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Camp Half-Blood RP

Thalia Grace

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The Storyteller
Thalia Grace


Born to Zeus and Beryl Grace, Thalia is the first of 2 demigod children she bore. Zeus left the house immediately after her birth--not atypical for godly parents--but it caused Beryl to become unstable. She began to think she was better than all other mortals for catching his attention. He returned when Thalia was seven, but as his Roman personality Jupiter (a small, but important distinction!), and gave Beryl another son by the name of Jason. Zeus, in the form of Jupiter, attempted to stick around longer, and seemed a bit more fatherly, if strict, as his Roman Aspect. But Beryl managed to pester him so much about giving her eternal beauty or a visit to Olympus that he eventually left once more. Beryl descended into alcoholism and any chance at childhood was lost for Thalia. 

When Thalia was nine, her mother took her and her small brother on a picnic, but tragedy struck. Juno stole Jason away. Thalia returned from a brief time away to find her mother crying and her brother gone. To Thalia this was the 'last straw' with her mother and she ran away. Thalia believed her brother dead for many years after that, and refuses to use her last name of "Grace" as a result, unless absolutely necessary.

Shortly after running away Thalia follows the mythical goat Amaltheia and meets Luke Castellan, a demigod child of Hermes. The two became fast friends, and even developed some romantic feelings for one another, briefly, after their time together. After 3 years with just the two of them dodging monsters and running around following Amaltheia, they came across...



About Me

Birthdate: December 22, 1987 
Likes: --
Dislikes: --
  • Mom:
    • Beryl Grace
  • Dad:
    • Zeus
  • Siblings:
    • Jason Grace (deceased)
  • Other:
    • Best friends include Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase
Happy Thoughts: --
Nightmares: Thalia is Acrophobic and afraid of Heights, despite being a child of Zeus.
Fatal Flaw: Weak to resist power (mimicking her father, Zeus). She has an additional fatal flaw of being stubborn especially when it comes to finishing tasks or quests she has started.
Artist: Viktoria Ridzel (will be replaced when cast is announced)
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