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Camp Half-Blood RP

Samantha Adams

Samantha Adams

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Samantha Adams


Austin Adams was a man of great ambition cursed with terrible luck. Raised in a Georgian family where success seemed to come as naturally as breathing, he became somewhat of the black sheep for the fact that he never managed to accomplish much. His one saving grace was his strong desire for civil service and it was here that he managed some accomplishment in running for local office. Through hard work he had managed to win election to the city council. Taking joy in his role as public service Adams set his sights even higher. It was no secret the current congressman was greatly unpopular. This was the chance Austin had been waiting for to climb the political ladder. What should have been a walk in the park instead became anything but.

With only a few months left until Election Day, Austin knew he was certain to face another defeat. It would take a miracle to pull out a victory and for once in his life the fates would grant him one. One day in a fit of fury Austin fired his campaign manager. The next day, a striking young woman walked into the campaign office to apply for the vacant position. Austin was immediately struck by the way this mysterious woman presented herself. In interviewing her he thought she’d seen her way through many successful campaigns; trusting his gut Austin gave her the position. The next few days were a whirlwind of change as this woman spoke with such wisdom and tactical experience that he could not help but soak it all in. “Politics is no different than war, '' she used to joke.

Austin shot up in the polls guided by the woman that the staff had nicknamed “the General”. He found himself drawing closer to her too, drawn not only by his desire to learn but to her beauty. On election night while his staff was watching the results, the two of them were busy joining in what could only be described as a thought provoking conversation. That morning was a hazy blur for the newly elected congressman and he couldn’t exactly recall what had happened last night. Shockinging answers would soon come in the form of a baby girl and a letter that appeared in his office later that afternoon. He would never see Athena again but she had given him two gifts; a daughter and the wisdom to succeed in whatever he put his mind to.

Over the several years that followed Congressman Adams became Senator Adams. He grew in influence as many sought him out for his sage advice in many dangerous political situations. At his side nearly every moment of this journey was his beautiful young daughter Samantha; dubbed “Georgia's delight” by the citizens who loved her dearly. There was not a room that did not immediately light up when she walked into it. Her father did his best to impart the wisdom and virtue he himself had learned onto her and like him she soaked it up. Whereas school was a challenge for Samantha, her father was gracious, remembering how he had struggled too. She did excel in history and ancient languages spending many nights reading Greek tales to her father in his study.

On one of these reading nights when she was twelve she had just settled into the chapter for that night when a terrible form crashed through the window of his father’s study window. A monster the likes of which she had only ever read in stories stood before her rearing up and ready to attack. Samantha’s mouth hung agape as she sat there frozen in absolute terror. Closing her eyes in fear she only heard, not saw, what happened next; a metallic sound, clanging, horrible screams and then silence.

She felt her father’s arms wrap around her as he called out her name trying to break her out of her shock. When she opened her eyes she saw one of her father’s security detail standing over the monster, scimitar in hand. It was Jeqos, a personal bodyguard who had recently been assigned to her; and now had saved her life. It had never made much sense to her why he kept the sword close to him but now she began to suspect why. “Sir, we need to talk” he said to her father, a tone of urgency she had never heard before. In the conversations that followed she learned so much about her past that had always puzzled her. The satyr, for that is what he was, explained to her father how she would need to go to a place called Camp Half-Blood. The next morning Samantha put on a brave face, said goodbye to her father and got in Jeqos’ car. Upon arriving at camp she was claimed by Athena as one of her own during the bonfire. Excited for the new opportunities that would present themselves she still felt the pang of sadness for having to live away from her father for the first time ever.

Her first couple years at camp were the hardest for her as she had never been away from her father for any extended period of time like this before. Fighting back the feelings of homesickness proved to be a challenge but one that was made easier when she began to make friends. Unsurprisingly, the kids she grew closest to were her fellow half-sisters in the Athena Cabin. She found them to be of a similar like mindedness to herself and value the same things that she did. Over the years she became somewhat of a motherly type figure for the younger Athena girls of the cabin teaching them the values she believed to be most important; whether they wanted to hear it or not.

If there were any fellow campers she found herself opposed to it was in the Aphrodite kids. They were to be her perfect foil in every way. Where she valued restraint, chastity and wisdom, they seemed to revel in passions and living life in the moment. She often found herself unable to resist speaking out against their actions, especially the way they openly flirted around with other campers. Because of this there was usually a lot of arguing between them and she often found herself on the receiving end of many of their pranks and teasing.

Over time, she grew more comfortable in her life at camp though she’d still visit home whenever the opportunity allowed. Camp life had allowed her to grow socially in a way that her sheltered campaign life could not allow for. She especially took to the physical training aspects of camp, finding herself to be quite the athlete but still occasionally struggling in anything revolving around direct one on one competition. This was mostly due to her either over thinking her plan of attack or going into a challenge assuming it would be an easy win. Regardless, her skills slowly developed over the years until had become a formidable opponent.


Samantha, like her father, believes in wisdom and virtue above all else. Believing that strict devotion to discipline is what keeps mind/body pure and faultless. Because of this belief set she often looks down on those she deems too impulsive or free spirited. This has gotten her in trouble plenty of times in camp and though she does not mean to be cruel it has been difficult for her to make many friends because of that. Those that do work their way past her iron shield quickly see the positive side of her sincerity and loyal devotion to her friends.

About Me

Birthdate: May 16th, 2003
Likes: Her father, virtue, sincerity, tactics, reading
Dislikes:Dishonesty, promiscuity (Aphrodite kids), being called Sam (she’s not a beer)
  • Mom:
  • Athena
  • Dad:
  • Austin Adams
  • Siblings:
  • None
  • Other:
  • N/A
Happy Thoughts: Childhood memories of spending time with her dad on the campaign trail
Nightmares: Freezing in a fight or flight situation,
Fatal Flaw:Because of her strict devotion to virtue and integrity she often assumes she’s better than those who “give into baser instincts”. This hubris often gets her in trouble in both her relationships and on the battlefield or training where her pride deceives her into thinking she’s more prepared than she is.
PLAYED BY: FullMoonRising
FACE CLAIM: Milly Alcock
Edited by Samantha Adams
app review edits
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You're off to a great start! There's just a couple of things that need tweaking. Please check your inbox for a letter from our staff explaining what we've found.
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We are happy to announce you've been approved to join Camp Half-Blood RP!

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Please allow staff 72 hours once you've done your claims to sort you appropriately.

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