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Camp Half-Blood RP

Cora Laine

Cora Laine

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Cora Laine


Cora was born at midnight on December 1st, sadly her mother didn't survive the birth. Cora was taken home to be raised by her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Laine. 

Her grandparents hated her, they blamed her for their only child's death, and she resembled her mother, which only made it worse. As she grew up, her grandparents shunned her and told her, that it was her fault her mother was dead. 

By the time Cora was 6, her grandparents made her move to the basement, they would lock her down there, thinking that she hated it, but really, she loved it being in the dark with little light and able to do pretty much whatever she wanted, she was quite content on her own. She didn't know why they did it, but she never cared to ask. 

Going through school she noticed that kids seemed scared of her, which kind of bothered her at first. At first, she wanted friends but the harder she tried the worst the hurt was when kids would run off screaming. Cora gave in and started to embrace her appearance, acting as scary as kids thought she was. She had no idea that she was projecting their fears at them. 

When Cora got into 6th grade she meets a boy name Avery, who seemed to be a bit scared of her, but he pressed through to her and became her best friend. She still walked around like she was some badass scary person, even though deep down she just wanted to be liked. Even her grandparents were scared of her, they hardly even talked to her at this point. 

When she was 12 and half some type of shadow monster attacked her while she was out walking around her neighborhood at dusk, it was her favorite time of the day. She tried to run from it but it was faster, so she tried to fight with it, but she was losing. Just as she went flying a crossed the street, she seen something come running up and attack the monster. Standing to her feet, she noticed it was her friend Avery, but something was different about him. 

Avery was able to get the monster to leave for now. When he came over to Cora her eyes were wide, she couldn't believe what she was seeing "What are you?!" she exclaimed. Avery her hand and with a smile he said he was a Satyr and she needed to get to camp half blood. Cora wasn't sure if she should believe him or not, but the thought of leaving her grandparents' house and starting over somewhere that was supposed to have others like her, it made her excited. Following him back to her grandparents house, she was slightly worried what they might think. But when Avery said she needed to leave here, Mr. and Mrs. Laine barely gave him time to explain, interrupting to say "good redans"

After a long few days of traveling with Avery they arrived at the camp. Cora was soon claimed by her father Phobos, and learned that she had a younger half brother who lived at camp. She stayed at camp, she did not want to go back to her home for school or anything. She was finally happy. Spending her days mostly with her brother, and walking the woods at dusk.


Cora still likes to think of herself as a badass, but since coming to the camp, she learned about her power and realized that she could control it. This realization made her extremely happy, she started to make all kinds of friends throughout the camp. 

She isn't one to shy away from virtually anything. She loves to be surrounded by people. She does have a dark side, if you pick on her or someone she cares about, she is not afraid to use her power on said person. 

Cora's favorite place to be is out by the lake at night. During the day she is either with her friends or with her brother. 

She can be one of the sweetest persons you ever meet, or one of the scariest persons you ever meet. You choose your desired experience with her. 

About Me

Birthdate: December 1st 2003
Likes: Dark colors, The night, making friends, Halloween, Hunted Houses, Fall
Dislikes: Bright colors, summer, winter, school, reading
  • Mom:
  • Dead
  • Dad:
  • Phobos
  • Siblings:
  • Half brother from father
  • Other:
  • Mr. and Mrs. Laine, Grandparents
Happy Thoughts: Being at camp away from her grandparents
Nightmares: Being sent back to live with her grandparents
Fatal Flaw: Lack of Self control
FACE CLAIM: Chloe Grace Moretz
Edited by Cora Laine
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You're off to a great start! There's just a couple of things that need tweaking. Please check your inbox for a letter from our staff explaining what we've found.
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