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Camp Half-Blood RP

Whispers of Jealousy

Celeste Hadzis

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If it was one thing that Celeste loved to toy with was a Demi-god by the name of Arsen. The two of them were around the same age. So coming to camp when she was 12 years old was when she first remembers meeting the devilishly handsome demi-god. At first she felt drawn to him as the two of them were both super rich. It was a different life style that most would never understand. Always going to the same events with their parents. This was a recipe for disaster as Celeste found herself always getting into this trouble or that with Arsen. Over the years she had ever found herself obsessed with him!!!! Always wanting his attention and his time as she wanted him just to herself. Maybe it was the fact that so many fawned over him or was it that he had seen her for her and still stayed around.....either way she was determined to have him.

It had been awhile since she had seen him...was he ignoring her messages???? She had of course tried to reach him which was hard when they could not have phones due to monsters always luring to them because of it. Celeste had gotten permission to be off camp grounds so she got herself all pretty as she was hoping to go to Arsen's family building in New York. Hoping that maybe he would be there. He would see her if he was!!! 

Getting to the building she walked in as if she owned the place, Looking around as she went to the front desk where she asked for Arsen. "Is Arsen in today?" she said while she was sucking on a lollipop. The smirk grew on her face as she looked at the security officer on duty. He told her, that he was but would not see her. "UMMMM EXCUSE ME, I AM CELESTE HADZIS AND I WILL GET MY WAY" her face changed in an instant as she then began to run around tearing up the lobby. Breaking vases and throwing pillows around. "Tell him that every moment he waits in another thing broken" her eyes were full of chaos.

@ Arsen Harrington

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Arsen had learned to separate his life in New York from his life at camp. It was pretty easy at times since he didn't have access to his phone or other forms of communication. His friends back home had gotten used to his disappearances over time and when he came back they were more than happy to catch him up on everything he had missed. But every so often there was one person that was particularly hard to let go of. Arsen had grown up with Celeste. His father was friends with her mother and considering they both had something very unique in common, it was no surprise his father had wanted them to get along in hopes he wouldn't feel so alone in his situation.

Growing up with Celeste was interesting and she was anything but tame. In fact, the girl was quite wild and at times too much for him to deal with at a time. When he had been a teenager, she had been fun but after that, she was more trouble than what he thought she was worth and he had started to only come around when he needed something from her. Arsen was not above using people for his own benefit, and she was no exception. But that only meant he would see her on his own terms, or so he liked to believe.

Which brought them to the current situation. It was one of those times when Arsen actually had to be at the office since there was an important meeting with stock holders and despite his unreliable nature, he still had an important vote in the board meetings. Which honestly, bored him to death. He leaned back against his chair, half listening when one of the secretaries walked in. "Mr. Harrington? There is a woman here for you. Celeste Hadzis she said her name was. I'm afraid she is being insistent." Arsen looked up and simply dismissed the secretary. His usual tell her I'm not here rolled out of his tongue rolled out so effortlessly that he barely noticed it.

Putting that matter to rest, or so he thought, the secretary came back and he noticed the frantic look on her face. It was enough to bring the meeting to an abrupt halt, with the board members looking at him with slight annoyance. "I'm afraid sir, that she won't leave and I am being told things are being broken." Arsen looked at her with confusion but he groaned as he got up from his chair and followed her outside, excusing himself from the meeting. On one end he was relieved to be out of there but on the other, anything Celeste was a no go.

With all the energy he could muster, he got himself to the scene of the chaos and when he saw her, he simply sighed to himself, walked over to her and grabbed her by the arm. "Thank you, gentlemen. I got it from here," he told his staff before pulling Celeste away from them and bringing her to face her. He was holding her tightly but he was cautious not to hurt her. He didn't want to add to the crazy. "Okay, so you have my attention. What do you want?"

Edited by Arsen Harrington
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As Arsen's firm grasp tugs her away from the tumultuous scene she had ignited, Celeste experiences a surge of conflicting emotions – a mixture of excitement and irritation coursing through her veins. His eyes lock onto hers with an intensity that matches his grip; it's a hold that conveys authority yet lacks brutality. It feels akin to an attempt to corral a spirited creature, an analogy that aggravates her. Attempting to extricate herself, she realizes his grip only tightens, indicating he won't let her evade without providing answers. Succumbing to the unyielding pressure, she relents, her glare defiant but fading. "You know, Arsen, it's been quite some time since you took the trouble to see me," she retorts with an effort to veil her irritation. "I sent you messages, practically begged for your attention, and you chose to ignore me. Have you any idea how that feels?"

A sigh of exasperation slips from her lips, as she struggles to maintain a composed tone. "You just don't understand, do you? This is about us, Arsen. About the shared experiences we've endured, and the belief I held that we shared something meaningful. Yet, you treat me as though I'm expendable, a mere diversion you can engage with on a whim.

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Arsen was well aware of his reputation. Hell, he had worked hard to cultivate it himself. He knew what Celeste was talking about. All of those nights they had stayed up, talking, partying, doing what teenagers did, it had meant something to him. They had once been some of the most influential kids in New York, growing up together, going to extravagant events and throwing their own soirees. They relish in their ability to go from being at the top of their game in the city and continue their exploits at camp. Celeste was perhaps the one person that knew everything about Arsen. All the dirty secrets, all the things they had to do to get themselves out of trouble. She could let it all come crushing down on him. Besides his sister, Arsen always trusted Celeste, but that had been then. Now things were different.

And he couldn't quite tell you when things had changed or why. It wasn't like he had gone through some extravagant character growth. He had grown but he was still pretty much the same clueless jackass he had been before. His grip on Celeste' arm didn't soften because as beautiful as she was, she was a hurricane and it took a lot for Arsen to deal with her on a daily basis. Maybe that had been the reason he had let go. He just needed a break from the crazy. "What about us?" Arsen said with a sigh. "I mean, evidently I do know how it feels since you are here telling me about it yourself. I needed a break Celeste. You are not expandable, in fact, you are too much. You can't blame me for wanting a little distance. Especially given how you did it to me first."

Edited by Arsen Harrington
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Celeste's eyes narrow at Arsen's words, a mixture of frustration and hurt bubbling within her. "A break, Arsen? Is that really what you think this is about?" Her voice trembles with a hint of vulnerability, her facade of indifference cracking. "It's not about needing space; it's about feeling abandoned. You disappeared without a word, without a trace, and I was left wondering if I had done something wrong. Do you know how that messes with someone's head?"  She takes a deep breath, attempting to regain her composure. As if she was performing a play she put her hand on her head like woe is my life with her free arm!!! "I thought we were different, that we had a connection that went beyond all this chaos. But maybe I was wrong." She pulls her arm from his grasp, the finality of her gesture hanging heavily in the air. "If you can't see that, Arsen, then maybe it's time for both of us to move on....I just thought we shared something but maybe I am not enough" With that, Celeste turns away, her heart heavy with disappointment and regret. 

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What was Arsen supposed to do in that moment? Tell her the truth? It felt so wrong to tell her exactly what was on her mind. That was Asher's doing. Not his. He had a hard time telling people what he thought of them. It was much more easier to simply walk away and avoid the whole thing altogether. He avoided awkward, being the sort of person that ghosted and right now, ghosting was in order. He listened to her and avoided rolling his eyes like he so desperately wanted to. He wanted her to go. She was causing a scene and could see it through the eyes of everyone that walked around them. But it was too late. 

Celeste could be crazy and jealous but Arsen couldn't deny that she drew him into her. She was like a magnet. One he couldn't let go of and was constantly within his reach. Finally, he sighed and didn't held on as she free herself from his grip. "What do you want me to say?" He shrugged. "Obviously you are enough. It is just me. I have a lot going on and come on, Celeste, since when are we exclusive? Surely you know that what we have is about fun and having someone to come to when we need a break from our families and our responsibilities. You can't tell me that I am exactly what you want."

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Celeste whirls around to face Arsen once more, her eyes ablaze with an intensity that matches her emotions. She takes a step closer, closing the gap between them, until they're nose to nose. Her hand shoots out, grabbing the collar of his shirt firmly, and she leans in, her lips dangerously close to his, as if she's about to kiss him. In that moment, all the unresolved tension and passion surges between them, the world around them fading into obscurity. "You think you can just dismiss what we have as some casual fling, Arsen?" she murmurs, her breath warm against his lips. "You can't deny there's something more, something electric between us." Her grip tightens on his collar as she inches even closer, her eyes searching his for a sign of surrender. "I want you to admit it, right here, right now. Tell me you feel it too."

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Arsen knew what Celeste was talking about. He wouldn't admit it to her, in fact, he didn't want to admit it to anyone. He knew that she was right. What they had had always been intense and it had always been electric and for some reason that defied all logic, it had been the best thing to have happened to him. She had a hold over him, with her enigmatic beauty and intensity. She drew him in every time he wanted to walk away. He couldn't describe it and he couldn't escape it. Despite knowing just how messed up it really was. Their entire lives, even when they had been children and hadn't known any better, they were always coming back to each other, eager for more.

Arsen sighed and was quick to look away from her. She was asking him for too much. Arsen never wanted to be linked to anyone and he sure as hell didn't want to allow himself to grant her that power but he knew Celeste. She was crazy, in both a pleasant and unpleasant way. He didn't want to rile her up because doing so would create a bigger problem for him to deal with. He looked at her, glancing at her icy blue eyes and knew then though that despite the craziness, there was the good. When it was good, it was great. When they were together and the jealousy and the resentment and the craziness was at bay, they were good and it was good. 

Honestly, why couldn't just be that way all the time and keep their toxicity at bay. "Look Celeste, it is not that. It is just-" He shrugged. "I mean, what do you want from me? What are you looking for here? My attention? What is it?"

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