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Camp Half-Blood RP

Mateo Sanz

Mateo Sanz

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Mateo 'Mat' Sanz
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Mat was born in mid March. The man that called himself father to the child had ended up putting him in foster care. Not really knowing how to handle a child himself.  Mat's father hadn't left any type of details of where he lived or even a phone number. 

Growing up in a home full of children who, like him, didn't have any parents shaped him into who he is today. There were many times that he had ran away from the homes he was placed in and caused trouble. 

He never really made any friends that really stuck by him. Not that he really cared about it anyways. It wasn't until one night when he was about to turn thirteen, he and a couple kids from school were heading home and decided to take an alley way, since it seemed to be faster.

From what Mat could recall of that night, a monster, like those you would read in stories had appeared out of nowhere. Causing chaos. The last thing he remembered was someone saying hold on before he blacked out and woke up at Camp Halfblood.

The whole things made him nervous. Who really thought that one of their parents were a god? He went along with it, however, soon as he arrived at the camp fire, he was claimed by his mother Hecate. 

After being claimed by his mother he found himself enjoying his life there at camp. However, as a couple years went by her found himself wanting to learn more about life. So sometimes during the summers he found himself getting fake IDs to enter clubs. Though there had been one party in particular that had grabbed his interest. It revolved around BDSM. In those summers, he had found different kinks he liked and soon took on a role of a Master Dom. The life style fit him like a glove and it would be on that he would hold for a while to come.


Mat likes things his way. He is in a way very  in charge of things in his life, he doesn't like surprises. Mainly why he doesn't do romantic relationships most of the time (Though there are moments where things like this fall through the cracks)

If he likes certain things, he will try to go after them and if that isn't working, well there is always a charm about him that he will use if he needed too.

His way of thinking can sometimes cause issues, however he has a hard time trying to admit that out loud. Which normally will end up in a fight. 

He tries hard to not show much about himself. He doesn't want people to be able to use that against him. 

About Me

Birthdate: March 13, 2002
Likes: The night, Reading Greek books, using his mist powers, Being able to use others as a way of release, try out his own spells
Dislikes: Talking about himself, Having people get to close to him, having people get attached when he told them not to, apples, Any day that is way to hot 
  • Mom:
  • Hecate
  • Dad:
  •  Unknown
  • Siblings:
  • Cabin 20
  • Other:
  • (Names, relationships, and ages)
Happy Thoughts: magic, being claimed by his mother
Nightmares: Watching his siblings get hurt
Fatal Flaw: Can be shallow, Addict 
PLAYED BY: NickyNack
FACE CLAIM: Jorge Del Rio Romero
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