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Camp Half-Blood RP

Hunter Betelgeuse

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Rose met Hunter's father while working at her family’s vineyard. It was a whirlwind romance, at least the way she had always described it to Hunter. The good times were good, and the bad times were… well… he gets his spiteful nature from his parents that’s for sure. Hunter had never met his father, his mother also kept the fact that he was a god from him up until it wasn’t something that could be hidden anymore. She often referred to him as either “Your biological father” or “the man who helped me create you” and there was always just a tinge of bitterness in her voice.

Hunter was born during a Sunny April 2nd, and his name came from the freckles on his face that could connect into the constellation of Orion the Hunter. He was raised by his mother, at her family’s vineyard though he rarely saw his grandparents at all. He never felt lonely though, not when his mom was ever present in his life. Plus he had the plants to talk to whenever he was too lonely.

He was homeschooled his entire life, and kept mostly to the family farm, except for the days his mom would take him to the local theatre to watch the musicals. Everything Hunter knows about relationships comes from the musicals he’s seen… and he’s seen quite a few. From Legally Blonde to Beatlejuice to The Wizard of Oz, he knew most of the songs by heart.

There was a time when he was ten where he begged his mother to let him start going into the city to help with the local theatre… and reluctantly she obliged. Those two years of theatre were the best of Hunter's life. He’d had a few friends, and several minor roles in productions as a tree or bush. He even had a best friend for a time… Basher. Basher was a little strange and always talked about Greek mythology, something Hunter had a passive interest in. Basher always seems a bit disappointed in Hunter’s disinterest, but didn’t dissuade him from finding other common interests. It turned out they both had a love of Astronomy as well as Astrology.

Basher eventually started having sleepovers at Hunters house where they would look at the stars and “play fight”. Hunter despised sword fighting, though found archery to come easily to him. He always questioned Basher as to what the point was, but Basher always replied with “you’ll never know what you’ll need to land a role,”

Things didn’t take a turn for the worst until Hunter turned 12. Both his mom and Basher seemed to be anxious for some reason though Hunter didn’t understand why. Things were going great as far as he was concerned, he’d gotten a minor speaking role in an upcoming production… he’d started selling homemade grape jam at the local farmers market and it was a hit… but even he couldn’t deny a sense of unease.

It was the night April 2nd turned to the 3rd, when Hunter and Basher were looking at the stars on the roof of the barn that the monsters came. Hunter still doesn’t talk about that night, not to anyone. There was a lot of panic and confusion as Basher seemed to know what to do, he had told Hunter to find his mother. Hunter protested but Basher was firm in this, and once Hunter realised it was pointless he ran screaming for help.

Rose was already standing there with a bag ready to go, complete with a bow and arrow. She gave them to him with tears in her eyes, and did not give Hunter a second to hesitate. “You need to go to Camp, I can’t protect you anymore,” she said, sliding a map into her son's hands. Hunter was confused, he wanted to protest but when Basher came running towards him saying “we’re out of time!” Rose didn’t hesitate for a second.

Hunter didn’t get to say goodbye to his mom as Basher pulled him away. They ran for a long, long time before hitchhiking the rest of the way. Hunter tried to get answers from Basher who just said “when we get to camp, everything will make sense,” but that just angered Hunter more and more.

They had ended up having to make the rest of the way to camp by foot, encountering countless monsters on the way, they were almost up the hill before a creature Hunter could barely describe if he wanted to snuck up on them. Basher urged him to run, but Hunter couldn’t stand to leave his friend behind. Unfortunately they were outmatched and while Basher managed to get them both to camp… either of them were unscathed.

Hunter still doesn’t know who his godly parent is, and has decided that Basher betrayed his trust… only becoming friends with him because of whoever his dad really was. He hasn’t spoken to his former best friend since.


Hunter is pretty laid back. He gets incredibly animated when it comes to talking about the stars, theatre or jam. He even enjoys writing horoscopes that are pretty inaccurate at the end of the day. He has his mothers smile, and presumably his fathers eyes. He’s a pretty good actor, even fooling himself at times. He’s not that in touch with his own feelings, but who is at 12? He also doesn’t really understand people, having been sheltered for most of his life then befriending theatre folks he can be incredibly dramatic when it comes to strong emotions. His mean streak only comes out when his fatal flaw activates. He is spiteful as sin, if a wrong is done to him or someone he loves he will return the pain tenfold. He’s pretty good at hiding it, but the mean glint in his eyes and the way his smile is just a little bit off always gives away when he feels he’s been done wrong. At the end of the day he’s a dreamer, through and through with aspirations of making it to broadway when… if… he comes of age.

About Me

Birthdate: April 2nd 2010
Likes: Archery, Jam Making, Astrology, Astronomy, Foraging, Horoscopes, Musical Theatre
Dislikes: Fishing, Bad Movie Adaptations, Wet Dog Smell, Swordsmanship, trapped animals, people who can’t admit when they’re wrong, traitors
  • Mom:
  • Rose Betelgeuse, 34
  • Dad:
  • --
  • Siblings:
  • None
  • Other:
  • Basher, Satyr and (former) best friend
Happy Thoughts: Looking up and seeing the stars, picking out constellations
Nightmares: Being betrayed by someone they let get close to them
Fatal Flaw: Spite; Will make stupid decisions if it means getting back at someone who hurt them or someone they loved
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