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  1. As the sun sets, the campers begin to make their way down to the bonfire. At the beginning of every season now, it's almost like a ritual. All the new campers get claimed by their parent if the child is 13. Even some of the younger children get claimed from time to time. Nobody wants to miss a chance to welcome a new member to their cabin, or to find out where those particularly interesting individuals go. And so it was in that spring like many springs before it. The claiming.
  2. As the sun sets, the campers begin to make their way down to the bonfire. At the beginning of every season now, it's almost like a ritual. All the new campers get claimed by their parent if the child is 13. Even some of the younger children get claimed from time to time. Nobody wants to miss a chance to welcome a new member to their cabin, or to find out where those particularly interesting individuals go. And so it was in that spring like many springs before it. The claiming.
  3. As the sun sets, the campers begin to make their way down to the bonfire. At the beginning of every season now, it's almost like a ritual. All the new campers get claimed by their parent if the child is 13. Even some of the younger children get claimed from time to time. Nobody wants to miss a chance to welcome a new member to their cabin, or to find out where those particularly interesting individuals go. And so it was in that spring like many springs before it. The claiming.
  4. The bonfire fun only lasted a couple moments before there were some mouthy brats that wanted to start something with him. The older campers seemed to know who he was, well at least some of them. They had even gone so far as to try and stop the younger ones from death. They could thank ‘Mr. D’ for their lives being spared. However, that didn’t stop him from having a little fun with them. At the end of things however, he walked over to his children and found the main one he was looking for. Dustin. He walked over to him, watching the boy straighten up more. He reached up, grabbing the boy's ear and pulling him down. “Cabin five follow me.” he said to them all, watching them all very closely. He never let go of Dustin’s ear as he walked from the bonfire to the cabin that was made for him and his children. It was almost too dark to see the red color of the cabin now, but it was still there. Barbed wire wrapped around the roof. The boar seemed to be watching them as Ares led his children to their cabin. As he got to the door, he let Dustin’s ears go and walked into the main room. His leather boots hit the ground with thuds after each step. He started walking around the room as he waited for everyone to come into the cabin. “Line up.” he told them all, waiting and watching them. Hopefully they did as he said because he was losing his patience at this point.
  5. The Plot Continues... We are so pleased to announce the continuation scene of our Site Plot event with Ares! We highly encourage every member to read and follow along. We are telling the story of what happened that night after the events at the Bonfire! The link can be found here: A Talk with Dear old Dad Who can participate? Typically, when this tag is up it indicates that anyone can post who is appropriately listed as a participant. For this time, we ask that ONLY ARES CAMPERS post. Any posts not made by children of Ares or Ares himself will be deleted in this thread. This part of the story takes place between Ares and his kids only. If I don't have an Ares Camper... However, the continuation of the Bonfire thread is still open for anyone whose camper would have been there during Spring 2022 (Before June of this year) to join. Your character doesn't need to have been created before then--but they do need to have been present at camp before then (meaning that unclaimed children made on or after June 1st 2023 cannot participate at this time). Older campers would have been present at camp, however, and are free to join in!
  6. Weather Forecast May 8: Rainy, H: 58° F May 9: Partly Sunny, H: 70° F May 10: Sunny, H: 73° F May 11: Sunny, H: 75° F May 12: Sunny, H: 75° F May 13: Partly Sunny, H: 72° F May 14: Partly Sunny, H: 72° F New Arrivals at Camp There have been a few new arrivals at Camp Half-Blood since our last issue. Campers, please give a warm welcome to the following new campers: Hunter Betelgeuse Maddox Grimes Mason Grimes The Newly Claimed Some of our campers also were recently claimed. Congratulations on finding your family guys! Jules Vivian (Hebe) Maddox Grimes (Ares) Mason Grimes (Ares) May 8, 2022 Camp Half-Blood Press Rumblings on the Mountain Mount Olympus has been quiet for many years. Until very recently, we've heard not much of a peep from our godly parents outside of Mr. D's musings as he oversees us here at Camp Half-Blood. But good authority says that just recently, The Fates have found themselves called up to the city in the clouds to speak with none other than their father. No comment was available as to what they were summoned for. When asked for input, The Fates simply continued to knit a pair of purple and pink socks. Their silence could mean something sinister. Or it could simply be that they don't like talking to demigods. We may never know. Zeus was unavailable for comment, as the guard at the elevator wouldn't allow demigods up for 'such trivial matters'. More on this story as it develops. The Next Generation? Rumors have been flying across camp that a certain Daughter of Aphrodite and her boyfriend, a certain Son of Hecate, are experiencing some relationship distress. The morning after a certain God made an appearance, however, a ton of screaming and crying could be heard from Cabin 20. Confirmation as to whether Ms. Helena L'Amour spent the night with Mr. Mateo Sanz seems to be inconclusive. However, all of the Cabin 20 residents can agree that the two of them began screaming far too early in the morning for their cabin's taste. What were they screaming about? Apparently Helena is expecting and failed to tell her partner soon enough for his tastes. When asked for a comment on the subject, Helena simply sobbed. The poor girl seemed incredibly heartbroken over the ordeal. Mateo, by contrast, was nowhere to be found. This reporter wants to know: Is this the start of a new generation of Half-Bloods? Our interim Activities Director, Lilythe, refused to comment at this time. Godly visitors: Harbingers of Doom or Heralds of glory? For those who made it to the bonfire, it will come as little surprise to know that we had a second god in our midst last night. None other than Lord Ares himself deigned to come to Camp Half-Blood. He seemed fired up and ready to tussle. A few campers made the poor decision to insult the God. Ares unleashed his fury--or at least made them demonstrate their own fury--which caused quite a few injuries. Samantha Adams received some of the worst of it, and required the attention of an Apollo camper shortly after the situation dissipated. Ares could be seen walking off with his children towards their cabin. Little is known about what was discussed, and those in the Cabin appear to have been sworn to secrecy. Only time will tell if they will manage to retain that secret. It's been a long time since another god has come to camp. Those who have been at camp a while say that they are harbingers of ill-tidings. Something dark always seems to follow their presence. But many newer campers believe that the coming of the Gods to camp indicates a chance to bring glory to their names. Who's to know? Only time shall reveal whether or not this doom or glory.
  7. The Plot Begins... We are so pleased to announce that the first scene of our Site Plot has begun! We highly encourage every member to read and follow along. We are telling the story of how Zeus came to suspect his wife's treachery! The link can be found here: Actions Have Consequences Who can participate? Typically, when this tag is up it indicates that anyone can post who is appropriately listed as a participant. For this time, we ask that you read and not post. Any posts not made by Zeus or The Fates will be deleted in this thread. This part of the story takes place on Olympus and no demigods will be present. However, the next part will be coming very soon and we highly encourage people to participate in that. Keep an eye out for future updates in the coming weeks!
  8. Site Setting and Plot Timeline used to determine events prior to the site: https://time.graphics/line/398677 Current Year: 2022 Current Chapter: Prologue Overall Plot The Goddess Hera, having been cast out of Olympus for her part in the war against Gaia, grew very lonely. Fed up with her husband's infidelities, and not knowing when the other deities would allow her to return to Olympus, sought solace and revenge by taking on the guise of a mortal woman to have an affair of her own. Finding a male who fit her values in every way was difficult, as she did not wish to cause a married man to have an unwitting affair. But after some time passed she found such a man. A mortal man had loved his wife up until the day she died. Devoted and loyal, the man's wife had passed of an affliction after only five years of marriage. She left behind no children, and the man was very lonesome. Hera saw in this an opportunity to not only take revenge on Zeus, but to also bestow upon this man a gift for his devotion in marriage and love: a child. Hera came to the man's door, claiming that she sought to give him a gift. Happily he let her enter his home and a few days later she left him with their child (but much like the virgin goddesses she reproduced without intercourse, as she could not stoop to being physically unfaithful like her husband). When she did, she informed the man about the nature of their child and instructed him to send the child to Camp Half-Blood before the age of 13. The man was thankful to have someone to care for once more, and thanked Hera for the child. Hera, pleased with herself both because of her gift and having satisfied her petty need for vengeance, returned to aiding the Half-Bloods in their efforts against Gaia. When it came time for the goddess to return to Olympus, Hera kept her infidelity quiet. No one on Olympus would be the wiser. Except that now it nears the child’s 13th year. Hera will be forced to claim her child once they make it to camp, can Olympus, and Camp Half-Blood, survive what will follow? Twelve years have passed since then and the child is now of age to be claimed and has come to Camp Half-Blood. Prologue: And All Was Well... This story is just beginning, we are in the Prologue. At this time most of camp halfblood is blind to the inner machinations of the gods and their turmoil. But that doesn't mean they aren't scheming... (the plot will begin once there are enough campers to make it viable) Links to Chapter Relevant RPs Actions Have Consequences
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