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Camp Half-Blood RP

Alexia Bluesea

Alexia Bluesea

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Alexia Bluesea 


Her mother Mary was a marine researcher in California, who enjoyed diving to watch underwater life and research animals, had a small house near the beach and lived healthily, enjoying nature. One day she went out on a boat with some friends, the sky was clear and the sea calm, they started drinking and having fun, not realizing that the sky was changing, until they were trapped in the storm, their boat started capsizing because of the strong winds and Mary began to cry, believing that this was the end of her, as she was about to drown, the boat now sunken. But just before closing her eyes and passing out she saw a figure coming towards her, almost a spirit descended from the sky. When she woke up she was back on the beach and the figure she had seen earlier turned out to be a very kind man who helped with her wounds and saved her life. That man, unbeknownst to Mary, was Triton. The two continued to see each other and became lovers until, about 9 months later, they had a daughter, Alexia. Shortly after Alexia was born, however, the man walked away, leaving Mary alone and in despair, she did not become depressed only thanks to the loving presence of her daughter, she raised her to become a kind and helpful person with everyone. She hadn't a easy time at school, words joked with her every time, she had dyslexia. Alexia's true love was the ocean, she was always near the water and played there for hours, she felt at home and never left the beach even if the sea was stormy, indeed, if she felt even more attracted by it, when the winds were strong, she needed her mother to take her home. When Alexia was older her mom remarried, she wasn't happy about it at first, she ran away from home and fled to the coast, here she met a thin boy, he looked like a homeless man, and she helped him. She and that boy immediately became friends, his name was David, he was the one who convinced her to go home and accept her new family situation. Slowly Alexia warmed up with her mother's husband who treated her as if she were his daughter, after a few months of her life, a little sister was born, Lily, whom she loves so much. Years went by and one day a strange episode happened, she felt observed every time she went somewhere and at school she could feel the teachers watching her with a much higher interest than usual. She told David about it and he blanched, became worried about her, when, the next day, Alexia showed him her suspicions at school of her he made a frantic face and asked if he could talk to her mother about her. The girl agreed and took David to her home, there she learned from her friend that she was a demigod, her father was a god and that the right place for her was the half-blood camp. David, who was in fact not a normal boy but a satyr, explained that the teachers who were so mean with Alexia, watching she as she was a meal, were in fact monsters, Camp Half Blood was a refuge from monsters like them, who would have attacked her soon.

Mary seemed to understand his explanation and agreed to take her and David up to the camp, with the promise, however, that she would come back to see them when she could. Alexia struggled to accept the new order of things, understanding the true identity of her father, who had abandoned her as a child.

When she arrived at the camp, she struggled the first months, all so new for her... she arrived at 12 and a few days after her arrival she got claimed, her dad was Triton. She worked to accept her new identity but, she managed to make a lot friends thanks to her warming personality very fast. Those friends where the ones that truly helped her to adapt there. Now, if she's not in the beach watching the waves come and go you can surely find her in the volleyball camp, trying to find some mates for a match. 


Alexia grew up in a kind and peaceful environment and this has poured into her character, she is always very polite with everyone, she likes to listen to and understand points of view, she loves talking to people, about anything and sometimes she can even be defined meddling because of his great curiosity. Despite her normal kindness, however, she is a girl who takes everything too much to heart and experiences strong emotions, even negative ones, she does not easily accept changes and strongly opposes anyone who wants to take away her freedom and decision-making ability, she describes her feelings like tropical storms, unpredictable. She attaches to people quickly and is deeply influenced by them. She does not forget a wrong and usually takes revenge for it.

About Me

Birthdate: 2 July 2003
Likes: water, beach, volleyball, sea, summer, seafood, surfing, kind people, politness, blueberries, card games
Dislikes: ignorance, cold places, strawberries, metal music, eggs
  • Mom:
  • Mary Bluesea (45)
  • Dad:
  • Triton
  • Siblings: 
  • Lily Bluesea (half sister, 7)
  • Other:
  • Steve Jones (stepfather, 42)

Happy Thoughts: a day at the beach having fun in the waves, playing with her little sister

Nightmares: no longer be listened to, taken into consideration, be ignored
Fatal Flaw: having too much confidence in her abilities during a battle

Edited by Alexia Bluesea
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You're off to a great start! There's just a couple of things that need tweaking. Please check your inbox for a letter from our staff explaining what we've found.
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You're off to a great start! There's just a couple of things that need tweaking. Please check your inbox for a letter from our staff explaining what we've found.
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