to figure out a way to accommodate any request that is reasonable. How do I get my plot approved? Start a thread in this forum. In it, you should follow the following template: Character Name: Cabin: Other Characters involved in Plot: Plot Overview: (This should be a brief summary, including the end goal) Plot Outline: (An outline of events necessary to complete plot) Plot Locations: (List all areas you intend to go in the world) Full Plot: (Please be as detailed as you can here. This should be a full paragraph and include the end goals of the plot) Once you do that, the process is similar to your application. Mark it as ready for review, and our staff will review it as quickly as we're able.
  22. FULL NAME biography What happened before camp? Personality Personality details About Me Birthdate: When were they born? Likes: List 5 or more Dislikes: List 5 or more Family: Mom: (Name and Age or Unknown) Dad: (Name and Age or Unknown) Siblings: (Names and Ages or None) Other: (Names, relationships, and ages) Happy Thoughts: Something that makes them happy Nightmares: Fears, etc. Fatal Flaw: Hubris? Inferiority Complex? Etc. PLAYED BY: YOUR ALIAS HERE FACE CLAIM: CELEBRITY NAME Use the application below to create your character. Please feel free to message @★Lilythe if you need coding help. <div class="appbody"> <div class="apphead"> FULL NAME </div> <div class="appimg"> <img alt="300x470" data-loaded="true" data-src="https://via.placeholder.com/300x470" src="http://camphalfbloodrp.com/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" style="height: auto; width: 300px;"> </div> <div class="appcont"> <h1> biography </h1> What happened before camp? <h1> Personality </h1> Personality details <h1> About Me </h1> <b>Birthdate:</b> When were they born?<br> <b>Likes:</b> List 5 or more<br> <b>Dislikes:</b> List 5 or more<br> <b>Family:</b> <ul> <li> Mom: </li> <li> (Name and Age or Unknown) </li> <li> Dad: </li> <li> (Name and Age or Unknown) </li> <li> Siblings: </li> <li> (Names and Ages or None) </li> <li> Other: </li> <li> (Names, relationships, and ages) </li> </ul> <b>Happy Thoughts:</b> Something that makes them happy<br> <b>Nightmares:</b> Fears, etc.<br> <b>Fatal Flaw:</b> Hubris? Inferiority Complex? Etc.<br> &nbsp; </div> <div class="appplayby"> PLAYED BY: YOUR ALIAS HERE </div> <div class="appfaceclaim"> FACE CLAIM: CELEBRITY NAME </div> </div>
  23. Application Tips and Tricks Have you ever wondered exactly what it is we look for when we are reviewing an application? Below is a list of things that we look for. Everything from the obvious to the perhaps more obscure. And at the end of the list are some suggestions to help streamline getting you app approved quickly! What We Look For Following the Rules First we check to make certain that all the site rules were followed. We double check that all the appropriate reserves were made. We make sure that anything you're applying for is one that isn't protected (or if it is, that you meet the requirements). Etc. This is the first checkpoint that alerts us if something will need to be fixed. The most common rule issue that occurs is the Godmodding one. If your character is too perfect, no flaws, etc. it will be brought up as part of the reason you're pended. So we highly recommend including some flaws to balance out strengths. Consistency with Canon The next thing we check for is making sure that your character is consistent with Percy Jackson lore. For example, everyone is claimed by their 13th year because canon says so, etc. This also includes our site canon. Internal Consistency Third, we check to make sure that it's consistent within itself. If you say your character's mother has died, but then later have the mother alive, this is inconsistent within itself. So we make sure that all things are consistent within your app as well. This includes personality information. Realism While this is a fantasy site, there is a point at which some things become too fantastical and can take other writers out of the moment. This can make some characters hard to write with. To help avoid this we simply look to see if what you're trying to create is realistic within the setting. Provide Enough History Make sure that if your character isn't 13 or younger that you provide plenty of information about their time at Camp. They lived and did things during this time, so show us! Tricks for Quick Turn Around Make Sure You Label It Ready for Review You would be surprised how many people forget to do this. Keep It Simple This doesn't mean don't provide detail. We want all the detail you can manage. But if you try to create a super complex and convoluted backstory it can take longer to double check the internal consistency, canon consistency, etc. It's also easier for you to make mistakes with consistency the more convoluted it is. So we highly recommend making sure that it's not too complex if you want a quick turnaround. Don't Be "Special" When we say this, we don't mean don't be unique or original. But one of the common application errors we get are people who either a) have their godly parent way more involved in their child's life than canon allows for or b) try to make their kid the opposite of their godly parent. Both of these things go against canon, and will pretty much guarantee that your application is pended. The uniqueness of the character should come from their experiences and their interactions with other characters, and the personality that grows and evolves based on these things.
  24. The Rules Character Enrichment subforums are designed for people to post their trackers, shippers, whatever else they might need to flesh out their characters. The rules are pretty simple. With the exception of the occasional sorting thread for adults, these are not roleplay forums. This allows the Unsorted Member group to post in them so unapped characters can plan things out. But as such we require that no RPs be done in these subforums. That would defeat the purpose of our application process. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in the removal of your subforum and a permanent warning placed on your account. Please only use your own subforum for development. Replying to shippers/etc. is fine, but don't start threads in forums of other members to develop your characters. You may only post in your own subforum for character development (i.e. Don't post in this forum for it either) Pretty simple, right? So if you would like a subforum of your very own, just fill out the following form and reply here. Alias: And then tag either @★Admin or @★Global Moderator and we'll come running!
  25. Main bulk of the wanted! This will scroll, of course! Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3 Trait 4 Trait 5 Wanted By: Your name! Character: Character name! Character Name/Title? ♔ Code: <center> <div class="fanpage"> <div class="fadeline"> &nbsp; </div> <div class="fade2"> &nbsp; </div> <div class="giffy"> <img alt="450x209" data-loaded="true" data-src="https://placehold.it/450x209" src="http://wizardingwirelessnetworks.com/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" style="width: 100%; height: auto;"> </div> <div class="words"> Main bulk of the wanted! This will scroll, of course! </div> <div class="words" style="width: 150px; left: 11px; height: 290px;"> <ul> <li> Trait 1 </li> <li> Trait 2 </li> <li> Trait 3 </li> <li> Trait 4 </li> <li> Trait 5 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="titlebox"> <b>Wanted By:</b> Your name!<br> <b>Character:</b> Character name! </div> <div class="hover"> Character Name/Title? </div> <div class="fancredit"> <a href="https://rpginitiative.com/profile/2592-penny/" rel="external nofollow">♔</a> </div> </div> </center>
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