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Octavia Davis

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Octavia Davis
Jade Weber :: Gallery


Octavia was born in November to Mister Davis. He had been working at a casino when he meet her mother. However, when he meet her he wasn't working, rather he was winning big at a card table. Blackjack seemed to be his favorite. He and Octavia's mother seemed to hit it off pretty well. By the end of the night. He had won many times over and decided to celebrate a little. Nine months later, he found himself a single father of a pretty little girl. 

Growing up, Octavia had to be brought to the casino with her dad as he had no other family that would help take care of her. His boss didn't seem to care all to much. Matter of fact, the boss would have her sit with him when her father had been out on the floor. The man was like a second father to her. 

During the next couple years of her life, her father had found that she liked playing with cards. However, go-fish seemed to be her favorite. It seemed that no matter what he done she had always ended up winning in the end. Then came the pennies. 

One day she had been walking with her father when she seen a penny that was laying face up on the ground. Her father had said that anytime she seen a penny like that, it was good luck and that she should keep it. Thus started the penny collection. Many pennies later, she had ended up finding a penny that helped her father and herself get on their feet a little more. He was able to get them a better house and all was good.  Until it wasn't. 

As Octavia got older more odd things started happening. She had told her father that monsters were appear and scare her. It wasn't until one day when school happened to be out, while she was with her dad's boss that something scary really did happen. 

The monsters that she had told her father about came to his job and started causing trouble. Through all the chaos, she could see her father yelling, an older boy, who seemed to be holding a sword and her father's boss, who at the moment was just half a man, but the rest of him scared her. He had furry legs and hoofs. 

She let out a scream and then she was covered in someone's arms and she heard them say that everything was going to be okay. That was the last thing she remembered before passing out. 


Octavia likes anything that is fun. She loves to dance and sing and will make up her own songs(that will change once she is older). She is sometimes shy especially when things are new to her. 

She loves to talk about her penny collection, how and when she found them. She is always trying to help people win and will cheer them on. 

She can be very clingy to a person that she trust  when things seem to not go her way( When older, she will still do that but she will get a little more aggerated). 


About Me

Birthdate: November 8, 2012
Likes: Playing games, being outside, Shiny things, Music and dancing, her lucky penny collection
Dislikes: Arguing, Losing games, Rainy days, being told she should be happy she is so lucky
  • Mom:
  • (Name and Age or Unknown)
  • Dad:
  • Fredrick Davis, early 40s, Worked at a casino 
  • Siblings:
  • None
  • Other:
  • (Names, relationships, and ages)
Happy Thoughts: Her dad singing to her, Being allowed to walk around the casino with her father
Nightmares: Monsters, darkness
Fatal Flaw: Always a little to happy
PLAYED BY: NickyNack
FACE CLAIM: Jade weber
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