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Camp Half-Blood RP

You got a friend in me!

Derrick Raines

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Derrick had been told by his older brother that a new camper had just arrived at camp. His face turned into a grin as he was hoping that maybe just maybe he would make a new friend this summer. Running from the Nemesis cabin to the big house he was out of breathe. He was only ten years old after all! The boy had been at camp for two years which had helped him in his get better at fighting and stuff. But he still wanted to have fun too. Stopping right in front of the Big House he hoped maybe the new camper would be done soon with their talk with a cabin leader. Putting his hands on his knees, Derrick try to slow his breathing in and out. He was now standing up as he took a seat on the front steps as he waited for the new camper to come out. Maybe he could show them around the camp or they could race to the cabins????

@ Leroy Bernard

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Leroy would finish his conversation with the greeting committee. He would head out to see this new camp he has apparently joined. He was super excited he grabbed his shoes and would tie them together and throw them over his shoulders and would and yell ”so continue or not!” and flip a coin. Then ”alright allons then or as Mamaw use to say ‘Laissez les bons temps rouler’ as they would say I guess.” and as he would be walking down the steps he would see a boy who was about his age. He would be walking them with no shoes on and continu sitting down at the steps. He would walk up and see the boy there and say ”ça va? My name is Leroy whats up around here? What’s your name? I still do not really understand what's going on around here. Someting about me mom or dad not being who I thought. I just do not really get it. What’s up?”
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Derrick's heart raced with excitement as he noticed the new camper approaching him. He jumped up from the steps, a wide smile on his face. "Hey there!" he called out, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "I'm Derrick, and this is Camp Half-Blood! You must be the new camper everyone's been talking about. Welcome!" Derrick extended his hand for a handshake, hoping to make a good first impression. Leroy's arrival had brought a burst of energy to the scene, and Derrick was more than happy to share his knowledge about the camp. "Well, Leroy, you're at Camp Half-Blood, where all us demigods hang out. See, one of your parents is probably a god or goddess, which is why you're here. We're like a big family, and each cabin represents a different god or goddess. You'll figure out who your parent is soon enough."

Derrick's eyes twinkled mischievously as an idea sparked in his mind. "You know what? Let's make this fun! I challenge you to a race to the cabins. If I win, I get to show you around, and if you win, I'll answer any questions you've got. What do you say?" Derrick's heart raced with anticipation as he eagerly awaited Leroy's response, his grin growing wider.

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He would reach the other kid and say in a thick southern accent. Very Cajun sounding but still somewhat understandable but just barely. “ howdy Derrick. Camp halfblood, demigod? Idk what most of tat means but oh well. What do you mean I’ll “find out later” I know who pa is.” He would look at him out of breath and yet still challenge Leroy to a foot race. Leroy grew up running through the swamps with the other kids in his Bayou that he lived at and when he wasn’t doing that he was helping do some of the manual labor around the parish. “I mean 2 things. One being that you seem outa breath and two being you have a advantage since I donno where the cabins are. You sure you wanna race I am usually pretty lucky?”
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Derrick's grin widened as he listened to Leroy's response. The Cajun accent was fascinating, and Derrick found himself intrigued by Leroy's confidence. "Oh, you've got a strong accent there!" Derrick chuckled, nodding at Leroy's words. "And don't worry, even if you know who your parent is, there's still a lot to learn about being a demigod. But hey, if you're up for the race, let's do it!" Derrick's energy surged as he got ready for the challenge. "Lucky, huh? Well, let's see if that luck holds up!" he replied, his voice filled with determination. With a quick stretch and a glance towards the cabins, Derrick crouched down slightly, ready to burst into a sprint. "Alright, on your mark... get set... GO!" he exclaimed, launching himself forward with a burst of speed. His feet pounded against the camp's dirt path as he focused on the cabins ahead, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

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“Oh really I haven’t noticed, evryone where I come from talks like this. I’m from the south, you know. From the Parishes of Louisiana. How about you?” He would ask. “Wait what chu mean it’s not important is parents. Never knew my ma but was mostly raised by my Mamaw and papaw. But I am super lucky. But a race is good. But with shoes, bless your heart? That’s gunna put you at a disadvantage.” He would wait for the other boy to do the countdown and start the race. He would wait in his bare feet. And as soon as he heard go he would start running. As fast as he could. He was not really paying attention to the other boy running and would just keep running. And say “who won did you win did I win I lost track. And is this the finish line? I forgot half way.”
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Derrick chuckled at Leroy's response, finding the Cajun accent charming and distinct. "I'm from DC," Derrick replied, grinning. "A whole different world compared to Louisiana, I bet." He was fascinated by Leroy's background and the way he talked about his family. "Your Mamaw and papaw sound like wonderful people." As the race was about to begin, Derrick glanced down at his shoes, his grin faltering slightly. "Oh, I didn't think about that..." he mumbled, realizing the disadvantage of wearing shoes. But it was too late to change that now. "No worries, I'll give it my all!" he declared, determination shining in his eyes. As the countdown began, his heart raced, and when the signal came, he sprinted forward with all his might.

The path ahead blurred as Derrick's feet pounded the ground. He focused on maintaining his pace, but suddenly, a tangle of his own shoelaces tripped him up. He stumbled forward, his heart sinking as he fought to regain his balance, but it was too late. He fell to the ground, his hands and knees hitting the dirt. His gaze turned to Leroy, who was still racing ahead, seemingly unaware of his mishap. He watched as Leroy continued to run, his own chance at victory slipping away. "I think you won" he laughed as he pushed himself up. Brushing off his clothes and knees from the dirt that had gotten on them. Bending down he tied his shoes to make sure they were good before catching up with leroy. "Must be that luck you were talking about" he said as he jogged to catch up with the new camper. 

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“I’m sure that DC being all the way up yonder is a completely different place. Louisiana is a beautiful place. Mamaw and papaw were wonderful people as was my pa.” They would run the race and he would finally see that he won. He would turn around and see that Derick fell. “Are you alright? I told you shoes are not worth it, granted the fact I’m still wearing a shirt is shock. I told you so luck is on my side and always has been. So where are we like where are we? I left my coin collection at home we were in a rush and that silly goat man was all ‘he te-Leroy allons, just run!’ I would like to go get my coins. Is that a possibility?” He would look at the cabins and say “which one is mine?”
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Derrick managed a sheepish grin as he pushed himself up from the ground, dusting off his clothes. "Yeah, I think you've got the luck on your side, no doubt about that," he replied, a playful glint in his eyes. As he tied his shoes, he couldn't help but chuckle at the Cajun's persistence about the shoes. "You were right, Leroy. I should have listened to you about the shoes." He jogged to catch up with Leroy, his competitive spirit undiminished. As they slowed down, Derrick gestured toward the cabins with a sweeping arm. "Well, all these cabins are where we demigods stay. They're like our homes away from home. The one over there, the Hermes cabin, is where you will stay. It's cabin number 11....that is where unclaimed campers go but maybe you will be claimed and move to that cabin" Derrick's tone was friendly and welcoming as he looked at Leroy. "Hey, I can walk you there and introduce you to the folks in your cabin. And about your coin collection, I'm sure we can figure something out to get it for you. Camp Half-Blood is full of surprises." With a smile, he motioned for Leroy to follow, eager to show him around and help him settle into his new home away from home. But then a good idea came to him, did they really want to go right to the cabin right now???? Or would they go drop things off and then walk around camp so that he could show his new friend the rock wall and forge and such!!! "Hey do you maybe want to see other parts of the camp too?" 

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“What do you mean by ‘unclaimed’ how do I not be it anymore? Ya’know? I ain’t sure what that means but sounds like a bunch of voo-doo. But ok cabin 11. Anything to do there?” He would wait for a response. He would say “I guess we could go get introduced to all dem up yonder. It’s ok. I would love to get my coin collection but I don’t really know where we at on like a county scale or even a state scale.” He would look a little uncomfortable heading towards the cabin. Being raised in the middle of nowhere he was not a big fan of crowds. He doesn’t mind a party every now and then. So when Derrick offered to go anywhere else he would jump at the chance “I knew they was lagniappe here. Allons lead the way to the next stop on Tis tour.”
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Derrick grinned at Leroy's questions and curiosity, finding his reactions both amusing and endearing. "Oh, 'unclaimed' just means that the godly parent hasn't officially claimed you yet. Each cabin here represents a different god or goddess, and when your parent claims you, you'll move to the cabin that matches their domain." Derrick explained as they walked. He turned backwards as he began to move his hands as if he was drawing a picture for the boy. Derrick was a very animated boy, especially the more he was at camp. "As for Cabin 11, the Hermes cabin, it's kinda like the cabin for the unclaimed or those whose parent isn't a major god. But hey, maybe you'll get claimed soon! Maybe tonight at the bonfire you will be chosen and then BAM you get to be with your half-siblings!"

Leroy agreed to exploring more of the camp, Derrick's smile grew wider. He understood that the crowd at the cabins might be a bit overwhelming for someone not used to it. "Sure thing! There's a lot more to see around here than just cabins." Derrick led the way, excited to show Leroy around. "Alright, let's head to the rock wall first. It's a cool place to climb, but you gotta watch out for the Lava" As they walked, Derrick couldn't help but appreciate the opportunity to introduce Leroy to different parts of Camp Half-Blood. It felt good to make a new friend and show them the ropes, all while sharing the magic and adventure of their demigod world.

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“Claimed dat sounds kinda funny you know. I don’t know how i feel about dat there. So cabin 11 sound good. There is a bon fire tonight? Is that just some sort of part or something? I like campfires and dat kinda stuff. I spent many a nights under the stars in the swamps next my mamaw’s house and on the beach waiting for my pa to get back.” he would continue following this new youngster that he met. He would watch him and say “Rock wall is that like climbing? I’m alright at like climbing trees and stuff but wait…wait did you just say lava? Like what comes out one of dem volcanos?” He would have some sort of shocked look on his face and he would continue to follow derrick to the climbing wall.
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Derrick nodded, understanding that the idea of being claimed by a god or goddess might sound strange to someone like Leroy who was new to the camp. "Yeah, it's kinda like being chosen by your godly parent. And the bonfire tonight is a camp tradition. We gather around, tell stories, sing songs, and just have a good time. It's a great way to bond with your fellow campers and celebrate being here at Camp Half-Blood." As they approached the rock wall, Derrick couldn't help but chuckle at Leroy's reaction to the mention of lava. "Haha, don't worry, you get used to it," he reassured him with a grin. Derrick led Leroy to the impressive rock wall, where other campers were already climbing or cheering on their friends. "This is the rock wall! It's a blast. .....the lava makes it a bit more challenging" Derrick encouraged, excited to see how Leroy reaction to it all. 

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Leroy would see this towering rock climbing wall and turn to Derick “I dont know how i feel about this whole lava situation down there but cest la vie I guess. This lava is not a good idea.” he would be looking around when out of the corner of his he would see something scurrying on the ground next to the woods and would just take off after it. He would waste no time trying to figure out what was and would start the chase. Running through the forest barefoot. When he would see Derrick followed him in. he would lose track of it under a log “come see! It was a snake i know it! Help me with this log.

Edited by Leroy Bernard
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Derrick watched with a mix of surprise and amusement as Leroy suddenly took off into the forest in pursuit of something he had spotted. "Leroy, wait up!" he called out, a chuckle escaping his lips as he followed after his new friend, his sneakers making soft thuds on the forest floor. It was moments like these that reminded Derrick of the unpredictable and adventurous nature of camp life. As he reached Leroy and saw him close to the log, Derrick knelt down to help. Using all his strength of his ten year old body he was able to move it just right when the snake came into view. "You were right, it's a snake!" Derrick exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face. "Camp Half-Blood is full of surprises, huh? Just like I said. You never know what you'll find here." Derrick marveled at the snake for a moment before turning to Leroy. "So, do you want to catch it or let it be?" He was curious to see how his new friend would react to this unexpected encounter with camp wildlife.

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He would look at the log and say “we are going to try to catch it, it’s just one of dem ole rat snakes. We have to lift this here log, hey Derrick, Derrick ok y’all gunna lift the log and I got the little snake ok! And with any luck we will get him.” So before they could even touch the log the little black snake would take off. And Leroy would bounce on it . “I got ‘em, Derrick” he would then lift it up to Derrick and say “see, wooooooo, this was exciting. Now where to put it? I guess my pocket will work for now. Till I find something or let em go. What should we name the little thing.” He would put it in his pocket and find Derrick and ask “whew that was fun. Now where are we? And where are we going next.”
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He grinned as Leroy bounced with excitement, holding up the snake for him to see. "Nice catch, Leroy! That was quick thinking," Derrick praised his new friend. "As for a name, how about 'Sly' for our little snake friend? Sounds fitting, right?" With Sly safely tucked away in Leroy's pocket, Derrick considered their next move. "Well, we're in the forest, and there are lots of cool places to explore around here," he explained. "But how about we head to the beach? It's not too far from here, and it's one of my favorite spots at camp. We can relax, enjoy the view, and maybe even find some cool seashells or skip stones. What do you think, Leroy?" Derrick was eager to continue their adventure and introduce Leroy to the different places of Camp Half-Blood, all while making a new friend along the way

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"Sly I like the sound of that. It seems fitting and I mean dat its only one of dem ratsnakes, they are harmless, unlike dem big cottonmouths back home.  they are very venomous but not this one so it should be fine in my pocket i guess till we get a better solution."   he would then listen to Derick talk about a beach.  "A beach!?! i love the ocean my pa was a fisher in da gulf. he also liked to dive.  thats where most of my coins in my collection came from." but then he would yell "ALLONS!!!! Which way to the beach?" as soon as Derick would show the way he would just start taking off in that direction and eventually get to the beach "Derrick its the ocean!"

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Derrick couldn't help but chuckle at Leroy's excitement and enthusiasm for the beach. "That's the spirit, Leroy! Follow me, it's not too far from here," he called out as he led the way through the forest, the sound of the ocean growing louder with every step. Thinking back when he was worried about his life. It was his best friend Forest who was a Satyr that died protecting him. Turning into a flower as the monster was after Derrick! The pain of that still hurt him but he was going to get revenge one day!!!! Coming out to the beach was a quiet safe place where he skipped stones. To get his anger out as he just wanted to go back out there and kill that monster.

As they finally reached the beach, Derrick watched as Leroy's face lit up with pure joy. "Isn't it amazing?" he exclaimed, sharing in Leroy's excitement. "The ocean is one of the best things about camp. You can swim, build sandcastles, and maybe even find some cool sea treasures." Derrick walked closer to the water's edge, feeling the cool breeze on his face and the soft sand beneath his feet. He couldn't have asked for a better day to make a new friend and explore the wonders of Camp Half-Blood. Looking over he saw a stone, smirking he picked it up and held it out for Leroy. "Try skipping it." 

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“I do love the ocean it is always so fun. Where can we get some fishin gear? I have been craving some home style cooking. I dont know where to get some good cajun food but i guess that is a problem for another day.” He would see Derrick throwing stones and join him. However Derrick looked angry and Leroy would ask “You aight there Derrick?” he would be legitly asking. They would talk for a bit and eventually the sun would be setting shortly. “I heard about this camp fire? Should we head that way I guess.”
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Derrick smiled at Leroy's enthusiasm for the beach and his interest in fishing. "Fishing gear? We have a place for that here at camp. You can borrow some equipment and try your hand at fishing in the lake. And don't worry about the Cajun food; we've got a pretty good mess hall here, and they make some tasty meals," Derrick replied, his earlier moment of contemplation fading as they chatted. Leroy's question snapped Derrick back to the present, and he nodded. "Yeah, I'm good, just lost in thought for a moment. But you're right, let's head to the bonfire. It's a camp tradition, and it's a lot of fun." Derrick walked alongside Leroy as they made their way to the gathering spot for the bonfire. Would his friend be claimed tonight? 

The end

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