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  1. It was a bright day today during Summer and Katie was up for classes later. It was another arts class so she was again excited for it. She woke up early at 6.30am for breakfast as she liked hanging around the pavilion. It was one of the places always filled with people and she liked being in the crowd. Much like a leader does. She wasn’t just books after all. She brought her class books with her and took a sandwich and hot coffee to one of the seats at the corner table. It was empty so it could fill a few more. It was still early so there weren’t many here yet, they were probably still deeply asleep. But she liked the early morning weather and the cooling & breezy wind so she made sure she woke up just for that. @ Annie Hernandez
  2. Kenna nervously entered the weapon fighting class at Camp Half-Blood, her heart pounding with both excitement and anxiety. She glanced around the spacious training arena, taking in the sight of campers eagerly practicing their combat skills. The sound of clashing blades and the occasional cheer filled the air, making her feel even more self-conscious about her own abilities. Trying to remain inconspicuous, Kenna moved to the back of the class, hoping to blend in with the crowd. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, feeling the familiar smell of metal in the air. As the instructor, a seasoned demigod, started explaining the basics of weapon fighting, Kenna's attention shifted nervously from him to her fellow campers. They all seemed so skilled, their movements fluid and confident. Doubt crept into her mind, whispering that she would never be as good as them. Taking a deep breath, Kenna adjusted the grip on her training sword and attempted to mimic the instructor's stance. But her movements felt clumsy and awkward. Each swing of the blade seemed to lack the finesse she witnessed in the others. She couldn't help but wonder if she belonged in this class at all. @ Annie Hernandez
  3. Sage couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of curiosity. Being naturally inquisitive, she found herself irresistibly drawn to unraveling mysteries and uncovering secrets. Today was no exception as she found herself engaged in a fierce game of capture the flag with a new camper named Annie. Ever since Annie's arrival at camp, Sage's nosy nature had kicked into overdrive. She was determined to learn everything she could about the newcomer, and her investigative instincts had led her to compile a comprehensive file on Annie, complete with photographs. Sage couldn't resist the allure of a good mystery, especially when it involved someone she would be spending time with during the game. As they stood together, guarding their team's flag in silence, Sage's mind raced with possible questions and observations to break the ice. She glanced at Annie, then looked back. It hadn't been too long ago when she caught Annie starring at Loukas. Were they friends? Or was there something more? Finally, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Sage cleared her throat, breaking the silence. "So, Annie, how do you like camp so far?" she asked, hoping to initiate a conversation. @ Annie Hernandez
  4. Hailey has enjoyed spending time around camp during the holidays. Mid year holiday for camp. And she was hoping to learn a few lessons on arts and crafts. Her art abilities have grown even better as she grew as being an Iris had made her into an artist of sort. She was also always hanging around the grounds area of the camp since she likes the outdoors as well. Being out in the open let her mind think well , especially the sounds of the waves of the sea beating the shores. She was at the beach today, wondering if she could find some good treasures out here. She always think that there might be water creatures who would happen to leave some treasures off shore, or nearby where they landed towards the beach. She was putting her hopes up as she glanced around the beach and to the sea, back and forth. There were a few others here who were having some fun as well. She was planning to go into the waters if she couldn’t find anything here, but right now she wanted to enjoy the moment at the beach. It was a Summer season too so the weather was bright and nice for her. @ Petal Price
  5. It had been a week since Sage and Loukas became boyfriend and girlfriend. The two had been together even more than before which was shocking. They had planned this evening stroll through the woods together when she felt a drop. Looking up she could not believe it was raining as it only rained in camp when the God's wanted it to be so. Sage stood there, feeling the rain soak through her clothes, her mind couldn't help but wander to Loukas. She couldn't believe how much she wanted him, how much she craved his touch. Every moment they spent together felt like pure bliss, and she knew that she wanted more. The memory of his hands on her body sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have him inside her. The two of them grabbed each others hands as they began to try and find cover from the rain as it soaked them. Sage couldn't believe her luck. Here she was, running through the rain with Loukas, feeling the drops splash against her skin and soak through her clothes. It was exhilarating, and for a moment she forgot everything else. They were like two kids playing in the rain, and it felt like nothing else in the world mattered. That was when she noticed the stables, pointing them out to Loukas. She lead him there, as they approached the stables, Sage's heart was pounding with excitement. What if they.......well, the blush came on her cheeks as they made it inside. @ Loukas Makris
  6. Let's Make Something New .animated_rainbow_1 { font-size: 42px; font-family: Calligraffitti, Gadget, sans-serif; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #f00, #ff2b00, #f50, #ff8000, #fa0, #ffd500, #ff0, #d4ff00, #af0, #80ff00, #5f0, #2bff00, #0f0, #00ff2a, #0f5, #00ff80, #0fa, #00ffd5, #0ff, #00d5ff, #0af, #0080ff, #05f, #002aff, #00f, #2b00ff, #50f, #8000ff, #a0f, #d400ff, #f0f, #ff00d4, #f0a, #ff0080, #f05, #ff002b, #f00); -webkit-animation: animatedBackground_a 5s linear infinite alternate; -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: #0000; background-clip: text; } @keyframes animatedBackground_a { 0% { background-position: 0 0 } 100% { background-position: -500px 0 } } @ Petal Price The craft tent was unusually empty today. The place wasn't exactly a hub of activity on a normal day, to be fair. But usually there were a few campers present. The Hephaestus kids working on their various contraptions, the Apollo campers drawing out their poems in fancy calligraphy... none had come to this place today. Only a small girl with wild hair sat toward the center of the tent, staring intently at a large blank canvas. Emberlynn Knight was the girl in question. It wasn't odd to find her here - she was known for her love of personal expression - but it was odd to see her sitting so still. The canvas seemed to stare back at her, looming over her in all its emptiness. She raised her brush to the wall of white, drawing nearly close enough to mark it. Then her brush would drop and she'd cock her head, as if another perspective might be needed. What to do... what to do... Ember couldn't tell if the Muses had abandoned her or simply overloaded her with information. A thousand ideas swirled in her mind, but none seemed quite right. The girl sighed, spinning the paintbrush around in her hand. "What a strangely quiet day... how in the world am I supposed to draw inspiration from this?" Yes, that must be it! The child of Iris was vastly creative, but she thrived most when she could draw from people around her. It was the dull loneliness of the place that was stifling her - that must be the issue! She stood and stretched, looking about for something, anything to break the odd mood. She tried a few things herself - tapping her foot, humming a tune - but it just wasn't having the same effect. "Oh bother..." She looked to the ceiling of the tent, or rather past it toward the heavens above. "Well, you're always there, are you not mother? Would it be too much to ask for a playmate?" Of course it was. It was absolutely ridiculous to expect a goddess to even hear such a mundane request, much less respond. Still, she found herself looking hopefully at the entrance.
  7. January 2022 Willow sat had been avoiding anywhere that was public since her trip out to New York. She had even managed to convince some of her siblings to bring her food back to the cabin. But after a talk with her friend, Samantha, she realized that she couldn't keep hiding. It was insane to hide away from the possibility of love just because she might get hurt. After a few days of reflection and moping over the fact that she had kissed him abruptly, Willow finally decided to step out of her cabin. The one benefit to having made a fool of herself and shutting herself in the cabin was that she had plenty of time to write music. And nothing inspires a song like feeling like an idiot. Grabbing her guitar, Willow headed over to the Amphitheater. It had some of the best acoustics in the entire camp, and she wanted to hear how her newest song sounded when played somewhere that was meant for a performance. Despite it being the middle of winter, it was sunny. That was one of the benefits of Camp Half-Blood, it was pretty much always sunny unless the gods decided otherwise. She was happy to feel the breeze blowing through her hair once more. The walk was peaceful and she began to feel more and more like her old self with each step. I suppose I really am connected to the sun. She thought to herself. So as she arrived at the Amphitheater, Willow found herself a nice warm spot, in direct sunlight, to sit and play.
  8. Finley arrived at the beach with his surfboard tucked under his arm and the warm sun on his Sun-Kissed Skin. The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air, and he couldn't wait to get out in the water. He had just gotten back from surfing on the west coast in California where his dad lived. As he walked along the shoreline, scanning the waves and looking for the perfect spot to catch a few waves. That's when I saw her, a girl he had seen around camp before but had never really talked to. Normally she was always hanging around Liam which he did not talk to. Trying to catch her eye, he looked over to her as his smiled. Knowing that most of the babes fell for his smile right off the bat! Then holding up his board above his head, he trotted towards the water to have a bit of fun in the sun on the east coast this time. The chilly water rushed around his feet as he ran into the water. Wanting nothing more than to be back where he belonged. Maybe if he showed off a little, then the girl might join him. Well this was his plan anyways. The waves on the east coast were nothing like they were on the west side of the USA. But he still got a little one here and there. Having a blast when he was feeling a bit winded. Swimming back to shore, Finley put his board in the ground as he took a seat on the beach as he turned to see if that girl was still there. @ Novalie Abrams
  9. Finley sat on the porch of his cabin, feeling the warm sun on his skin and the gentle breeze in his hair. Finley was waiting on Petal, who went to get the nail polish for his toenails, Finley couldn't help but reflect on his time away from camp. Being out west, catching waves and meeting new surfers was an incredible experience, but it also made him realize how much he missed his family and his home at Camp Half-Blood. This place had been his safe haven for a good deal of his life. Growing up here was probably the best thing that could have happened to him. He was not along plus he got to be around hot campers which he would have fun with!!! Not to mention he was in a cabin with his family who he loved. Most of them were hippie children but what can you expect for their mother. Being out west meant there were a lot of monsters to fight off just to have a bit of a break. Which could get tiring time to time. It was good to see his dad who was doing great with the organic business. It seemed he had his hands full at the time so we didn't "It's good to be back," he said to Petal, wiggling my toes to get them separated for when she got back. "I didn't realize how much I missed this place until I was away from it." Finely looked back as he tried to see where Petal had gotten to. The two of them were close in age, making them super tight and all. @ Petal Price
  10. Novalie was wondering around the camp when she finally had nothing do, not even Liam needed her to be around which sucked because she wanted to be near someone. However, she just retreated to her cabin like the good little girl she was. Waving at people who called out to her as she went. Once she entered the cabin, she noticed that Helena was sitting on one of the couches reading. As she looked closer it was a pregnancy book. A small smile creeped to her face as she walked over and snuggled up against her older sister. "Hey Lena." she grinned happy as she read a couple lines in the book herself. "So, what all have you found out?" She questioned her about the book. Helena was now what now almost three months. She was excited to be an auntie. The baby was going to be beauty. Because of her mother, maybe a little brooding because of the father but who was talking about that ass right now. She had heard that he had left her here. What her sister seen in him she didn't know. She guessed people could say the same thing about her and the things going on with Liam too. @ Helena L'Amour
  11. After having that talk with Lena, he was on a war path. His mind was right at all. He was worried now because one she hadn't told him right away when she found out she had waited two months to tell him. Was he not that important? He was going to be a father! Who hide that from someone for so long? Really! Who did she think she was. He had ended up leaving her in his cabin. He needed air and to talk to someone about it. The only person that he really cared about talking to was Levi. He was running around the camp trying to find his friend. Well, the man that was like his brother to tell this new news to. He didn't think that he knew and of course he was the only person that would be able to get any kind of anything out of him. He found him near his cabin, and he sighed a little happy that he hadn't taken forever to find. "Levi, got a minute?" He questioned the other guy some. @ Levi Jones
  12. There were plenty of things that were running through his head at the moment. Nothing was making sense to him at the moment, and he hated that. So, he was going to do the only thing that he knew what to do. He was going to have to step up and talk to Lilythe about getting out into the real world and go find a house and a job to help bring a child into the world now. It wasn't that he didn't want the child, but he didn't want the child at the moment. He was still young, and Lena was still very young. A teen mom! He had made her a statistic and that was something that he wasn't happy about. He made his way to the big house where he knew that Lilythe would be at. It was going to be the first time in a while that he was going to be talking to her and he didn't know what he was going to say or anything. He stepped up the stairs and into the house and looked around. "Lilythe?" He questioned as he walked into the living room. Still not seeing her there at all. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a glass and filled it with some water before taken a drink. He was lost in thought as he walked around the kitchen. He had ran his hand through his hair so many times that he was sure it was a mess. @ Lilythe Rayne .
  13. Mason was having a hard time sleeping with still not knowing who his parent was, and staying in this cabin with a bunch of kids that him and his brother just didn't seem to fit with. He wasn't sure exactly what time it was, but the sun wasn't even up yet, and he shook his brother Maddox "Hey wake up!" he yelled in a whisper at him. Of course, he woke up swinging, and Mason laughed "Hey! it's just me! I got a great idea!!" he says with a mischievous grin across his face. "Get up!" he nudges Maddox again before hoping off the bed and throwing on a pair of pants and a cut off t-shirt. Mason rummaged through his duffle bag until he found the speakers and CD player that him and his brother had snagged while they were living on the streets. Turning on his heel to show his brother "Let's go to the common area and show these boring campers how to rock out!" he said with a laugh. Mason started for the door as he waited for Maddox to get dressed.
  14. A storm was brewing behind Vienna Pimm's eyes as she approached the Hermes cabin. An outside observer may have thought the woman was marching off to war - not that such a thing would be unheard of. But the one she sought out today would make no such mistake. Lilythe, if anyone, would be able to see that what ran through her now was a complicated mix of emotions. Fury, sure, but also sadness, confusion - and most of all worry. The feelings varied greatly but their source was the same. She'd just heard something... interesting. Vi was the camp's resident party girl, generally privy to rumors the moment they popped up. But the one she'd heard today? That one couldn't be true. She refued to beleive it. Not until she'd heard it from the woman herself. There's no way... her frenzied mind attempted to reassure her. She'd a people pleaser, but she's not stupid. She wouldn't. She didn't. There was a part of her who beleived that wholeheartedly. Vienna loved and trusted Lilythe more than anything in the world. That part was certain she'd discover that all the rumors had been lies, and she'd be left with the task of threatening whoever had started them. But she couldn't fully shake the odd feeling in the pit of her stomach. And her "protect my friend" alarms were all going nuts. Lil hadn't done anything wrong, she was absolutely sure. But something was going on. Something she was going to get to the bottom of. Her pace quickened. Storming into the cabin, she made a beeline for the cabin leaders door. A heavy fist banged into it, nearly knocking the old structure from its hinges. "Lilythe! Lilythe! It's not true, right!? Let me in!"
  15. Petal sat cross-legged outside her cabin at Camp Half-Blood, surrounded by vibrant flowers of all shapes and sizes. She wore a flowing, tie-dye sundress with a pair of beaded sandals, perfectly encapsulating her free-spirited nature. As she delicately wove the stems of the flowers together, forming them into intricate crowns, she couldn't help but think of her father and the summers they spent together at music festivals. A nostalgic smile graced her lips as she cherished those memories, feeling grateful for the life she had led thus far, despite the challenges she faced as a half-blood. The warm sun beamed down on Petal as she continued her flower crown endeavor. The scent of the blossoms filled her nostrils, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. The colors of the flowers seemed to dance in the sunlight, and she thought about how much her fellow Aphrodite campers would appreciate the beauty of her creations. As she worked, she couldn't help but feel a little sad that she couldn't share these moments with her father anymore. However, she reminded herself that Camp Half-Blood was now her home and that she was surrounded by a new family who loved and supported her. She brushed away any lingering sadness and focused on the task at hand, feeling the love and connection she had for the people around her. Just as Petal was about to finish another flower crown, she noticed a younger boy named Jules nearby. Though she didn't know him very well, she felt compelled to reach out to him. "Hey, Jules!" she called, her voice as warm and inviting as the sun above them. "Would you like to make some flower crowns with me?" She held up one of her completed crowns, showcasing the delicate craftsmanship and the harmony of colors. @ Jules Vivian
  16. After the events at the bonfire, Helena had gone back to Mateo's cabin with him for the night. Nobody bothered them when he brought her over, and she imagined that nobody would bother them if she stayed one night. I just want one more night with him... Two months had passed since she had found out she was pregnant. Two months that she had been keeping this information from Mateo. The secret was killing her. The last thing she wanted to do was break his trust or his heart. Right now she felt like she was stuck in a damned if she did, and damned if she didn't situation. Sure, she could look at getting rid of the child. But she didn't want to. It was born from love. She loved Mateo and, even if he hadn't said it yet, he loved her. She knew it, thanks to the gifts from her mother. And Lena couldn't bring herself to even consider getting rid of a child of hers and Mateo's. At least if he leaves, I'll still have proof that he loved me once. Helena curled up and rested her head on his chest that night. His heartbeat acting as a soothing lullaby. They were both too tired to do much more than cuddle and sleep. It wasn't long before Helena drifted off, content to be in her lover's arms for at least one more night. ~~♡~~♡~~♡~~♡~~ As the sun rose the next morning, Helena also woke. She traced her finger across the contours of Mateo's chest, as tears slowly filled her eyes. Today was the day. She knew that she had to tell him. It couldn't wait any longer. Once she did, however, she knew that everything would change. Mateo wasn't someone who had ever intended to let himself be tied down again. The fact that he had let her in at all was a miracle, especially after the stunt she had pulled with Theo. She couldn't believe how careless they had been that night, brought on by the heat of their passion. But now there was no denying it. Helena tried to dry the tears from her eyes as she felt Mateo begin to stir from under her. She had to tell him, but that didn't mean she wanted to do it the instant he woke up. She tried to hide her upset, struggling to contain her emotions. She felt nauseated, and not just because of the baby. Why did it have to happen now? @ Mateo Sanz
  17. Elena was back at the camp a few days ago but she only slept at their cabin so most of the time, she only met her siblings. Of course, when she woke up, they were sleeping, when she was asleep, maybe they woke up. She hadn't really talked to any of her siblings after she was here but she wasn't too sad about that. Sleeping next to them was a gift she always wanted, quiet and comfortable were all the things she desperately expected when she came here. When it was time of dinner, she woke up because of hunger. She had slept all day so she needed to eat if she wanted to survive. Turning to her siblings, she wondered if there was anyone waking up and had dinner with her. @ Savanna Lewis
  18. Penelope stopped at the massive vault doors into Cabin nine, looking over the metal panelling and the strongly mechanical feel to the building. She stopped and stared at the mechanism, staring at steam vents and solid locking bolts built into the structure. It definitely matched the description but she guessed the first test was to determine how to open the way. She tried to dig through her rucksack but she hadn't been given any kind of key or code to punch in for this big lump and she didn't think a spare set of clothes was going to do much. She looked at the mechanism and guessed something turned a main circular something to retract the bars.. gah! She looked around for another way in but the big metal building looked secure and she guessed this was going to fail her at the first test! She knew she should have gotten instructions after the bonfire.. Out of frustration she landed a kick at the bottom of the mechanism...
  19. Andralyn loved her birth month; she was born on the best day of the month too. She loved to pull pranks on people, and most the campers knew by now that they have to watch their steps during the month of April. Her birthday was just a few days ago, and she still had a bunch of different color silly string and she had plans. The Iris kids were always so colorful and bright, so she thought they would be the perfect candidates for her silly sting. Gathering up four of the cans, the colors she decided to go with being neon pink, neon green, purple, and a bright yellow. With a mischievous grin on her face, she ran out of her cabin and headed for the Iris cabin, darting to the side of it, hoping to catch one or more of some of the Iris campers coming out of their cabin. Andralyn put the neon pink, and purple down near the wall of the cabin. She shook up the neon green and bright yellow, popping the caps off, as she awaited her victim. @ Petal Price
  20. MK was excited that the end of her school year was just around the corner. That meant a few things for her, one that her graduation was coming up fast and two that she needed a dress for the occasion. So sending her sister an Iris message to meet her in NYC for a girls shopping trip. Her excitement overtook her as she took the train in from Boston. Maybe her sister would want to go to a place much warmer after this? As she got out of the train she held a taxi to time square where she would wait for her sister. The thoughts of the beach made her want to go home, pack and then head to Florida or somewhere much warmer than here. Looking around she was beaming as it had been since the volleyball game since she had seen her sister. @ Krystal Rose
  21. It wasn't that long ago that Julia was a brand new camper, luckily she didn't have to wait long to be claimed by her mother. She loved to hang around the Big House, just to spot new comers, she loved to make friends but she also liked to find out if anyone that shows up will turn out to be a siblings of hers. As she started to learn some of the traits of the different cabins, she starts to play guessing games, with some of the new campers. She has yet to get one right though. As she was walking around, she was looking up at the sky, when she bumped into something, or someone. Stopping with a "humph" she blushed as she looked at the boy she had ran into, "I'm sorry" she says with a smile. Sticking her hand out for a shake, she introduced herself "I'm Julia, and you?" she questioned. Giving him a once over she realized he was new, which made her excited, "Hey your new here aren't you?" she blurted in excitement. @ Jules Vivian
  22. Jules just really wanted a normal life so bad but it seems that God didn't want him to have it. Sometimes, when Jules didn't have to go to the shop, he just sat in his room, lied on his bed and cried. He couldn't understand why his life was that miserable, why his mom had to leave him and dad then he was addicted to alcohol. Sandra was always outside when he opened his room but she never asked, which was absolutely fine. Jules was still hurt when she told Max about his 'ability', he had trusted her so much that he felt betrayed when Max dragged him to the shop at the first place, but as long as she was safe, he would do anything. He thought his life would be like this forever, however, it changed dramatically so fast that he couldn't process. Monsters, a man with the legs of goat or even the 'demigod' thingy was absolute new. Putting Sandra, who was still unconscious, down, Jules looked around the big house and spoke loudly, "Anyone's here? Hello? I need help, please. Is this Half-blood Hill?", he breathed heavily, his heart still couldn't be back to normal after the run.
  23. Derrick had been stewing on the whole Forest thing since he woke up. Which Azrael had told him not to do. Their mother would be one proud of the young boy's feelings of revenge but he had no way to act them out. There had been rumors that maybe they were trying to track the monster who killed forest but he had no proof. Sitting at the table where his cabin sat for meal times. He was angry and not in the best moods. So Derrick was playing with his food as he was grumpy and such. Why did the others hold back information from him when he could try to do something about it????? Stabbing the food he then began to play with the full silverware as he pulled it back but then got even more angry and flung. it. The food shot across the room and landed on @ Julia Dutkiewicz who was sitting at her own table. Derrick's eyes got real big as he waited to see how the girl would react!
  24. Andralyn was in a mad dash to clean her room and clean up the cabin a bit, she was ready for her birthday. She's turning sixteen tomorrow, and she couldn't wait!! She didn't know how James was going to feel, because well she kind of forgot to run it past him, but it was too late now and she was determined to have an awesome birthday party! Once she had everything cleaned up, she got to work on setting up all kinds of pranks. What kind of April Fools party would it be if without pranks. She put some whoopie cushions under some of the couch cushions in the common room, then she put some little poppers under some of the rugs around the common room and even some under the toilet seat. She had so many pranks set up and ready, she was super excited! Racing around the house, setting up traps, picking up a few extra things she missed well cleaning, and then she was in the kitchen baking. Baking wasn't her favorite but she wanted to make her own cake, and that's what she did. Once her cake was done, she took to decorations. Andralyn realized that she should of decorated before she set up her traps because now she was decorating around them, trying to be very careful not to set any off on herself. Because of that decorating took up most of her night, not like it mattered though, when she finally laid down to sleep she was tossing and turning with excitement. Finally she fell asleep, with an alarm set for eight in the morning, to get last minute things done. Eight o'clock on April first hit, and a very tired Andralyn rolled over to shut her alarm off, almost dozing back off to sleep. She tossed for a moment, but then she realized what today was and she flew into a seated position in her bed, with a huge smile across her face. Jumping out of bed, she ran out of her room, got herself a nice warm shower, and than got dressed and even put on a little make up, ready for her friends to show up.
  25. Kenna had been working hard on her different techniques in the forge. Some days were longer than others but she finally felt like she was where she belonged. She had just finished a sword when she heard chat that Elena Miller was came at camp. Her jaw dropped as she hadn't seen her friend since the previous summer. Getting all her gear off she then rushed out of the forge towards the Hypnos cabin where maybe she would be. The smile on her face was cute as Elena was one of her first friends here at camp. Maybe the two of them could hang out again like they used too. Well she stopped outside of the cabin as she knocked on the cabin door as her heart was racing from excitement. @ Elena Miller
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