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Camp Half-Blood RP

Leroy Bernard

Leroy Bernard

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Leroy Bernard


Leroy was born in the great city of New Orleans and raised by his father Remy.his father was not a rich man at all living with his grand-mother, Térésa Boutin, and Marius, Remy’s step father. Their neighbor Salomon Bergier would help when he could. He was a lot younger than Remy, maybe 17 or so when Leroy was born.  Salomon was born with some birth defect or muscle disease.  But he would watch Leroy if all the adults were working.  Remy worked on a boat in the gulf and would dredge up all sorts of things.  Nothing usually valuable but one time he dredged up 3 coins. 2 were obviously French francs from the 1600s and one that he had never seen before.  Leroy was about 4 when his father gave him those coins which unknown to his father at the time would run his life and help him make some of the biggest decisions in his life.  They lived out in the bayou and his early childhood was uneventful for the most part.  His father was either working or gambling/cheating.  Which is where Leroy probably got his fix. Playing poker with his family for candy or to get out of chores.  His father would always refer to Leroy as his  “porte-bonheura” because his winnings would drastically increase when Leroy was around. 
Leroy would go to public school He had alway struggled with school he spent more time trying to scam other students by playing red/black and would sometimes make enough money off his fellow students to buy his lunch and sometimes even dinner for the family.  He, like a lot of his fellow students from the bayous, had thick cajun accents.  He also had a hard time sitting for so long during the day.  Very active, always exploring the swamps and the area around his house.  He would play all the typical war games with his friends then go and try to scam some of the older kids in dice. He would continue this for most of his life.  He would alway have his coins though and would use them to help him make some decisions.  Like heads or tails on which kid to challenge or which path to take and for some reason it always worked out in his favor whenever he did that.  All the way through his time till 2019 when his father was working out in the boat trying to make a living and a hurricane swept him out and his body washed ashore. Leroy's grandparents had been given the instructions that if Remy were to pass they were to “give THE letter to Salomon”. Leroy's grandma had since passed, but his step-grandfather Marius knew what that meant but refused to do so.  
Now it is 2022 and Salomon was not waiting any more. Marius was not necessarily the nicest man or most attentive Grandfather.  Salomon on the day leroy turned 12 showed up.  Marius did not let leroy have a party but was passed out on the couch after drinking himself into a coma.  So Salomon would look at leroy as he Marius was taken away in an ambulance. Something was off about the scene and Salomon would shed his disguise and show to be a satyr and escorted him to the camp for his safety. Their travel was uneventful, and Leroy arrived at Camp Half-Blood within a few days of this tragedy.


Leroy is typically very polite. Raised by an old school Cajun grandmother, she would not accept any sort of disrespect or rudeness. He is a fairly normal looking kid.  Nothing too special but he can seem overly nice.  This niceness seems sincere but it is rarely sincere; he almost always has an ulterior motive.  He can be quite reckless because he figures his lucky coin can get him out of most problems.  Even though he is very outgoing and talkative he does not have very many friends.  He is very slow to trust thinking people are out to get back what he won.  Those that are considered friends are lucky because he is one of the most loyal and fun people to be with. 

About Me

Birthdate: October 21, 2010
Likes: Cajun food, scamming, Games, Coins the rarer the better, Mardi Gras,  Blues music 
Dislikes: bad weather, Bullies, the rich, the cold,  disrespect

  • Mom:
  • unknown
  • Dad:
  • Remy LeBeau Bernard age 43 (dead since hurricane Barry 2019)
  • Siblings:
  • None
  • Other:
  • (Names, relationships, and ages)
Happy Thoughts: when he remembers walking down the French Quarter listening to music and seeing all the people.  His other happy place is just fishing in the bayou.  
Nightmares: Hurricanes 
Fatal Flaw: Hubris thinks that his good luck ill get him out of 99% of his problems. 
FACE CLAIM: Johnathan Taylor Thomas 
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