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Camp Half-Blood RP

Along the North Woods We Go

Elena Clarke

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Elena had been wandering about camp thinking of ways to approach this someone in her heart this Fall. To be honest after she had let her feelings out she became a little bit un-Aresed. She didn’t want her brothers or anyone to find out about how she was doing or struggling herself as they would grow protective of her…..period. But yeah, she had her heart sorted out and it was now only down to this guy….that surf boy. Part of her already knew how it would turn out and she only needed to be honest to herself. Speaking of honesty, her blood did all the work so she was glad that she was an Ares child. Her mind wandering aimlessly as she walked along the forest of the camp, nearing the boundary as she watched whether there was any sign of monsters, then she could relieve her thoughts out by fighting them. At least it was a way to let out her thoughts or she would be really troubled till who knows when. 


@ Finley Walker


Edited by Elena Clarke
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  • Elena Clarke changed the title to Along the North Woods We Go

Finley observed Elena from a distance as she meandered through the camp, lost in her own thoughts. Her demeanor seemed distant, a clear indication of an internal struggle. Leaning casually against a tree, his surfboard propped up against his leg, Finley's gaze remained fixed on her every move. The conflicted look on her face intrigued him, and he couldn't help but wonder about the thoughts that were consuming her. As Elena neared the boundary of the camp, a flicker of concern crossed Finley's mind. He knew her strength well, being a child of Ares, yet his worry for her safety still lingered. He'd witnessed her fierce determination in action, taking on monsters with an unwavering resolve. It was that very spirit that had initially drawn him to her. Adjusting his hold on the surfboard, his fingers traced the intricate pattern on its surface as he contemplated whether to approach her. With a decisive push away from the tree, Finley started making his way toward Elena. "Hey, Elena," his voice carried a warm, friendly tone, accompanied by a faint smile. "Would you mind some company?" he motioned towards the forest, indicating a casual stroll. 

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Elena was indeed lost in thoughts for the moment amongst the trees in the woods. She wasn’t looking where she was going, only hoping any sign of monsters coming by, or maybe other creatures who would kindly confront her so that she could have a fight or something. But yeah it was just to relieve her complex feelings. Surely she could resolve them sooner. And it came true as she heard a voice from nearby, someone familiar yet a little heartbreaking. She could recognise his voice anywhere but she also know he was nothing but trouble, thanks to her brother’s advice. Though her heart would always bounce back to him and she didn’t know why. "Fin……sure……….Surfing again? " She had distanced from him for awhile and now that she was looking at him again, her feelings resurfaced. Had they not kissed before she wouldn’t be blushing again now. But still she knew he had contact with other girls so that thought really made her want to punch him.
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Finley and Elena continued their walk through the forest, the quiet serenity of the woods providing a stark contrast to the turmoil that seemed to engulf what he felt inside. Finley had seen Elena's fierce, determined side in action but had also sensed a vulnerability in her that intrigued him. He appreciated her willingness to share her company, and he wanted to help ease whatever was troubling her. "Yeah, I figured a bit of surfing can clear the mind," Finley responded, brushing a hand through his hair as they walked. The forest floor crunched underfoot, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves above, adding to the peaceful atmosphere. A moment of silence lingered, during which Finley noticed Elena's gaze flickering toward him. There was a palpable tension between them, unspoken words hanging in the air.  Finley turned his attention to her, noting the blush that colored her cheeks as she mentioned surfing and their complicated relationship. His heart quickened, her words stirring something deep within him. "Yeah, I've been hitting the waves," he admitted, his lips curving into a sheepish grin. "But you know, it's not quite the same without a certain someone to share it with." He hoped that his words conveyed the sincerity he felt, the unspoken truth between them hinting at the complex emotions they shared.

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Elena was already on the verge to punch him, at the thought of any possible girl who would be hanging out with him when she wasn’t around. But what could she do, she does love him after all, even now still. She had became friends with Miro and even then she hadn’t kissed him either, knowing she didn’t have feelings for him, but very grateful to him. She walked silently, for once today, awaiting for some creature to step up and break the silence, until Fin began again, in which she couldn’t resist looking at his face directly, or maybe the eyes which were very attractive to her. She was wondering if his heart only had her, and building up questions to ask him later. She had nodded as he mentioned he had been surfing, it was already usual in her mind that he would always be out in the sea. That was his usual thing. She then began to wonder whether he was always a surf boy or if he has other stuff to do other than that…… Okay, that wasn’t what she was supposed to be thinking about now! She couldn’t help to linger within his words, that he appreciated the surfing more with someone to share his joy with. Deep down she had recalled how much happiness there was surfing with him, and him teaching her before, then her mind turned to something odd as she wondered if he had surfed with others as well. Ares her had to fill her blood with bits of anger, and it surfed her from the inside, which made her break out her silence after a little bit of walk in the woods. "Well that’s nice Fin, I’m glad you’re still surfing and all, but………I’ve always been wondering Fin………Are you always around girls….. hanging out with so many? “ For once she wanted to hit the tree and relief her pain, but right now she wanted to hear what he had to say, and whatever he had to say she would to listen. Her heart was poured all out anyways. 

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