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Tempest Truett

Child of Nemesis
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Tempest Truett last won the day on November 24 2023

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  1. Tempest watched Trix's movements, a mixture of wariness and curiosity etching her features. The confession had stripped away layers of animosity, leaving a rawness that was both unsettling and oddly comforting. As Trix spoke, admitting to the depth of her hidden pain, Tempest felt an unusual tug at her heart—a sense of camaraderie in their shared brokenness. "Yeah, we're a mess," she agreed, her voice softening. "But I guess being a mess isn't so bad when you're not alone in it." The words felt foreign as they left her lips, a testament to a shift within her, a begrudging acceptance of the connection that bound them in their shared imperfections. When Trix kissed her cheek, Tempest stiffened momentarily, surprised by the gesture's intimacy. It was unexpected....yet not entirely unwelcome. She turned her face slightly, catching a glimpse of Trix's profile against the backdrop of the night sky. "Broken together, huh?" Tempest mused, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips. "I suppose there are worse things." The admission was a significant concession from her, a bending of her rigid self-imposed rules. For a moment, she allowed herself to imagine what it might be like to let go, to embrace the chaos instead of fighting it. As Trix stepped back, Tempest felt a subtle shift in the air between them. Their rivalry had cooled, morphing into something less volatile, yet equally complex. "Don't think this changes everything, Trix," she warned, her usual fiery demeanor resurfacing as a protective veneer. "I'm still not your best friend or anything. But maybe... just maybe, we don't have to be at each other's throats all the time." It was an offer of a truce, a silent agreement to navigate their shared path with a bit more understanding and less animosity. As Trix turned to leave, Tempest watched her go, a deep contemplation settling over her. Their journey was far from over, but for the first time, Tempest felt a glimmer of hope that perhaps, amidst the chaos, they could find moments of peace.
  2. Tempest's gaze lingered on Trix, watching as she grappled with the weight of her confession. The revelation of Trix's past, laden with guilt and sorrow, struck a chord within Tempest, resonating with the darker facets of her own life. "We're both damaged goods, aren't we?" she murmured, more to herself than to Trix. The admission didn't come easy; acknowledging their shared brokenness felt like a surrender to vulnerability she had long resisted. There was a rawness in the air, a tension that stemmed from the unveiling of deep, personal wounds. Tempest could feel the walls she had so carefully erected around her heart, trembling under the weight of this newfound understanding. As Tempest processed Trix's story, a wave of unexpected empathy washed over her. The realization that they were both haunted by past actions, by the ghosts of decisions made in moments of intense emotion, was sobering. "We all have our demons, Trix. Some of us are just better at hiding them," her voice a low hum, tinged with a sadness she rarely allowed others to witness. The confession hung heavily between them, a bridge and a barrier all at once. Tempest couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of kinship with Trix. They were both survivors in their own right, navigating a world that seemed intent on breaking them. "You're not the only one who feels... lost," she confessed, her gaze drifting away, lost in thought. "Sometimes, I wonder if anyone can really understand the chaos inside us." In this shared moment of vulnerability, Tempest realized that perhaps their rivalry, their constant clashing, was just another way to mask the pain they both carried. "We might not be able to fix each other," she said, turning back to face Trix, "but maybe we don't have to be alone in our mess."
  3. Tempest's finger remained entwined with Trix's, a taut line connecting two volatile souls. She could feel the warmth from Trix's touch, a stark contrast to the cold knot of emotions inside her. “Your biggest secret, huh?” Tempest echoed, her voice a cool whisper that belied the turbulence inside. Her eyes searched Trix's face for any hint of deceit. She needed to regain some semblance of control, to find a foothold in the chaos Trix had thrown her into. “Alright,” she said, the word slicing the tension between them. “Spill it. Your deepest, darkest secret—and it better be good. Maybe then I’ll consider this... retribution.” Tempest then folded her arms, leaning back against the worn stage with a casualness she didn't quite feel. “And since we're on the topic of spilling secrets, tell me, Trix—what did you think of our little kiss last year? I never got to ask” Her head tilted, a loose strand of hair falling to frame her face, a silent challenge. “You’ve been awfully fixated on it is seems. Did it leave such a lasting impression?” It was a bit of a desperate play, but Tempest was willing to do anything now to maintain some kind of upper hand, too often she felt she wasn't balanced enough in the power play between them. Tempest watched waiting for Trix to lay bare a piece of her soul as payment for the trespass. It was a vindictive pleasure, to put her rival in this position, but it was a pleasure nonetheless. Yet, as Trix spoke of trust, of an exchange of pain and secrets, it got Tempest thinking. Trust was a currency she’d long since devalued, yet here she was, bartering with it once more. “Go on, then. I’m waiting,” she pressed, her voice firm, but inside, her resolve wavered. She was not prepared for the raw truths that might spill from Trix's lips, for the way they might strip away the last of her defenses. But she needed to know—to see if there was a path forward from the tangled web of emotions and memories that had ensnared them both.
  4. As Trix extended her pinky finger, it was as if time itself stood still. Tempest felt an overwhelming surge of emotions, a mixture of anger, sadness, and betrayal. With every ounce of her being, she yearned to let go, to succumb to the raw intensity of the situation, and to lay bare the vulnerability that she had so fiercely guarded. But her defenses held strong, forged from countless heartbreaks and betrayals. "Promises," Tempest murmured, her gaze flitting from Trix's trembling pinky to her eyes, "are easily made but seldom kept." The pain in her voice was unmistakable. "You say it's safe with you, but how can I believe that after what you've done? Trust isn't just handed out, Trix, it's earned." The space between them seemed both infinitesimal and impossibly vast at the same time, a chasm of pain, misunderstandings, and regrets. Tempest hesitated, her anger and defensiveness wrestling with the part of her that wanted to bridge the gap, even if just by a fraction. Slowly, tentatively, she extended her pinky, brushing it against Trix's trembling one. The contact, light as it was, sent a jolt of emotion through her. "I don't want your pity or your guilt," she said, her voice wavering slightly. "You think seeing those memories gives you insight into who I am? They're just fragments, pieces of a larger puzzle that you have no right to put together." As she spoke, she didn't retract her pinky, leaving their fingers connected. Hoping the symbolic gesture wasn't lost on either of them. The raw intensity of the moment hung in the air, charged and palpable. "I'm not a mystery to be solved or a challenge to overcome, Trix. I'm a person, with boundaries and feelings. You've crossed a line today," Tempest whispered, her voice thick with emotion. Their pinkies remained intertwined, a fragile connection amidst the storm of emotions raging around them. Taking a shaky breath, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger, confusion, and hurt, she posed the question that had been haunting her: "After everything, after today, how do we even move on from this?" The weight of her inquiry hung in the air, seeking answers to mend the rift that had formed between them.
  5. Tempest's chest tightened with irritation as Levi's accusations hung in the air between them. His sister... in her opinion Novalie was too pampered and babied, a sheltered little brat who clearly couldn't keep her nose out of other's business. With a roll of her eyes and a huff of frustration, she pulled herself together and reconnected with the present situation. Her arousal was replaced quickly with annoyance, not just from being falsely accused, but also from the resurgence of an inconclusive power play. Indeed, the accusations were wildly unfair. It wasn't like she'd set the trap for Novalie - fault and responsibility were not equivalent in her book. She found herself longing for the simplicity of their earlier, mutual pursuit of pleasure. As she collected herself, gathering her eloquence, she shot a final seething remark, "Oh, do go play the gallant protector, Levi. But remember, it wasn't me who led Novalie into that trap. If you hadn't spiked the punch in an ill conceived effort to fuck me then I would have been able to make sure she never stuck her nose in that gift." While Levi cast her as the villain, Tempest was trying to untangle the strings of desire and irritation intertwined within her. She found herself simultaneously infuriated and, ironically, worried. She didn't enjoy hurting people, but sometimes collateral damage was the price of an objective. However, now, she was left with only the bitter remnants of her interrupted encounter with Levi, which had tantalized her senses barely moments ago. Still, moving towards her original plan appeared more difficult than before. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the irony before tucking a stray wave of hair behind her ear, standing with renewed purpose. She had more pressing matters to attend to than pandering to Levi's misplaced accusations. Eyeing the exit she began to make her way towards the door hoping for a quiet escape from an eventful holiday party.
  6. In the heat of the moment, with her past splayed open for Trix to witness, Tempest felt trapped, cornered. The emotions welled up within her, and her instinct was to lash out, to put up the defensive walls she had meticulously constructed over time. "You think you know me now? By dredging through my memories?" she spat, her voice laden with a venomous mixture of hurt and rage. "Those are MY memories, MY experiences, and they are not for you to use as a tool in our petty games!" Tempest's eyes darkened further, absorbing Trix's raw emotion, her anger, her vulnerability, and reflecting it back with her own set of burning emotions. Every accusatory word, every lashed out sentiment, and every pain revealed added another layer to the turmoil that Tempest was already grappling with. The mention of the kiss seemed to hit a particularly raw nerve. "It wasn't about how you looked, Trix," she shot back, her voice betraying a mix of pain and anger. "I didn't ignore you because of how you dress or whatever bullshit you think I care about. It wasn't about the kiss either. It was... complicated." She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. The unresolved emotions from their past interactions, the kiss, and now the unexpected violation of her memories, it all converged in a messy storm of feelings. "I never said you needed anyone," Tempest continued, looking directly into Trix's eyes, "but don't act like you're the only one hurting here. I have my own shit to deal with. My own traumas and fears. You think diving into my mind, into my most painful memories, is justifiable because of what you're feeling?" Her voice wavered with suppressed emotion. "Just because we shared a moment, a connection, doesn't give you the right to invade my privacy." The last word was said with a kind of cold finality, emphasizing the boundary she felt had been cruelly violated. In her heart, she desperately wished for understanding, for a moment of clarity in the chaos they found themselves. But right now, she felt trapped in her own defenses, fighting to keep herself from unraveling completely. "I warned you, I don't do relationships. But no you just couldn't take that for an answer and thought you could just strong arm your way to one, well.....happy now??"
  7. Tempest's blue eyes grew colder, hardening into an icy glare as they met Trix's defiant stance. She had built a fortress around herself, but every word from Trix felt like a stone chipping away at its walls. The insinuations, the threats, they all stung, but what hurt most was the reminder of their shared past. Tempest could sense Trix's attempt to bridge the gap between them, but her anger kept her from recognizing any sincerity in Trix's words. She simply scoffed, two could play this game. “You wanting to be treated like a human being is ironic, considering you barely act like one most days. You think you can scare me with words? You're out of your depth here. You know nothing of my heart or what drives me. Mock, jest, or reveal my secrets - do as you wish. But remember, there are things about me you will never understand." That was all she managed to get out though because the next thing she knew Trix took one quick step towards her. As Trix delved into her memories, Tempest felt an intrusive force worming its way into the most intimate corners of her mind. It was an unnerving sensation, akin to having one's soul forcibly bared, leaving them exposed and vulnerable. Every cherished moment, every shared laugh, every stolen kiss with Adrian played out as if she were reliving it, bringing forth the emotions tied to those memories. But as quickly as the warmth of love came, the cold, gut-wrenching sting of betrayal followed. The harrowing moments, the anger in Adrian's eyes, the threat that had forever scarred her heart – it all resurfaced with raw intensity. The invasion felt like a wound being torn open, one that had never truly healed. Witnessing Trix recoil and gasp from the weight of her memories, Tempest felt a strange mix of vindication and regret. The defensive barriers she had erected weren't just to protect herself from pain, but also to shield others from the darkness that she bore. Trix's shocked words only confirmed that fact. She fought to keep the tremble out of her voice but failed. “You had no right,” she whispered, voice choked. The weight of that betrayal, the intimate moments of her past being unveiled, made the amphitheater seem suddenly claustrophobic. Every stone column, every shadow felt like an accusing finger, mocking her exposed past. “You don’t get to just... walk into someone’s mind, Beatrix!” she spat, her voice gaining momentum. The vulnerability of those memories, the raw pain they invoked, made her feel more naked than she’d ever felt before. Taking a few shaky steps backward, she tried to put distance between herself and the redhead. But even in her anger, a part of her could see the raw horror on Trix's face, the genuine shock, and regret. Tempest was torn between the urge to push Trix further away and the desire to bridge the gap, to explain, to heal. “Do you have any idea how it feels to have someone dig into your past without permission?” She questioned, voice low, almost a growl. The air grew thick with tension, and Tempest's eyes shimmered with a mix of anger, pain, and, beneath it all, an aching vulnerability.
  8. Tempest silently cursed the circumstances, ire boiling within her. Her erotic dance with Levi had been abruptly interrupted, and now she was left in the wake of his hasty exit, dealing with the repercussions of a misfired revenge plot. She hastily put on her dress and underwear, her body layered with an intense blend of attraction and frustration. This wasn’t simply about the disruption of the heated moment, it was the implication of his parting words, seemingly certain that she was the architect of his sister's recent mishap. “Typical Levi, acting all high and mighty,” she muttered under her breath, throwing a parting sneer toward the closed door. "If it was your sister then she should learn to not poke her nose into mysterious looking packages," Tempest spat back, revealing a small fraction of the trap that she was now certain must have misfired as Novalie had probably mishandled it; the dumb spoiled princess. As she fastened her dress, she couldn't help but recall the electrifying sensation of his touch, the provocative dance they had been engaged in. There was a notable change in her demeanor, a thin veneer of irritation masking her longing for the play for dominance that had been cut short. "Don't forget your belt," Tempest said in a snide tone, a bittersweet sneer highlighting her face as she tossed him the damaged accessory.
  9. Tempest allowed herself to be guided through the dance, trying to match the erratic movements of the younger girl. The unexpected spin even elicited a rare chuckle from her, the momentary loss of control a surprising reprieve from her constant vigilance she always took. The pulsating rhythm of the music, combined with Trix's playful taunting, had an inexplicable effect on her, loosening the tightly coiled spring within. “It takes one to know one, Bea,” she shot back, using the nickname with a surprising ease. The teasing remark about her alleged misdeeds drew a raised eyebrow and a smirk, “Maybe I am, but I’ll never tell.” She added cryptically, enjoying the banter more than she cared to admit. However, beneath the surface, Tempest was still meticulously observing the ongoing interactions around her. The dance was a perfect vantage point, providing a panoramic view of the unfolding drama and clandestine whispers. She felt the rhythm in her veins, the atmosphere gradually wearing down her defenses, yet she was steadfast in her resolve to unearth valuable intel. Every now and then, her gaze flitted towards Henry, ensuring her confidant was safe amidst the chaos. Letting her guard down slightly, Tempest leaned in, her voice a hushed whisper over the pulsating music, “I’m keeping a close eye on someone; he'd been meddling in affairs he shouldn't be. I need to know his intentions before things get out of hand.”
  10. The abrupt compliment from Trix sliced through the tranquility of Tempest's refuge, her sanctuary intruded by the very presence that had been haunting her thoughts. A concoction of anger and excitement burned within her, the conflicting emotions battling for dominance. Angry, because Trix had seen her in this exposed state, witnessed her vulnerability, and breached the protective walls she had carefully built around herself. Excited, because despite the bitterness, the unresolved tension, and the turmoil of emotions, seeing Trix brought back a surge of feelings she hadn’t realized she still harbored. Tempest's hand tightened into a fist, her knuckles whitening, and she fought to keep her voice steady. “What are you doing here, Trix?” she questioned, the anger in her eyes betrayed by the slight tremor in her voice. As she locked eyes with Trix, a flood of memories rushed through her mind, the kiss they shared a year ago not the least of them. She could feel the weight of the unspoken words between them, the unresolved issues that had driven a wedge in their already tumultuous relationship. The air around them was charged with the unsaid acknowledgment of the thin line they were treading between confrontation and confession. “I didn’t expect to see you here,” she finally said, her voice softer, but laced with an unrelenting strength. “After all, this isn’t your usual playground for mockery and pranks.” Standing there, facing Trix in the moonlit amphitheater, Tempest felt a resolve building within her. She wouldn’t run, wouldn’t let Trix see the fear that lurked in the corners of her heart. This confrontation was inevitable, a collision course they had been on since that fateful kiss, and Tempest was determined to face it head-on. She squared her shoulders, meeting Trix's gaze with a fiery determination. “You’ve heard me singing, its a part of me I don’t show to anyone,” she declared with a layer of defiance. “So you better fucking take that secret to your grave or so help me I'll show you the meaning of fear!”
  11. Tempest's eyes narrowed at Trix, the nerve of this girl cornering her, with that teasing tone and cheeky grin, was both infuriating and.....oddly captivating? Tempest felt a reluctant pull towards the fiery Phobos girl, a lingering spark from their past encounters that she had tried desperately to extinguish. She clutched her drink tighter, the cool condensation against her skin grounding her as she wrestled with her desire to maintain control and her latent curiosity about the enigmatic girl before her. “Beatrix,” she began, her voice steady despite her internal state, “you seem to be under some delusion that I’m here for leisure.” Her gaze was unwavering, yet the playful light in Trix's eyes had a way of chipping away at her fortified exterior. With a resigned sigh, she put her drink down, unwilling to allow Trix the satisfaction of seeing her riled up. The challenge in Trix's eyes was too tantalizing to ignore, and Tempest, albeit begrudgingly, found herself intrigued by the cat and mouse game they always seemed to be ensnared in. She placed her hand in Trix's, “One dance,” she conceded, the corners of her lips twitching into a reluctant smile, “but don’t think this means anything.”
  12. ~2021 The amphitheater's emptiness provided a solace that Tempest rarely found within the buzzing confines of the camp. Underneath the fading twilight, she stood center stage, the gentle breeze whispering through the columns, almost encouraging her to voice the melody held within her heart. With every note that escaped her lips, she felt a layer of the emotional armor, meticulously crafted over the years, peeling away. Her voice resonated through the silent stone arena, a harmonious blend of vulnerability and strength that painted her internal struggles. The songs were her secret confessions, a reflection of the hidden desires and fears she dare not voice, especially the unresolved tension with Trix that had been gnawing at her conscience. As she delved deeper into song, the memory of their heated kiss, the lingering warmth, and the sting of the unsaid words resurfaced, and her voice wavered, caught between a longing sigh and a pained whisper even a year after it had happened. Struggling to keep the tremor out of her voice, Tempest's gaze wandered over the empty seats, and she couldn’t help but imagine a red-haired figure sitting there, smirking at her exposed vulnerability. “Stop it,” she muttered to herself, attempting to shake off the vivid imagery. “She’s just a storm you weathered; no point in looking back at the clouds.” Yet, despite her stern self-reminder, Tempest felt an undeniable pull towards resolving the unspoken tension between them. She halted her song, taking a deep breath, feeling the air fill her lungs and quiet the storm within her heart. The silence of the amphitheater was deafening, and Tempest's resolve solidified in the quietude. “I can’t keep running,” she admitted, the words barely above a whisper, yet holding the weight of the world. @ Beatrix McCoy
  13. In the aftermath of the heated kiss, a battle raged within Tempest. The undeniable spark she felt had her reeling, grappling with emotions she hadn't intended to unearth. Her insides twisted with a mix of turmoil and a lingering warmth that Trix's proximity had ignited. The conflicting emotions clawed at her, warring with her long-held resolve to remain unattached and indifferent. Her facade crumbled for a brief, revealing moment, but Tempest hastily reconstructed it, sealing away the vulnerability that had threatened to surface. The walls around her heart rose higher, fortified by her fear of surrendering to the unfamiliar emotions blossoming within. She masked the internal struggle with a veneer of nonchalance, but the tempestuous storm in her eyes betrayed a glimpse of her internal conflict. "I'm done with this Trix," she declared firmly, her voice betraying only a small hint of the turmoil within. "These stupid back and forth pranks, I'm over it, and I suggest you stay out of my way from now on." Without waiting for a response, Tempest turned on her heel and strode out of the cabin, the door closing behind her with a finality that echoed the resolve in her heart. The brisk morning air brushed against her skin, a fleeting comfort to the heated flush that lingered on her cheeks. As she walked away, Tempest fought to quell the storm within, vowing to herself that she wouldn’t let fear dictate her path, even as the echo of Trix's laughter and the imprint of their kiss continued to haunt her mind. ~ End
  14. Embattled in this electric exchange, Tempest felt a surge of mixed emotions course through her veins, oscillating between this vulnerability and a defiant need to maintain her stance. The palpable fear lacing her heartbeat was an unfamiliar sensation, and it only intensified the chaotic whirlpool of thoughts spiraling within her. Trix's sharp retort, laden with defiance and provocativeness, sent shivers down Tempest's spine, making her clench her fists involuntarily. “It was just a dream, Trix, it means nothing! Of course dreams would be the only place you’d ever have a chance of having control over me, we both know I can best you in anything I’d want to!” she snapped back, trying to mask the tremor in her voice, the blush on her cheeks deepening. The vulnerability, the openness of this conversation, was a territory she hadn’t traversed before, and every fiber of her being screamed at her to regain control, to not let Trix see her in this state. Yet, as much as she yearned to mask her feelings, to cloak herself in the familiar armor of indifference and control, Tempest found herself entrapped in the intensity of Trix's gaze, the unspoken challenge that lingered in the air. The proximity, the clash of their contrasting yet similarly strong personalities, created a magnetic field that she couldn’t resist, despite her better judgment. “You think you know me, you think you can get under my skin?” she questioned, her voice laced with a mix of defiance and curiosity, as she stepped closer to Trix. Despite the verbal jabs and the unrelenting battle of wills, there was an underlying current of curiosity and exploration, an uncharted path that Tempest, with a racing heart and bated breath, found herself hesitantly willing to explore. Determined to prove to herself that she had no real emotions for Trix and eager to unnerve her seemingly unflappable rival, Tempest stepped forward decisively, closing the gap between them. Without a word, she cupped Trix's face and pressed her lips to hers, the kiss passionate and fiery, a challenge and a declaration wrapped into one. The room seemed to spin for a moment, the tension and rivalry melting into the unexpected intimacy of their connection, before Tempest pulled away, her eyes locked onto Trix's. "See? Nothing...."
  15. Navigating the undercurrent of tension, Tempest felt a shiver of fear, unlike any she had experienced before. The vulnerability of her emotions, the dread of relinquishing control, and the unprecedented terror of being dominated by her rival—by Trix—cast a shadow over her usual confidence. The closeness, the demanding questions, and Trix's unrelenting gaze had her cornered, eliciting a response she hadn’t intended to reveal. “We were… close, and you had a whip…” Tempest admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, as a rush of blush painted her cheeks, the vivid imagery of the dream flashing briefly in her eyes before she abruptly fell silent. Caught in the shifting dynamics of their confrontation, Tempest found herself grappling with the shadows of her fears, feeling the weight of unspoken emotions and the unsettling realization of a power shift. The lingering warmth of Trix's touch and the intensity of her demands conjured so many thoughts, where fear and desire melded into a disconcerting uncertainty. Struggling to maintain her facade, she shyly averted her gaze, the vulnerability of the moment palpable in the silence, as she confronted the depth of her fears and the burgeoning complexity of emotions she hadn’t anticipated exploring with her rival. "It doesn't mater anyways, I don't do relationships, and I certainly have no desire to explore that with a freaky goth girl like you!"
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