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Camp Half-Blood RP

Silvio Suarez

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Silvio’s father, Hektor, was involved with the drug cartels. He got into it because it used to be his family business, but it was taken over by another family. Yet he still tended to the field of poppies that would later be reaped and harvest for its opioids.

He longed to be free and raise a family in a happy home. But he knew that could never be as he was bounded to his job and the business. If he were to escape he was a dead man for sure.

One day he met a beautiful lady. They talked a lot and shared an interest in botany. Hektor was delighted that he could talk about plants other than poppies and marijuana. They had a passionate encounter that resulted in a child they named Silvio. When Silvio arrived however, the woman Hektor called as his lover disappeared without a trace.

Even without his lover present, Hektor’s dream of having a family came true, for a while, with his son Silvio. However, when Silvio was just about to turn two years old their home was raided by the cartel. Nobody raise a family in the shadows of the cartel leader. Hektor broke the code, and for that he must pay. Now they were on the run. 

Hektor thought that they were all dead for sure, but somehow they always managed to escape. They ran and ran, from place to place.

This on the run lifestyle of his, eventually drained on Hektor. He felt such deep sorrow that he wanted to end it all. In a way, he did. For the years to come he would intoxicate his body and mind with alcohol, to distract him from whatever sadness and anger he had in him. With him being almost always drunk, Silvio had to learn to take care of himself and his father. His father still showed some love towards his son but also, intentionally or not, had abused him physically and emotionally. But Silvio was just a child, he did not understand much of what was happening.

Just before Silvio turned thirteen, the cartels found them. Hektor was ‘in debt’ with the cartel leader, for his freedom and family. But with no money to pay his debt, he had to pay it with his life, and son. They tortured him in his own house, in front of his own son. Silvio could do nothing as he was forced to watch the horrors before his father was finally killed.

They then abducted Silvio and would raise him as their own. But on their journey back their vehicle suddenly rolled over. Somehow Silvio survived the accident. While his abductors were still unconscious, he took the chance and escaped. He ran as fast as he could, into the forest. He ran for days, terrified of what was behind him. He never want to look back ever again.

In the cover of the darkness of one night, something caught up to him. Something big had pounced on him. He shrieked in fear. At first Silvio thought that it was a bear, but he felt like it was something much more sinister after staring into those glowing red eyes. Then something else had rushed in and knocked the creature off of him. In the glimpses of the moonlight, Silvio made out horns and hooves on a big tall figure. The red eyed creature snarled. Now having a more proper look at it it looked more like a canine, a big one, it could be a wolf. But those red eyes tell something else.

Silvio just watched as the tall figure dealt with the red eyed creature swiftly. Once the creature fleed, the tall figure turned to the frightened Silvio, “Are you hurt?”.

It was a Satyr who saved Silvio. The Satyr then explained that he was sent to bring him to the sanctuary of Camp Half-Blood. Silvio asked a few questions, like what that creature was, what the camp was. The Satyr calmly explained that the red eyed creature was a hellhound, and that there would be more monsters going after him. 

Silvio thought about it, with the cartels on his tail and monsters thirsting after his blood. Following this satyr might just be the best option he had.

It was a quiet journey to the camp.

Looking back at his childhood now, everything felt like a blur. He couldn’t remember much of what had happened. Only glimpses and flashes of memories. He would get dreams of his father, or certain things would trigger his memory and remind him of certain events from his past.

But he does not like to dwell, he likes to keep himself distracted and occupied. He likes to suppress. But all of it will come back to haunt him.

When Silvio arrived at Camp Half-Blood, he was very confused of everything. But by observing others, he began to learn and understand. He did not speak much. 

Before the fire, the symbol of sickle and wheat appeared above him. He had been claimed he heard. By the Goddess Demeter.

He felt at home when he stepped into the Demeter Cabin. With the soft grass below his feet, the smell of flowers that grew just outside the walls and the oak tree growing at the centre.

During his time at the camp, he didn’t interact much with the others. He preferred to be a wallflower, in the background. He especially loved reading. He does struggle with reading and still have difficulties getting through a book. But this has never stopped him from enjoying a book and all the new knowledge and new learnings he would gain from it.

He read everything he could find about his mother first. Attempting to get in touch with that side of himself. Eventually he learned that he had some control over plants. It did take him a few while to learn how to use his powers but he managed a certain level of mastery over it.

Silvio was interested in reading on herbs, getting to know the uses of certain plants. Some are deadly, some are beneficial. He became knowledgable of plant types and their uses. 

He had never been much of a fighter. His strikes were weak and his reflexes were slower than average. So he had requested to volunteer in the infirmary instead where he could be of more help. It did take him a while to learn the art of medicine, but he studied hard. He read books on it, observed the children of Apollo, and eventually learned a thing or two.

Besides the infirmary, he liked to spend his time in the kitchen, where he will be helping preparing meals. He had developed a natural talent for cooking ever since he joined the camp, and was a familiar face in the kitchen. He really enjoyed the kitchen atmosphere, it felt comfortable to him in a way he couldn’t explain. Sometimes he would teach others how to chop certain vegetables, suggest what ingredients they should add and if the meal need any adjustments with its seasoning. He never boast or look down on others for doing things wrong, he’d simply teach them, and he feels more than happy feeding a few mouths. Even though they probably wouldn’t know that he had cooked for them.


Silvio is a gentle and kind-hearted person. But he also bites.

He is very shy and closed-off when you first get to know him. But once he gets comfortable enough he will show you his more expressive and cheerful side.

He is often found being by himself doing his own thing, this could be reading, bird watching, prepping food, etc. But he would always welcome a companion. He’s just shy, but he’s actually very friendly.

Silvio likes people, he loves to observe them, their behaviour, what they like, what ticks them. He appreciate all their beauty and flaws, like a rose.

Being more on the gentle side, he chooses to see the good in people. Though this might sound good, he trust too easily that he get used easily as well; And most of the time he would not even realise that he had been used. You would not be wrong if you were to call him naive.

This does not mean that he would not snap or incapable of putting two and two together. If he somehow manages to see through things and feels as if things did not make sense, he will try to speak out his thoughts. This is especially if there is a continuity error, he notices small details like this often and would point it out. 

He often notices small changes to details, like one’s haircut, if someone had touched the food cabinet, the amount of daisies that grows outside the porch, etc.

Having an abusive father and having to always take care of him, Silvio developed an avoidance to intimacy despite craving for them. This is reflected by how he enjoys making friends and having romantic interests but as soon as the other person starts to get too close and things begin to get serious he would run away in fear, ghosting, isolating himself, silent treatment are the things he would do often in his relationships.

It is also important to mention how emotional Silvio is as a person. He feels his emotions intensely and easily absorbs the emotions of others. He also often gives in to his emotional desires like cravings and often act without thinking. This had led him to many misadventures.

Though gentle he is, he will stand his ground and defend what he believes in. He might not be what you call a warrior with sword and armor but he has his own way of fighting.

About Me

Birthdate: 11th October 2003
Likes: Flowers, Reading, Tea, Music, Singing, Breezes, Food
Dislikes: Storms, The Ocean, Cheese, Strenuous Physical Activities, Bugs
  • Mom:
  • Demeter
  • Dad:
  • Hektor Suarez, 42 (Deceased)
  • Siblings:
  • None

Happy Thoughts: The warm sun rays shining through the parting of leaves of the forest trees as a breeze rustles through carrying along the scent of poppies. The daisies that grow along the porch. The smell of pancakes and syrup. The smell of roasted chicken, the warmth of the flickering flames and distant laughters.
Nightmares: His father’s abuse. His father being tortured and murdered. He fears his own emotions, anger, guilt, sorrow, loneliness.
Fatal Flaw: Emotional driven, reckless and irrational behaviours.

FACE CLAIM: Omar Rudberg
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You're off to a great start! There's just a couple of things that need tweaking. Please check your inbox for a letter from our staff explaining what we've found.
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