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Camp Half-Blood RP

Dustin Graves

Dustin Graves

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Dustin Clyde Graves
River Viiperi photo 50 of 59 pics, wallpaper - photo #527727 - ThePlace2


Dustin was born in Gaston, South Carolina, on a hot day to a woman named Amy Graves and Ares. Amy had a hard time giving birth to him as her once strong figure had slowly started to tare down during the pregnancy's. Dustin came out a healthy baby, but his mother wasn't the same. 

As he grew up his mother began to wonder why she wasn't good enough for Ares to come back to her, and stay to raise his son. She slowly started to drive herself insane until she was locked up when Dustin turned nine. 

After his mother was locked up, Dustin was placed in a home for boys. The leaders of the home soon found it hard to control the boy. His behaver had become a problem. Though he seemed to have a friend that seemed to accompany him in all his troubles. 

It was after Dustin turned ten that he ran away with his friend after hurting a boy in his room. It was then that he ran into a strange creature who told them that he was there to help them. Dustin didn't believe it one bit but going anywhere was better than staying there and getting into trouble with the law. 

Once he entered the camp he was taken to a big blue house with sparked his curiosity. In the house he meet a woman by the name of Lilythe and she had told him why he was there. Honestly, all he wanted to do was run away.

That was until he got to go around camp and started meeting the people around that he started to realize why her mother was sent away. His father claimed him and he was soon off to Cabin five with his brothers and sisters. Something that he would soon get used to. 

It's been seven years since he was brought to the camp and he hadn't left it yet. Only to go on some quest here and there, but now, he's seventeen years old and cabin leader. He helps in the big house when he is needed but you can find him more often on the battle field training with anyone that is willing to go against him. 


  Dustin is a hot headed Ares child. Many things seem to set him off. Asking to many questions, unless they are a new camper, No winning a battle. He seemingly wakes up in a bad mood. He also take pride in making others mad. 

He loves and is extremely proud of his cabin. His brother and sisters are the closest things he has anymore and he would go through hell to protect them. To his family he is loyal and to those who he is closer to. 

Being a child of Ares, his pride takes control sometimes. It gets in the way of him making clear decisions, which can cause many problems for him. Normally during this Lilythe is called.

Dustin knows he hot, and he plays on that with the ladies. It also helps that he is very charismatic. His cunning can help with that as well as his manipulative side. He has no issues with talking people into doing his dirty work for him. 

About Me

Birthday:August 18,2003
Likes: Loud Rock Music, helping others when convenient for him, His cabin, War Games, battles, flirting shamelessly, working out, testing out weapons, Arguing with people
Dislikes: People smarting off to him, Having to work in the big house, Getting into trouble with Lilythe, Pissing his father off, Being stuck not being able to do much, someone messing with his brother/sisters, talking about his mother
  • Mom:
  • Amy Graves, 43
  • Dad:
  • Ares
  • Siblings:
  • Cabin five
  • Other:
  • none
Happy Thoughts: Arriving at Camp, first time holding a weapon, his first battle, Krystal and him dating
Nightmares: Losing one of his siblings, Being the last one the battle field alive, Not being able to return to Camp halfblood
Fatal Flaw: Hubris. He wants to be the best.
PLAYED BY: NickyNack
FACE CLAIM: River Viiperi
Edited by Dustin Graves
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