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Camp Half-Blood RP

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Andralyn loved her birth month; she was born on the best day of the month too. She loved to pull pranks on people, and most the campers knew by now that they have to watch their steps during the month of April. Her birthday was just a few days ago, and she still had a bunch of different color silly string and she had plans. The Iris kids were always so colorful and bright, so she thought they would be the perfect candidates for her silly sting. Gathering up four of the cans, the colors she decided to go with being neon pink, neon green, purple, and a bright yellow. With a mischievous grin on her face, she ran out of her cabin and headed for the Iris cabin, darting to the side of it, hoping to catch one or more of some of the Iris campers coming out of their cabin. 

Andralyn put the neon pink, and purple down near the wall of the cabin. She shook up the neon green and bright yellow, popping the caps off, as she awaited her victim. 


@ Petal Price

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Petal stepped out of the Iris cabin, her blonde hair adorned with a crown of fresh flowers that emitted a gentle fragrance. She wore a flowing, tie-dyed dress that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight, making her appear as if she were a living rainbow. The day was bright and sunny, and Petal felt invigorated, ready to explore the camp and participate in the various activities planned for the day.

As she hummed a cheerful tune, Petal was blissfully unaware of the ambush that awaited her just around the corner. Andralyn, seeing her opportunity, leaped out from her hiding spot, brandishing the neon green and bright yellow cans of silly string, and unleashed a torrent of colorful foam onto the unsuspecting daughter of Iris. Petal gasped in surprise, momentarily taken aback by the sudden attack. She blinked through the silly string that clung to her face and caught sight of Andralyn, who was grinning triumphantly. Gathering her wits, Petal grinned back and decided to take the prank in stride.

"Well, that was an unexpected surprise!" Petal exclaimed, trying to shake the silly string from her hair. "You must be Andralyn, right? I've heard about your pranks. I'm Petal. It's nice to finally meet you! You know, I've always wanted to try playing a prank on someone, but I've never had the courage to do it. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two? I'm sure we could come up with some really fun ideas together!"

Petal's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement, hoping that this encounter would mark the beginning of a new friendship. Though she knew Andralyn could be difficult to befriend due to her unpredictable mood swings, Petal's adventurous spirit made her eager to want to try. She was never one to shy away from a challenge, and she believed that everyone had the potential to be a wonderful friend if given the chance.

Edited by Petal Price
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As Petal came out of the cabin, Andralyn jumped out from behind the wall spraying her with green and yellow silly sing. She couldn't contain her laughter after she watched Petal get covered in the sting, as she emptied the cans on her. When they were empty, she dropped them to the ground with a smile spread wide across her face! "Hah!!! I got you!!" she teased. But to her surprise, Petal put on a smile showing no sign of shock or being upset, as Petal spoke, Andralyn's smile dropped to a scowl as she realized her prank did not work out in her favor. Instead, the girl asked if she could teach her some pranks and do one together. what the heck was wrong with this girl she thought as she just stared in disbelief.

After a moment Andralyn stuttered "Y-you what?!" she couldn't believe this, what makes this girl think that she would want to teach her stuff or help her play a prank. Well ok maybe we could play a prank together, I can't pass up a prank, she ranted in her head for a moment. "I guess we could pull a prank on someone else, that would make up for your reaction! I do still have these cans here" she leans down and picks up the other two cans "these ones are purple and pink" she says with a half smile.

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Petal couldn't help but giggle at Andralyn's mixed reaction to her suggestion. She hadn't expected the prank to lead to any kind of bonding experience, but the idea of teaming up to pull a prank together seemed too good to pass up.

"I guess we could pull a prank on someone else"

Petal was enthused to hear this, shaking off the last remnants of silly string from her dress. "I've never really done anything like this before, so I'll need you to show me the ropes." As Andralyn handed her the purple and pink cans of silly string, Petal could feel a surge of power course through her. It was a new adventure, something she had never dared to try before. With these two cans of silly string in her hands she could conquer the whole camp. Wow! It was a rush! She glanced at Andralyn, trying to gauge her feelings about their impromptu partnership. "So, who do you think should be our target? I don't know about you but I feel like the Aphrodite are overdue for a humbling prank. And guess what!?! I know their secret sunbathing spot! We could sneak up on them and unleash our righteous fury! What do you say?" Petal suggested, hoping that Andralyn would take her idea into consideration.

Petal began to feel more at ease with Andralyn. She knew that it could be challenging to form a connection with the daughter of Tyche, but Petal was determined to give it a try. It wasn't every day that she found someone with whom she could share her love for excitement and adventure. And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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Andralyn glared at Petal when started to giggle, trying to gauge whether she was laughing at her or something else "What's so funny?" she spats out before her mind could really even make up its own decision. Heaving a sigh, she handed over the cans of silly string and crossed her arms. She was still very unsure and uncomfortable about this whole idea. She felt like she was stuck in a rock and hard place, she wasn't trying to make friends, honestly she thought she would make enemies, but this whole situation went upside down on her and she had no idea how to handle. Now here she was standing in front of this happy go lucky *gag* girl that wants to team up, and for whatever reason Andralyn agreed before she really thought it through. 

Help her, help her! What the heck did I get myself into, she screamed at herself as she rolled her eyes at Petal's admission. That's when Petal had the idea to use the silly string on some Aphrodite campers. The wheels turned in Andralyn's head, to know where their secret spot is, would be awesome, and she could tell Theo, and then they could really wreak havoc on those campers. "Eh, I guess that's a fine idea, let's go" she says with a half forced smile, Petal came up with a pretty good idea, but there is no way Andralyn would ever admit it to Petal. She would only get even more excited if that was even humanly possible, she thought to herself. Uncrossing her arms, she gestures for Petal to lead the way.

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Petal could sense the apprehension in Andralyn's voice, but she chose to focus on the fact that they were actually going to do this together. "Alright! Let's go have some fun!" Petal said, excitement evident in her voice. She led the way, trying to make sure that they were not seen by any other campers on their way to the Aphrodite campers' secret sunbathing spot. As they walked to the spot, Petal couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and unease. She was worried about how Andralyn would react if the prank didn't go as planned. After all, she had never done anything like this before and didn't want to disappoint her newfound partner in crime. Andralyn was expecting a prank today and Petal had already ruined one for her by not acting as expected, what if she ruined this one too?

In an attempt to ease the tension, Petal attempted to engage Andralyn in light conversation as they walked. She shared stories of her own experiences at camp finally asking "So what about you? Any good prank stories? I heard a rumor you recently tried to sneak into the Hermes cabin! How did that go?" The Aphrodite campers' secret sunbathing spot was located in a secluded area of the camp, hidden from the main pathways and common areas. Nestled in a small clearing surrounded by trees and flowering bushes, it offered a sense of privacy and tranquility, making it the perfect spot for the children of the goddess of love and beauty to unwind and enjoy the sun. Some were in stylish bathing suits, while others were wearing fashionable cover-ups, clearly enjoying a day of sun and relaxation. A few bolder ones were a naked as the day they were born. As they approached, Petal turned to Andralyn and whispered, "Okay, we need to be really quiet so they don't hear us coming. With your pranking experience maybe you should take the lead?" she suggested.

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Andralyn walked along side Petal, as she talked her ear off. Andralyn wasn't much for small talk, and she hardly listened to much of anything Petal was rambling on about, until she mentioned the Hermes cabin. This made Andralyn stop walking and just stair dumbfounded at the girl. Her mind started to race, how does she know about that? does she know more then she is leading on and just wants me to spill the details, what the hell?!?! as she started recall that exciting night, her cheeks started to burn. Dropping her head, to hide her face when she started to feel the burn of her cheeks, hoping the girl didn't see it. "What!?! what do you know about that?" she said slightly breathless in her voice, trying to hand her flustered feelings from being exposed. Finally catching her bearings she took a breath, and started to walk, walking past her at first until she realized she had no idea where she was going. Falling back so she could fallow, she tried to stay back behind Petal for the rest of the trip, not wanting to talk about that night with her. 

When they reached the area Andralyn perked up a bit with a small smirk playing across her face as she noticed most of the Aphrodite's campers were there and enjoying the sun and water. This is going to be great! she thought to herself, and she wasn't thinking about the silly string either, she had other plans. Of course, they were still going to do the silly string, but she was determined to get Petal. That's when Petal spoke up, "of course, we gotta be quite" she stated matter-of-factly in a whisper, rolling her eyes. Smiling, she said nudged Petal forward "no, no you can lead, all we gotta do is run out and start spraying them, its pretty simple" she says with a smirk, her new plan playing out in her head.

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Petal hesitated for a moment, but eventually decided to trust Andralyn's guidance on the prank. She took a deep breath and nodded, "Alright, here we go!" With a mixture of excitement and anxiety, she gripped the cans of purple and pink silly string tightly in her hands. She could feel her heart racing as they prepared to surprise the sunbathing Aphrodite campers. As they got closer, Petal felt the adrenaline surging through her veins. In the next moment, she burst from their hiding spot, cans of silly string at the ready. "Surprise!" Petal yelled, unleashing a torrent of purple and pink silly string onto the unsuspecting campers. The Aphrodite children's screams filled the air as they scrambled to avoid the colorful foam. 

"Prepare for a color explosion!" Petal shouted gleefully

"Incoming rainbow attack!" she exclaimed.

"Feel the power of the Iris cabin!" Petal yelled.

The Aphrodite campers' were shocked, their once perfectly styled hair and flawless tans now marred by Petal's vibrant silly string assault.

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Andralyn watched in surprise as Petal took off into their spot and started to spray them with the pink and purple silly string. As the Aphrodite campers start to scatter, some ran right back Andralyn and all she could do was snicker. This was perfect, not only did this disrupt the Aphrodite campers nice little sunbathing time, but her plan was on the way, she was just waiting for the perfect opportunity. Only a couple things had to fall in place, both of which involved Petal, she needed to be a little closer to the watering hole and stay distracted, so she has no idea what is about to happen. 

Petal was running at the campers, chasing some of them right to the watering hole laughing with that goofy smile across her face. Andralyn ceased her moment. Taking off in a sprint she ran toward Petal as fast as she could, trying to be as quite as possible, sneaking up on her. A couple of the Aphrodite campers noticed Andralyn, staring wondering what she was about to do. Just as she got to Petal, she stuck her hands out and yelled "SURPRISE" The force of Andralyn running into Petal threw her forward and into the water. Petal landed with a huge splash, and Andralyn was on the ground laughing so hard, tears were running down her face. I got her this time, I just know it! she exclaimed to herself, super happy with herself. Taking some breaths, she tried to calm down when she seen Petal's head come up out of the water "I...." she starts to laugh more "got you!" she exclaimed laughing uncontrollably again. 

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Petal resurfaced from the water, her dress soaked and clinging to her body. Her hair, once adorned with a crown of fresh flowers, was now a wet mess. As she wiped the water from her eyes, she saw Andralyn laughing uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment and betrayal. They were supposed to be a team, but Andralyn had just turned on her. Trying to shake off her shock, Petal mustered a weak smile. "You really got me there, Andralyn," she said, her voice wavering slightly. She attempted to play it off as if she were fine, but inside, she felt hurt. Petal had put her trust in Andralyn, hoping to build a friendship, but instead, she had been used as the butt of another prank. Climbing out of the water, Petal wrung out her dress and hair as best as she could, feeling self-conscious about her appearance. She forced a laugh, trying to show Andralyn that she could take a joke. "Alright, you got me good. I guess I should've expected a double-cross from the prank queen herself," she said, hoping that her words would help hide the hurt she felt inside.

Determined to escape the situation, Petal tried to run away, but her vision was blurred by tears she was fighting to keep at bay. In her haste and disorientation, she collided with a metal sunbathing umbrella, the impact of her head against the pole causing her to crumple to the ground, dazed. As she lay on the ground, trying to regain her bearings, Petal fought even harder to hold back her tears. She had been betrayed by someone she thought was becoming a friend, and that hurt more than the physical pain from the umbrella. The vulnerability she felt in that moment was all pretty overwhelming, and she desperately wished she could just disappear from the scene.

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Andralyn was still catching her breath when Petal got out of the water and started wringing her clothes and hair out. When Petal first spoke, Andralyn didn't catch the hint of sadness in her voice, "That was great! You totally didn't see it coming!" she says with another laugh. Andralyn looked around seeing some of the Aphrodite campers that had seen what happen, staring over at them both. The look on some of their faces queued Andralyn that maybe something might be wrong. Plue they were laughing, which she couldn't understand why not, it was hilarious! Then Petal spoke up again, calling her the queen of pranks, but this time Andralyn could hear the shakiness in her voice, but before she could say something Petal took off running. Andralyn seen a hint of shimmer in her eyes when she turned to run. Petal was crying, Andralyn was dumbfounded, why would she be crying? It was supposed to be funny, others usually just get mad or annoyed, which Andralyn could handle it was the reaction she expected from Petal as well, but instead she was crying, she was upset. 

Lost in her thoughts, she had no idea what do, Andralyn has never apologized for a prank but now she is feeling something pulling at her that is making her feel like she should apologize or say something. Andralyn watched as Petal ran straight into an umbrella, it happened so quick she didn't have time to say anything. Running over to Petal, she knelt down next to her and offering her a hand "Um, are you ok?" she questions the girl, her mind still racing with these weird emotions of guilt through her head. "I, umm" hesitation hit her hard, as she tried to find the words "well, you know" she says with a half smile, hoping she knew what she meant and she didn't actually have to say she was sorry, because that just felt way too weird to do.

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Petal didn't want Andralyn to see her as weak or overly emotional. She wanted to be seen as someone who could take a joke, even if it was at her own expense. With her vision still blurred and her head throbbing, Petal attempted to sit up, a groan escaping her lips as she struggled. "Wow," she muttered, trying to make light of her unfortunate collision with the umbrella. "I guess I'm just a magnet for accidents today, huh?" She forced a chuckle, the pain in her head and the hurt in her heart making it sound more strained than she would have liked. "I suppose I should have seen that coming, too," Petal continued, attempting to maintain her sense of humor. She gingerly touched her forehead, wincing as she felt a growing bump forming beneath her fingers. "Maybe I should start wearing a helmet whenever I'm around you."

Petal's attempt at humor was weak, but she was desperate to save face and salvage any potential friendship that could still exist between her and Andralyn. She looked up at the other girl, her eyes pleading for some form of understanding or acceptance. "I guess we're even now, right?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, hoping against hope that this could somehow bring them closer together rather than push them further apart. She reached out her hand for Andralyn to help pull her up.

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Andralyn really was trying to be nice and apologize, she never meant for the girl to get hurt. Embarrassed, of course so she wasn't really sorry about that part. She was never good at saying sorry, honestly, she can't even remember the last time she said sorry to someone and meant it. This damn Iris girl was so peppy and cheerful, Andralyn was actually kind of jealous of her. She has never been the happy go lucky kid, even when she tries to be, things always go wrong, her luck can go on the fritz and ends up being super bad luck. Andralyn couldn't help but laugh at Petal's attempt at a joke "Hey, that might not be a bad idea, my mom might be the goddess of luck but that doesn't always mean bad luck" she says with a shrug of her shoulders, as she helps pull petal to her feet. 

"I guess we can call it even" she says rolling her eyes. Why was this girl trying so hard to be friends with her, she didn't understand. No one ever wants or sticks around long enough to be friends with her. Maybe part of it was because she sabotaged the friendship not wanting to get close to someone. Afraid of getting hurt. "Are you sure your ok?" she questions the girl looking at the large bump that has formed on her forehead. Andralyn did feel horrible about that part, and in a whisper she finally got the words out "I'm sorry". With a small smile on her face, she shook her head "It was kind of funny watching you run into the umbrella though, just wish you didn't get hurt". Andralyn gave petal a once over to make sure she didn't see any other scrapes or anything. Happy there didn't seem to be any more, she smiled and grabbed Petal's hand "come on, let me make it up to you". This was not like her, and it made her wonder if one of the Aphrodite kids were messing with her feelings, making her feel something for Petal.

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Petal gripped Andralyn's hand and pulled herself up, still feeling a bit dizzy. She offered her a small smile, "Thank you, Andralyn," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Petal could feel the eyes of the other campers on them. But she didn't care. She was too focused on processing everything that had just happened. Her head was still throbbing, but she was doing her best to ignore the pain. "And, you're right. We're even now." She paused, taking a deep breath to steady herself before adding, "I suppose it wouldn't be fair if I didn't get a chance to prank you back, would it?" she teased with a wink.

Realizing she was still soaked to the bone she started trying to wring the water out of her hair with her hands. Despite the unfortunate series of events, there was no denying that Petal was a natural beauty. Her clothing, though drenched, clung to her lithe frame in a way that accentuated her graceful curves. The sunlight reflecting off the droplets of water that trickled down her arms and legs gave her a somewhat ethereal glow, like a water nymph emerging from her aquatic domain. Her dress which had become semi-translucent due to the water, revealed the silhouette of her form underneath. Even soaking wet and somewhat disheveled, Petal still managed to radiate a charm that was uniquely her own.

Petal paused, water droplets still gliding off her damp hair, and looked at Andralyn. A mischievous glint flashed in her eyes as Andralyn offered to make it up to her. "Well, Andralyn, that does sound tempting. How exactly do you plan on making it up to me?" She was playfully challenging Andralyn, while also conveying her interest. Despite her situation Petal was still able to muster up her own unique brand of confidence. This girl had managed to put her off balance, a rare feat, and Petal was determined to return the favor. As she waited for Andralyn's response, she absently brushed a soaked curl from her face in a subtly enticing manner.

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Andralyn was unsure of the way she was feeling, confused by it all she just smiled and stared at Petal for a hot minute. She was admiring her, when she spoke, asking if she could prank Andralyn back. Andralyn jump startled back to reality for moment "huh, oh umm sure. One free pass" she said with a smile, she felt bad enough for what she did to the poor girl, she was willing to give her that. Looking around she tried to see if there was any Aphrodite still around, but she couldn't see any in site, they had all left. Heaving a sigh of relief to know it wasn't one of them projecting feelings at her, but now she was left with the realization that she might like girls, and Petal of all girls was the one to make her see that. 

The way petal looked soaked in water, her curves showing, her beautiful colorful hair glistening with the water, wrapped around her face. She was a sight to behold, and Andralyn had no idea what to do with herself. She had only just experienced not long ago what it was like to be with a guy, and now her she was admiring Petal. Slowing Andralyn realized that she had been staring once more, but this time her eyes were traveling over Petal's body. "Beautiful" she said without even realizing she had spoke the word out loud. That's when Petal spoke up again with very enticing words, and the way Petal was acting she wasn't quite for sure but she really thought that maybe she liked her as well. 

"Hmmmm, I'll have to think on it, but seeing as your already wet maybe we can have some fun in the water?" she questioned her, her mind was not focused on swimming as much as it was wanting to see Petal naked, and was hoping she couldn't possibly convince her, or maybe she might even suggest it herself. 

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Petal was taken aback for a moment, her heart fluttering rapidly in her chest at the unexpected compliment. "Beautiful?" she whispered to herself, the weight of the word sinking in. A warmth spread across her cheeks as she realized that Andralyn had indeed uttered it. For a moment, she felt vulnerable, exposed even, not because of her wet clothes but because of the intense gaze Andralyn was directing her way. Every emotion, every raw and genuine feeling that Andralyn had, was conveyed through those eyes. Petal took a shaky breath, her usual playful demeanor slightly faltering under the intensity of the moment.

Then, hearing Andralyn's proposition, she smiled, mischief back in her eyes. Taking a step closer to Andralyn, the soft splash of her wet shoes on the grass sounded thunderous in Petal's ears. "Well, seeing as I'm already soaked, I wouldn't mind diving in for more," she replied, her voice sultry and challenging. Her fingers brushed against the hem of her wet dress, playfully suggesting the idea of discarding it right there and then. The tension between them was palpable, and Petal reveled in it. The flirtation was uncharted territory for her, especially with another girl, but she found herself oddly at ease, driven by a compelling curiosity and desire. Petal was always one open to new expereinces.

She winked at Andralyn, her lips curling into a sly grin. "But my prankster friend," Petal purred, her voice dripping with mischief, "how do you plan on getting in without getting your clothes all wet?" She was, of course, teasing Andralyn, delighting in this newfound dynamic between them.

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"Very soaked" Andralyn giggled, with a small smirk. She couldn't help but feel excited that she agreed, but when Petal reached for the hem of her dress, Andralyn could feel her heartbeat speed up in anticipation. She smiled brightly at Petal "I could take my clothes off". Andralyn grabbed her shirt and slowly pulled it up over her head. This gave view to her black lace bra; it was her favorite one. Her C cup breast fit perfectly in the cups, giving her a good amount of cleavage. As her shirt went over her head, it hid her blush for a moment. Andralyn tossed the shirt to the side of her, she looked to Petal, and with a smirk, she slowly pulled her pants down her legs. Giving a small show, she wiggled her hips to help shimmy the pants down. Andralyn had matching laced black panties. Against her pale white skin, the black laced pair contrasted beautifully. 

"Your turn" she says a little to excitedly with a smirk a crossed her face. Andralyn was still in shock the feelings she was having, but she was not going to let her silly thought get in her way. She was ready to explore this newly found side of herself. She was even strangely conformable with Petal, there was just something about her positivity that applied to Andralyn and honestly, she had started this day out wanting to see another side of her, she wanted to see this so overly positive girl to break, but she didn't, with made Andralyn like her even more as a friend. Maybe it's also why she finds her attractive, beside out stunning her beauty is, especially with her clothes soaked and clung to her, showing out her curves. 

"I can help you take your dress off" she says softly biting her lip. 

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Petal felt a rush of exhilaration mixed with nervousness as she watched her slowly undress. Petal was no stranger to sex, but the the unpredictability of Andralyn's character rendered her unusually shy. Every movement seemed deliberate, almost like a tantalizing dance. The sight of Andralyn, with the contrast of the dark lace against her pale skin, was both intimidating and enticing. Petal's eyes widened slightly as Andralyn removed her shirt, revealing the lace bra that held her larger breasts. Gaze naturally gravitated to Andralyn's ample cleavage, captivated by the gentle curve and fullness, a beautful contrast to her smaller perky breasts. A warm rush of color filled Petal's cheeks as she became hyper-aware of her own lingering gaze. She had always been confident in her own body, but Andralyn's fuller figure presented something new and alluring, a difference that Petal couldn't help but find intriguing. "Ohhh wow,"; she spoke softly. Realizing she'd been staring longer than intended, Petal hastily brought her eyes up to meet Andralyn's. She tried to mask her unexpected shyness with a playful quip, her voice a touch more breathy than usual, "I see you came prepared with such lovely lingerie, Andralyn. You're full of surprises, aren't you?"

With a playful smirk, Petal responded to Andralyn's offer, "Why not? Seems we're breaking all sorts of barriers today And I've never had someone undress me after a prank. Fair warning though, I'm not wearing a bra..." she said playfully. She held her arms slightly out from her sides, allowing the other girl the chance to hike up her dress and slide it over and off her head. She felt her heart racing in her chest, not just from the physical exposure, but from the emotional vulnerability of the moment. The dynamic between the two had shifted so quickly; from playful pranks to this charged atmosphere filled with uncertainty and intrigue.

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Andralyn blushed when she heard Petal's soft exclaim. Andralyn loved the flush of pink in Petal's cheeks, as she walked up closer to her. She was in uncharted territory, but at the same time she loved the feeling of being able to turn sweet, happily go lucky Petal into a shy little girl that is having a hard time coming up much to say to her. Andralyn was very intrigued to hear the girl didn't have a bra on, when she reached down to grab the hem of Petal's dress, she slowly lifted it over her head, as she rose her arms up to make it easier to pull off. Pulling the dress fully off and tossing it over where her clothes were, she stepped back to admire Petal's body. Looking her body up and down, Petals perky little breast, beautiful rounded in shape, her nipples hard from already being wet and the air hitting them. Following down her body, she could see her curves so much better, leading down to her hips. Petal a pretty rainbow thong on. It fit with hips making them look like they pop out more, making her look enticing. 

Andralyn still didn't fully understand her feelings that were consuming her at this moment, but she sure was enjoying herself. Taking a step closer to Petal, she reached out hooking her thumbs into either side of the thong and slides it down slowly letting herself drop down on her knees as well to help pull them off Petals smooth legs. Once they were off, Andralyn trailed her hands back up the sides of Petals legs, once to her hips, she stood back up and brought her hands further up stopping just under Petal's breast. 

"Even more beautiful fully naked" she says with a smile stretching from ear to ear. Pulling her hands away she reached back and unclips her bra, letting it fall to the ground, her big breast bouncing out from being held up from the bra. Leaving her panties on, she looks at Petal "I'll let you do the honors" she gestures with a wink. 

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Petal was momentarily paralyzed as she felt Andralyn's hands sliding the dress over her head. The world felt muted, and all she could feel was the increasing warmth enveloping her body and the heavy thud of her heartbeat echoing in her ears. She took a deep breath, the air filling her lungs but somehow not enough to quell the rush of feelings that were washing over her. Petal felt her body tense as Andralyn's fingers hooked into the waistband of her thong. An unexpected vulnerability crept over her, making her insides flutter as the cool air caressed her bare skin. She'd been in intimate situations before, but none had felt quite like this – charged, raw, and almost...innocent in its discovery. She couldn't help but place a hand shyly over herself for a brief moment, a futile attempt to retain a little modesty. But when Andralyn's fingers traced upwards, an electrifying sensation followed in their wake.

Petal's breath caught in her throat, her cheeks a deep shade of crimson. "I've never had anyone describe me quite like that," Petal responded, her voice quivering slightly with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. She felt both on display and deeply appreciated at the same time. Petal was no stranger to her own beauty, but being admired so openly and honestly by Andralyn was new and intoxicating. The two of them seemed to be teetering on the edge of something profound, an unspoken connection growing with each passing moment.

As Andralyn discarded her bra and her breasts spilled forth, Petal couldn't help but look. Her own gaze was filled with admiration and a hint of envy. She pondered how it felt to be that full, that voluptuous. The playful command from Andralyn brought a mischievous grin to Petal's lips. "You know, you're not making it easy for me to remember this started as a prank," she joked lightly. Her fingers delicately approached Andralyn's panties, hesitating for just a moment to build anticipation, before beginning the slow process of sliding them off. After completing the task, Petal took a moment to appreciate the view. She gently reached out, her fingertips skimming the skin of Andralyn's arm, savoring the sensation of the cool, soft flesh beneath her touch. The power dynamics had shifted, but in this raw and vulnerable space, Petal felt more connected than ever. "How about a bet?" she whispered as she stepped into the water, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement and curiosity. "If you can catch me, you can have me. Feeling lucky daughter of Tyche?" she teased before jumping into the water swimming out like a nymph towards a larger island in the middle of the water.


GM rights if you decide to have Andralyn catch up to her

Edited by Petal Price
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Andralyn let out a small moan when she felt Petal's soft fingertips run down her arm. She smiled and giggled slightly at her admission of how this day started. Come to think of it, this wasn't at all how Andralyn ever imagined her day would turn out. If you would of asked her this morning she would have bragged how she was going to pull the best prank on the iris chick and make her freak out, but now here she was after pulling that prank and than somehow feeling remorseful for the poor girl. And now, now of all things she has discovered how beautiful Petal is and how resilient she is only makes her that more attractive to Andralyn. She was in awe at the beauty of Petal standing naked in front of her when Petal spoke, something about a bet, but before she could even answer the colorful beauty took off into the water. 

"Oh! It's on!" she yells with excitement as she takes off driving into the water, what the girl didn't know was Andralyn was a pretty good swimmer, as long as her luck didn't get in the way, it wasn't always good luck. Beaming ear to ear as she came up for air, and then diving back under, as she could swim faster under the water. When she came up for air the second time she was right behind Petal just as they were approaching the little island. Andralyn giggled and grabbed for Petal. Spinning her around in the water, so that she was facing her, she took her hands to Petal's face and planted a kiss upon Petal's lips tenderly. Pulling away she smirk "Got you!" she exclaimed with excitement. Pulling her to the island, they both climb out of the water and Andralyn lays Petal into the soft warm sand, as she climbs on top, straddling the tiny girl. "What all do I get as my prize?" she questions her with a sinister smile. She was surely enjoying herself, even if this was all new to her. 

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Petal was doing her best to outpace Andralyn in the water, her heart racing with every stroke. The island loomed closer, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that Andralyn was just a breath away. A quick glance over her shoulder confirmed her suspicions. To her surprise, Andralyn was a faster swimmer than she had given her credit for. Petal had assumed that she was the best swimmer at camp, but perhaps she had met her match. The realization made Petal's stomach flutter with a mix of nerves and excitement. She was used to being in control, to setting the pace, but Andralyn's unexpected prowess in the water had turned the tables. Her heart raced faster, her strokes became a little more frantic, but as they neared the island, Andralyn suddenly surged forward, pulling Petal into her embrace.

"Eeeeppppp!" Petal let out a surprised gasp, her eyes wide as Andralyn pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss as she felt Andralyn's body press against her own. She could feel every curve, every dip, every difference and similarity in their contrasting figures. The feeling of their wet bodies pressed together, the taste of salt on Andralyn's lips, and the sensation of being so utterly desired left Petal breathless. When they finally broke apart, Petal was panting, her cheeks flushed with more than just exertion. Petal had kiss her fair share of girls before but she felt like this was going to go much further and that was both exciting and scary. Before she had time to orient herself from that kiss though, Andralyn had already pulled her to the island and was now straddling on top of her! Still trying to catch her breath, Petal gestured to her body with a teasing glint in her eyes. "Isn't it obvious?" she replied playfully. "Your reward is right here." Petal's lithe form contrasted beautifully against the golden sands as her damp colorful hair stuck to the sides of her face, her smaller perky breasts rising with each breath and the sun highlighting the subtle curves of her hips and thighs.

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Andralyn smirked at Petal's response, as her eyes traveled down to the girl's perky breast. Leaning forward she runs her hands from her waist up her hips, to the sides of her breast, and then slowly wrapping her hands around both Petals breast. Andralyn's face was now in Petal's face as she leaned closer, squeezing and massaging her soft breast. "You look so beautiful sprawled out under neither me" she says with a hint of satisfaction in her voice, as if this was some conquest that she was proud of, planting another passionate kiss to Petal's lips. Andralyn's tongue finds its way inside her mouth, she moans at the sweet candy like taste of Petal. Everything about this girl was rainbows and candy, sunshine and sweetness, how did Andralyn fall prey to such a goody too shoes kind of girl. Andralyn might have fallen prey to her sweet charms, but at this point Petal was now the pray, the prize, the holy grail and Andralyn was thirsty, hungry to taste every inch of her body. 

Andralyn continued to devour Petal's mouth, as her right knee moved between Petal's legs. Pushing her legs apart, Andralyn slowly runs her right-hand down Petal's stomach, never breaking the kiss, her hand finds what it was looking for. Andralyn smiles into the kiss as she takes Petal's throbbing clit between two fingers, pinching lightly, and rubs it's between her fingers. 

Andralyn wanted to savior the moment, she didn't want for anything more than to hear Petal's soft voice moan out her name. She was discovering just how much she liked to be in control. She had never been in control with the boys she was with, which was ok, but it felt right with Petal. 

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As Andralyn smirked triumphantly, pinning her beneath her in the soft sand, Petal felt a rush of vulnerability. "Th-thank you... I've never... um, been in this position before with someone like you" she responded. She was completely at Andralyn's mercy, but instead of fearing it, she reveled in the heady sensation. Petal's thoughts were becoming a cloudy haze of pleasure with how fast things were moving. The red blush that had stayed on her cheeks was so unlike the normally unfazed Iris girl. Why just last Fall she'd attended a music festival where she'd met a cute girl her own age. The night ended with her hand down the other girl's pants exploring and eliciting moans from her. But now here she was, naked with this gorgeous buxom girl on top of her taking control. Petal wasn't one to generally submit so easily, but when Andralyn's tongue claimed another kiss from her she melted, her own tongue offering little resistance as Andralyn explored her mouth. All Petal could do was try and keep up, her tongue dancing in tune with the other girl as long soft moan escaped her.

Her playful side made her want to push Andralyn off and regain control, but deep down, there was an unfamiliar, almost thrilling sensation of surrender that she couldn’t quite deny. Her cheeks flushed as Andralyn's knee easily pushed between her thighs, and she involuntarily let out a small gasp. Petal had always been confident and sure of herself in these situations, always the one leading and dictating the pace. But with Andralyn, it felt different. It wasn't just about physical pleasure; it was about trust. With every gentle touch, every knowing smile, Petal felt herself letting go, slipping deeper into submission. The feeling was exhilarating and new, like standing at the edge of a cliff, unsure of what lay below but trusting in the jump. When Andralyn's fingers found their way to her clit, Petal's body shuddered involuntarily. She felt a heat spreading across her body, a sharp contrast to the cool sea breeze around them. The sensation was overwhelming, and she tried to stifle a moan to no avail. "A-ahh... oh, Andralynnnnn... mmmmmm..."

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Andralyn's fingers pinched and played with the girl's clit, enjoying the way Petal's body responded. Feeling her body jerk from underneath her, being on top, controlling and possessive, it was new to Andralyn, like this entire situation. Her own body was responding in ways she never imagined. Feeling the aerosol build between her own legs. "Mmm, I love hearing you moan my name" her voice comes out shaky but seductive. Petal's voice rang through her head, she couldn't believe the affect it had on her body. Andralyn smiled down at the girl as she let her fingers slip down her wet slit, finding her opening. With a smirk playing on her face, staring into her eyes, she plunges two of her fingers deep into her wet opening. Slowly moving them out and then back in, as her fingers move inside, she curls into an upward position, searching for the sweet spot. She could feel just how wet Petal was and it only made her own self wetter. "Let's make this a little more interesting" she says and in one swift motion, Andralyn falls to her back, pulling Petal up to where she was sitting on her face. Petal was facing Andralyn's body, as she wrapped her arms around Petal's thighs, pulling her down. Letting a small moan slip from her lips, as she opens her mouth, latching onto Petal's clit. She starts to suck her clit into her mouth, using her tongue to lap and tease her clit. Andralyn's nail's lightly dig into Petal's soft sensitive skin on the inside of her thighs.

Nipping as Petal's clit, letting it sit between her teeth, biting just hard enough to hold it in place. Andralyn's uses her tongue to teasingly flick at Petal's sensitive clit. Moaning into Petal's pussy once more, as she could feel her nipples harden, she pushes her chest out some. Lifting her legs to plant herself into the sand, she can feel the wetness between her legs dripping down to slit as she squirms slightly, thoroughly enjoying the sweet taste of Petal's pussy. 

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