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Savanna Lewis

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Savanna Lewis
MEIKA ? on Twitter: "Pyjama Sunday ?? Photo by @mariusluppino H&M  @meloniesantos Wearing @ninadescriquets #pjs #sunday #lazysunday #…  https://t.co/A4KxPv4s8B… https://t.co/BcXMVKGV3f"


Savanna was born the day before Christmas in the late night while everyone was sleeping. However, on Christmas day she was taken to the closest Fire station. Her father and mother hadn't wanted anything to do with her. The only thing that was left with her was her name and a necklace that had a red poppy on it. They made sure that she was okay, checking her to make sure her body temp was fine. After everything check out on her she was moved to the closest orphanage where she would grow up. 

When she was younger she watched most the kids she knew get adopted and some even aged out of the place. However, it seemed every time that someone seemed to be the least interested in her, something would always come up to where she wasn't able to leave with them. She started to think that she wasn't worth it. 

This caused her to become a day dreamer. Thinking of a better place, where people would want her for her and never find a reason why they didn't want her. Soon she found herself walking in dream. However, the felt a little different than dreams. They felt almost real, though when she opened her eyes she had to fight with herself, telling herself that she had been in fact dreaming. 

Life like that went on for a while longer, her finding more peace in sleeping than anything else. However, it was one night that she entered a dream that seemed to be someone else. She walked around for a while, until she meet up with a man. He had been playing and singing about something she couldn't make out until she got closer. Gods and Goddess? A war? She moved to take a seat in front of him. He hadn't taken noticed to her as he had his eyes closed while doing so. 

He opened his eyes when she started to clap for him. He seemed to be shocked that she was there, however, they seemed to hit it off pretty well. She had told him that she knew the Greek gods and goddess some what. Saying that she had dreamed about them off and on most of her life. 

They began talking about certain things and finally she began to tell him about herself. How she had no parents and that she was stuck in the orphanage since she was born. She had given him the place where she lived, not really knowing why she felt safe with him. 

She had thought that maybe if he was willing to come and take her from the world she was living in. However, She was woken up suddenly, Screams were heard and her fight or flight kicked in. She hurried and started running. Trying to get out of the now burning orphanage. 

She had gotten a little under a mile away when she bumped into a man, or well that is what she thought he was until she noticed his legs.  She freaked out but as soon as he told her the name James she calmed down. 

The creature took her from where she was to a place called camp halfblood and told her that who she was looking for was right inside. 


Savanna is always sleepy but will try to stay awake when something important is going on. Though she does have her moments when she will doze off and nothing on earth can wake her up.

She is a very happy person, however, she does get a little jealous over certain things, like over people she likes and or things she wants. 

She also has a problem with sleep walking, which has caused her to wake up in the middle of different places. 

However, even with all of that, she has a lot of knowledge about the gods and is willing to help out anyone who needs help, were it be helping them sleep or helping them with a memory that they have forgotten. 

About Me

Birthdate: 12/24/2008
Likes: Soft pillows, soft voices, warm chocolate chip cookies, A warm blanket to snuggle, music and songs, apple pies, her poppy necklace
Dislikes: Bright days, having to force herself to be up longer than she wants to, not being the helpful person she knows she can be. Having to read out loud or even to herself. 
  • Mom:
  • Unknown
  • Dad:
  •  Unknown
  • Siblings:
  • (Names and Ages or None)
  • Other:
  • (Names, relationships, and ages)
Happy Thoughts: Being in a comfy bed. 
Nightmares: Being forced to stay awake.
Fatal Flaw: Always sleepy
PLAYED BY: NickyNack
FACE CLAIM: meika woollard
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