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Camp Half-Blood RP

ShadowsoverScotland Future character plans

Azrael Blackburn

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Posted: 25/10/2022 Submitted: Approved:

Penelope Belleci


Mirabella (Miri to her friends) had always been a diligent and hardworking student through school and university as she grew up in Italy. Through study and dedication she pushed towards her goal of rocket science. 

She ended up moving to Frascati, Italy for her dream job, working on the satellite design at ESA Centre for Earth Observation. 

Hephaestus could rarely avoid looking in on the latest technologies being developed in the mundane world and the exploration of space was definitely no exception.

Heph took the form of an eccentric West Coast American engineer/mechanic coming along with a bunch of other American Colleagues visiting Frascati to share knowledge between space agencies.

He spent his time with very in depth questions and even made a few suggestions that, although very American, actually provided insight into mew areas of development for the launch process. Their discussions moved to dinner and even the suggestion of a job over at Cape Canaveral. One thing lead to another and their discussions lead them to a night of passion in his hotel room. 

It was a whirlwind time as she accepted the job and planned to uproot her life but when she arrived in the states, the visas were sorted, the job was real but the engineer she had grown to know was no where to be seen or known of.

The strangeness cast by the mists was made worse when she found herself pregnant and alone in a new country, the only thing keeping her sane was though the chance to work on the next big NASA project and that deep connection to the child.

Named Penelope Luna Belleci, she grew up in the states as a slightly awkward but technically gifted child. She was the kind of child who would dismantle electronics if left unsupervised.

She definitely inherited her mothers technical aptitudes but this did not extend to the rest of her academic abilities, she had trouble concentrating, trouble following along with text and it frustrated her as she could see how things worked so well in her head but all the words just got in her way.

As she got older she learnt the hard way that making friends wasn't easy and mom was always busy with her work - still they found time to hang out and talk about how they were doing. She would tell mom about her current building projects and mom would tell her of her other siblings - the space satellites, one out orbiting the sun and another being built and prepared with scientific research.

It wasn't until around 3rd grade she actually made a friend she somehow kept. It wasn't so much as she befriended Barnaby as much as he kept up a friendship with her. He was funny and pretty popular and knew all sorts of weird things and could do all kinda gross tricks. 

Her Aunt ended up moving over to look after her while her Mom went back to Europe to talk about the part of the US in the ESA programs.. It wasn't until she heard from her Aunt that mom had had a heart attack while on stage that she worried. After a few weeks treatment mom was able to come back to the states but the trauma had taken its toll and Aunt Heather ended up staying on to help out for a while.

It was into 4th grade when a dark cloud cast a shadow over the school, soon the screeching of birds could be heard as they descended towards Penelope as she moved between classes. It was only Barnaby who was able to drag her into the music rooms to escape the worst of their talons.

From within here they crashed through the instruments, throwing noise and disruption into air and causing the birds to drop onto the ground. and Barnaby dragged her from the school (leaving a pretty wrecked music room in their wake)

After a startling discovery that her friend had horns and goat hooves and that there would be more monsters coming their way, the pair quickly made their way to speak to Penelope's mom and aunt. It was then that Barnaby dropped the second revelation that she was the daughter of a god and that she needed to go to camp to learn how to be safe.

It took the two of them a good amount of time to travel over from the West coast over to New York, though a pair of flight tickets were sorted for the majority of the trip. There were scuffles with monsters and troubles with the long trek from the city out to the camp but they finally made it there. 

Physical Description

Penelope is young with light brown, nearing blonde hair that tends to be kept out of the way in a braid or ponytail. She tends to go for practical choices of clothing, sturdy dungarees or simple jeans and a tee, often with a plaid shirt. her resting look tends to be pretty studious but likely half caught up in her own thoughts.

Her prized possession is her mothers flight jacket, although she was never a pilot, it had been her way of collecting and storing patches form each of the organizations she worked for and with.


Penelope is very analytical in her ways, she assesses the weight of ideas and the best way to implement them with the available material.

She prefers to talk about machinery which, if constructed properly, would not break down or betray them. Her favorite pass time is to work on transparent systems like car engines, the basic principles could all be observed, understood and then repeated to keep it all going.

About Me

Birthdate:  1st Nov 2012 (9 year old about to become 10)
Likes: lego building, cooking, cars, engines, gummy sweets, melon, corn on the cob, that switch on the inside of the fridge for the light when the door opens.
Dislikes:the dark, heights, relationships, Aphrodite kids, bad design theory, perpetual motion machines, aeroplanes

  • Mom: Mirabella Belleci
  • (Rocket Scientist - Satellites)
  • Dad:
  • (God: Hephaestus)
  • Siblings:
  • (None)
  • Other:
  • Aunt Heather Belleci


  • Satyr:
  • Barnaby

Happy Thoughts: When a creation comes to life.

Nightmares: The monsters within the dark coming for her

Fatal Flaw: Over Deliberation

FACE CLAIM: Anna Chlumsky (my girl)

Penelope has had a year to settle into the camp. The trauma of her need to comer to camp hadn't left her but at least it had faded out a bit. She has pushed herself to learn anything and is rarely seen without a bookbag or backpack for whatever her latest studies are. When she heard the tales of Hephaestus and Aphrodite, then again in the old cabin leader, Beckendorf, being betrayed by Selina she had sworn off love 'If dad wasn't so distracted then he would have fixed most of Olympus' problems'.


Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow - how a combustion engine works.


https://i.imgur.com/ALu6tX9.gifv - thumbs up
https://i.imgur.com/hNkpjzP.gifv - stimulating
https://i.imgur.com/eqbwxSi.gifv - smile
https://i.imgur.com/ngZi9pf.gifv - cookie
https://i.imgur.com/M3ygld3.gifv - tree
https://i.imgur.com/McUIxCe.gifv - huff
https://i.imgur.com/LKHQKOk.gifv - dodgems
https://i.imgur.com/BLlFW39.gifv - stairs


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Carter Price Rewrite


Lazy, lacking in energy or motivation. These were the things that Carter heard from point he could start to understand. He had always been a quiet child, able to entertain himself and rarely if ever cried. It was only as he started to grow into a toddler that this muted rhythm of life seemed to become a characteristic over a phase.

He was often seen to be staring into the distance or lethargic for large portions of the day. His mother took him to experts but they could find nothing physiological that would answer these symptoms, he was mostly seen as having learning difficulties and these became more pronounced with his delays in reading and then into writing.

He had a good if uneventful childhood - struggling to learn or pay attention in classes and even when moving to special needs he was still hard to pull into focus.

It was only around the age of ten that the boy really managed to take stock of his predicament, he returned to consciousness after another long night of sleep but had awoken as a lucid dreamer, the gift of full recollection and awareness within dreams. 

In that night he had been able to grasp the wisps of the dreaming realm that had always left his hold before. He had met another dreamer while walking in a golden city and learned tales of the dreamlands and all its paths. Little could he tell if he had met the figure in the past as is the way of dreamlands but now he was clear within his mind.

From this moment onward Carter changed, his ability to concentrate or focus on a task at hand would be diminished, especially if it involved reading or writing but his capabilities and knowledges improved though how he made such leaps and bounds were less common. 

Alongside him at the school he was attending was another kid, named Trent, that was weird on a level to match Carter, he had his own quirks though, big afro hair and seemed pretty easily distracted..

Carter most appreciated the shakes from Trent to keep him awake through classes, he might not be any good at them but the troubles these caused.

During another class trying to teach the complex world of basic mathematics Carter dozed off once more, the spinning numbers putting him under.

He bolted upright in his seat, a nightmare keeping its hold on his mind. He screamed out involuntarily, only just realizing that the hazy memories of black mists and tentacles were still around him in the classroom.

If it hadn't been for Trent at the next desk over he would have been crushed by the tentacles that seemed to be forming in the mist around him. As they escaped the class room the the room was filled with a dark smoke with shapes moving within it.

Once they got to Carters home his mother had been contacted by school - his erratic behaviour, his outburst and his truancy being reported back with none of the otherworldly troubles that hd affected him.

It was then that Trent dropped the follow up bombshell - that he was a demigod, a child of one of the gods of the world and that these attacks would continue. It took a lot of soul searching and discussions, where Trent revealed the camps existence and showed his Satyr horns and hooves as proof, Carter and his mother finally agreed that he should go to camp to try to overcome these troubles.

During his early days at camp he ended up unhappy with his lot and was still adapting to the struggles of camp life, especially for anyone so prone to sleeping and the lethargy of their cabins predicament. It was never really discovered what happened that day, whether it was a dare, an accident or a cry for help. What was known was that he had been found lying next to the waters that dripped from a  poplar tree branch within their cabin, a conduit directly linked to the river Lethe.

Since his self-inflicted amnesia, Carter has been able to keep mostly to his own cabin. He has learned to use the few hours of the day he forces himself to be awake to eat, exercise and do those tasks he needs muscle memory for (like swords work and similar)

During his other hours he has learned to frequent the New York Public Library or any of the number of private galleries and libraries across the city. He gets pre-opening access to every exhibition, he has the best seats (floating above them normally) to every show in town.




Few really know the other side to Carter, from a young age he had preferred his dream side, learning to focus and adapt his image and to frequent the street and libraries of the golden city of Celephaïs and to live where he was not limited by the earth realms limitations.. his attempts to read blurring and being locked to the ground for motion.

During the days he has learned to do enough to keep his body from falling apart, exercise and sustenance were major parts in the hours he pushes himself to do but for most of his time he enjoys seeing the camp from the astral plane. He does not consider himself to be snooping as much as not bound by the mortal frame.

He has been able to provide knowledge and insight into many of the most esoteric topics with thanks to his studies in the dreamland libraries and taverns where he is considered an old soul, likely from the powers that Hypnos has granted upon him

.He tends to be a privileged and happy go lucky camper, mostly keeping his own company though has seen a few other Hypnos campers at some of the hottest venues in town. Though always seems to be impatient to get done when going through the motions of the waking world.

He is known in their cabin most for humming or singing along to operatic or musical numbers when  he is visiting them in person.

About Me

Birthdate: make him about 19?
Likes: Stocks, insider trading, hamburgers, visiting people in their dreams, Broadway musicals, Camp arts activities (singing, dancing, painting), the campfire and fireworks
Dislikes: Reading in the earth realm, Strong sunshine, quests, monsters from other dimensions, the fabled black city, peanut brittle..
  • Mom:
  • Isla (40)
  • Dad:
  • Hypnos
  • Siblings:
  • None
  • Other:
  • None

Happy Thoughts:
The morning sun hitting the golden streets, poring over arcane texts and documents lost from the waking world without them blurring on him
Nightmares: being trapped outside of the dream all the memories of the dreamlands fading and being just another nobody at camp.
Fatal Flaw: Curiosity
- I can look inside anyone's sleeping mind, why not?
- I can work out what stock needs bought - no problem?

- I can look in on anyone in the camp - where's the harm?


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Carter Price


Lazy, lacking in energy or motivation. These were the things that Carter heard from point he could start to understand. He had always been a quiet child, able to entertain himself and rarely if ever cried. It was only as he started to grow into a toddler that this muted rhythm of life seemed to become a characteristic over a phase.

He was often seen to be staring into the distance or lethargic for large portions of the day. His mother took him to experts but they could find nothing physiological that would answer these symptoms, he was mostly seen as having learning difficulties and these became more pronounced with his delays in reading and then into writing.

He had a good if uneventful childhood - struggling to learn or pay attention in classes and even when moving to special needs he was still hard to pull into focus.

It was only around the age of ten that the boy really managed to take stock of his predicament, he returned to consciousness after another long night of sleep but had awoken as a lucid dreamer, the gift of full recollection and awareness within dreams. 

In that night he had been able to grasp the wisps of the dreaming realm that had always left his hold before. He had met another dreamer while walking in a golden city and learned tales of the dreamlands and all its paths. Little could he tell if he had met the figure in the past as is the way of dreamlands but now he was clear within his mind.

From this moment onward Carter changed, his ability to concentrate or focus on a task at hand would be diminished, especially if it involved reading or writing but his capabilities and knowledges improved though how he made such leaps and bounds were less common. 

Alongside him at the school he was attending was another kid that was weird on a level to match Carter.

Carter most appreciated the shakes to keep him awake through classes and 

During another class trying to teach the complex world of basic mathematics Carter dozed off once more, the spinning numbers putting him under. As he awoke he pulled some kind of creature back with him.. at least that's how it felt to him

During his early days at camp he ended up unhappy with his lot and was still adapting to the struggles of camp life, especially for anyone so prone to sleeping and the lethargy of their cabins predicament. He wanted a fresh start and ended up drinking from the waters that dripped from a  poplar tree branch within their cabin

Since his self inflicted amnesia, Carter has been able to keep mostly to his own cabin. He has learned to use the few hours of the day he forces himself to be awake to eat, exercise and do those tasks he needs muscle memory for (like swords work and similar)

During his other hours he has learned to frequent the New York Public Library or any of the number of private galleries and libraries across the city. He gets pre-opening access to every exhibition, he has the best seats (floating above them normally) to every show in town.




Few really know the other side to Carter, from a young age he had preferred his dream side, learning to focus and adapt his image and to frequent the street and libraries of the golden city of Celephaïs and to live where he was not limited by the earth realms limitations.. his attempts to read blurring and being locked to the ground for motion.

During the days he has learned to do enough to keep his body from falling apart, exercise and sustenance were major parts in the hours he pushes himself to do but for most of his time he enjoys seeing the camp from the astral plane. He does not consider himself to be snooping as much as not bound by the mortal frame.

He has been able to provide knowledge and insight into many of the most esoteric topics with thanks to his studies in the dreamland libraries and taverns where he is considered an old soul, likely from the powers that Hypnos has granted upon him

.He tends to be a privileged and happy go lucky camper, mostly keeping his own company though has seen a few other Hypnos campers at some of the hottest venues in town. Though always seems to be impatient to get done when going through the motions of the waking world.

He is known in their cabin most for humming or singing along to operatic or musical numbers when  he is visiting them in person.

About Me

Birthdate: make him about 20?
Likes: Stocks, insider trading, hamburgers, visiting people in their dreams, broadway, Camp productions like singing, the campfire and fireworks
Dislikes: Reading in the earth realm, Strong sunshine, quests, monsters from other dimensions, the fabled black city, peanut brittle..
  • Mom:
  • Isla (40)
  • Dad:
  • Hypnos
  • Siblings:
  • None
  • Other:
  • None
Happy Thoughts:
The morning sun hitting the golden streets, poring over arcane texts and documents lost from the waking world without them blurring on him
Nightmares: being trapped outside of the dream all the memories of the dreamlands fading and being just another nobody at camp.
Fatal Flaw: Curiousity
- I can look inside anyone's sleeping mind, why not?
- I can work out what stock needs bought - no problem?

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