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Camp Half-Blood RP

Getting My Head on Straight

Lilythe Rayne

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It was early afternoon and Lilythe was sincerely hoping that James wasn't off to do anything important. She needed someone to help her figure out what was going on in her world. Last time the two of them had a moment for a heart to heart Shadow had left and Azrael had been gone for ages. Obviously things had quite significantly changed. Since then, both had returned, and Lilythe was completely at a loss for how she should proceed. 

Shadow stated he wanted nothing more than to be her friend. But when they had brunch on Sunday, Lilythe could tell his feelings were still there, and she wasn't entirely sure hers were gone. She had doubts that he could be a new man so soon. But her love for him hadn't disappeared overnight either.

Azrael had abandoned her for several years and let her believe that it was her fault, albeit indirectly. He hadn't blamed her, he just never contacted her while contacting other people. But he had confessed his feelings for her and since then had been the absolute picture perfect partner. He took her on the most romantic date she had ever been on. And she had to admit, she enjoyed being intimate with him. Even if it hadn't been planned.

"James Selway! Are you in there? I invoke the best friend code. Article 2 subsection C." Lilythe bellowed into the cabin.

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Trying to get some rest in this morning, James had slept in a bit as the Cabin had stayed up late the night before with all the excitement happening around the camp. Never having the heart to tell them to settle down and go to bed. As for some of them, Camp was the best place they had to be this year! So as he stretched, waking up slowly he found himself in an empty cabin as it seemed the rest had gotten up this day and was off to who knows what. Scratching his head he heard a knock on the door making him sit up quite fast as he heard the sound of Lilythe voice on the other side. A smirk on his face, he shook his head as he walked down through the cabin to the door. 

Opening it he smiled looking a bit like a bed head. "Morning Lils" he said laughing "Soooooo, let me put on better clothes and then I will head out where ever you have your heart's desire to talk" he said laughing. 

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Lilythe waited patiently for James to come to the door. She was a little surprised to see that he appeared to have just woken up. She wondered what had kept him up so late the night before. She had her suspicions, of course, but kept these thoughts to herself. When he finally answered the door, she greeted him with a smile.

Lilythe looked around the cabin as he opened the door and it seemed fairly quiet. "Actually? Can we talk here? I don't think I want the rest of the camp to hear. And you know how sneaky some of those more nosey campers can be." Rumors flew around camp and spread like wildfire. The last thing she needed was for word to get to Azrael or Shadow. Things were confusing enough without any added pressure from them.

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James nodding his head, opened the door for his best friend to come in to join him. "Of course you can. It is a bit quiet as I feel most went out already today" he laughed as he scratched him head. As he turned for her to follow him into the room. The cabin was one that was pretty full of machines you would find in any normal casino. "Soooo what is the best friend code enacted for? What is going on Lilythe?" He was wondering what was going on with all the things happening at camp. With Azrael coming back and then Shadow showing  up. Things were going to be a bit crazy for her for sure. But whatever Lilythe needed, James was here for her! He has been some time and always will be! 


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Lilythe stepped into the cabin and followed him to his room. She popped herself down onto the bed, and let out a massive sigh. "I don't even know what to do right now." She rolled over so that she was laying on her back and looked up at James. The two of them had been friends for so long, she knew she could tell him anything. But where would she even begin. "James...I don't know if I can handle both of them being at camp." There wasn't a single person at camp who wouldn't be able to immediately tell that she was talking about Shadow and Azrael. Still, she clarified. "Shadow and Azrael, I mean. Not at the same time. I barely have had any time to process Azrael being back. And I thought Shadow was leaving to get space and move on. Maybe he did... he says he just wants my friendship but... we... kissed."

Lilythe groaned and grabbed a pillow, pulling it over her face. She couldn't believe she had done that. And after her date with Azrael too. She kept the pillow over her face until she needed to breathe, then pulled it down just enough to look over and get some air. "I slept with Azrael on our date." Her cheeks flushed. She knew that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. Apparently everyone at camp had known how Azrael felt about her except her, so there was probably a non-small number of individuals who, if they had heard, would have chimed in 'finally' or some similar comment. But Lilythe had only ever been with Shadow before. It was new and she felt like a young teen all over again, nervous and unsure about things. "I know I shouldn't have... but it's Azrael. I mean, we grew up together. It's not like I needed to learn more about him, right? But then capture the flag..." The boys had gotten into a fairly heated argument during capture the flag, all over her. It had stopped being about the game and had become a display of testosterone. All because both of them clearly had feelings for her. "It's all my fault..."

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James just watched his best friend as she made her way into his room. Seeing her plop down on his bed had him laugh a little. Life was not easy so it was moments like this he knew it was good they had each other. It seemed the recent appears of both Azrael and Shadow were a bit too much for Lilythe to handle. James knew that Amber came back it would be a problem, so he could only imagine the turmoil that she would be feeling once Shadow kissed her. James had been personally cheering for Azrael to win her heart as he was a solid half-blood. "Wow" he got out while pausing to think as she put the pillow over her face. If all that wasn't enough it seems that her and Azrael did indeed get a bit more personal with each other. He thought his friend had looked a bit more happier after coming back from the date with Lilythe.

"I am glad I am not you" he joked with her as he looked at her sympathetic eyes. "But what do you want? " He said trying to look at her in her eyes. "That is what matters! The boys can fight all they want but when it comes to it. You are a grown Demi-God who can decide which man she wants for herself." This might not be an easy decision for her as their was history with both men. So it might take some time!!!!


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"If I'm being honest, I don't know..." Lilythe said with a sigh. "Not in the long-run anyway. Shadow wasn't always bad for me. And Azrael hasn't always been good for me. They're both human and make mistakes... and that's okay." Propping herself up on her elbows, she looked over at James. "But in the immediate, short-term? I just want them to stop fighting... I feel stuck in the middle."

Shadow and Azrael had once been friends. When they began to have their falling out, Lilythe had been completely oblivious as to why. Shadow had been claimed by his mother early enough that even though they lived in the same cabin, Lilythe knew they weren't related. Azrael's claiming had taken longer. So the boy never told her how he felt, and by the time he could it was too late, she was with Shadow. Jealousy and envy built in him until he could no longer contain it. The two had a falling out, and hadn't been able to be civil since. Shadow hadn't been a saint, he had made it difficult for Azrael and rubbed his nose in it whenever he could. To the point where Azrael felt like he had to leave camp, and stop talking to Lilythe, just to move on. Lilythe knew all of this, now, and she could understand why they might struggle to forgive one another. Still, being in the middle made her feel like she had to choose now so that the other would remove themselves. But she just couldn't do that yet.

"I know people think I'm crazy for thinking Shadow could change, and maybe I am. But I still remember who he was before. He was a good man James... I wouldn't have dated him if he had always been possessive and controlling." She bit her lip. "I know that man is in there... and it's hard to give up on him after everything we've been through." Lilythe knew what it looked like. It looked like a girl going back to her ex just because it was all she knew. "Azzy's a good man, too, though. But he's hurt me before, too. It's not like anyone's hands are clean here. I love them both, James." Lilythe said honestly.

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James knew at this time, what his best friend needed the most was just someone to listen to her. It wasn't like James was going to fix this situation at all but maybe he could make her feel better by being there by her side as she talked about it. Lilythe made sense in that both had their pros and cons but still struggling which one was best for her. "I don't think that is going to happen as long as both of them want you to themselves."

All James knew was that the boys did not like one another....not one bit! He could tell it in their mood when the other entered where they were. Plus during capture the flag, you could cut the air with how dense it felt between them. James had a bad feeling that this wasn't going to get any better either which made the decision much harder of lils to try and contain the situation. 

Listening to her go on about Shadow he had this pang inside ....called it a good luck hunch that there was something off about Shadow.  But he had no proof of this and for now it seemed she thought he had changed. "Well I don't know what to say" he nervously scratched his head "Make the best decision you can, in the end I will still be here for you Lilythe...........are you really convinced about Shadow changing?" James knew the answer already but he wanted to hear it as he wanted to do more. 

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"Ugh. I know. But you asked me what I wanted." Lilythe said with a soft smile. Talking with James was something that she had always found comforting. He was a gentle soul, and one of the few people that didn't seem to have an agenda when it came to supporting her. For the most part, she trusted him, Rissa, and Vee to always be straightforward and honest with her, as well as supportive of her. Though she went to each of them for different things. Lilythe rarely talked to Vee about boy troubles. She pretty much never talked to Rissa about anything that required being serious. And she tried her best not to bring James into anything too dramatic. However, this situation was all three. She needed someone, and James seemed like the best fit.

"I think people are capable of change, and that you can't find out if they were successful or not unless you give them a chance." Lilythe said in response to his question. She couldn't be sure that Shadow had changed. If anything, she was the most afraid that he hadn't. But if it were her, she would want someone to give her the benefit of the doubt. So she was going to do that for him. "I think I'm just very disappointed in Azzy..." Lilythe confessed. "I expected better of him at the very least. You know? Shadow I expect this from. But him? I was just disappointed."

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James listened carefully, understanding that Lilythe was caught between her feelings for two people who meant a lot to her. He knew that she was right in believing that people could change, and it was only fair to give them a chance to prove it. However, he was also concerned about her well-being and happiness.

"I get that, Lilythe. It's tough to see someone you care about acting out of character," James said with a sympathetic look on his face. "But remember, sometimes people do things they wouldn't normally do when they're hurt or feeling threatened. Maybe that's what's happening with Azzy." He paused, looking at her thoughtfully. "It's not an excuse, but it might help you understand why he's acting the way he is."

James reached out and gave Lilythe's hand a reassuring squeeze. "No matter what you decide, I'll be here for you. But it's important that you take your time and really think about what you want and what's best for you. Don't let anyone else's feelings or actions dictate your choices. You deserve to be happy, and ultimately, it's up to you to decide which path will lead you there."

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Lilythe sighed. She knew that James was right. Azrael felt threatened by Shadow's return, and she couldn't even offer him the comfort of denying that she felt anything for her ex because she wouldn't lie to him. Azrael likely did feel threatened. Though it did bother Lilythe that he felt like he had any rights to her to be threatened. They weren't dating. But he's let you know what his intentions are... She thought to herself, a little embarrassed with herself for being mad. "I'm not his girlfriend though... and it worries me a little that he's bothered by Shadow's presence this much. What if it turns out just like it did with Shadow?" She worried aloud. Shadow's toxic behavior started because he had felt threatened by Azrael--and eventually every other person in her life. It was worrisome that Azrael might do the same.

"I wish I knew what path would make me happy. I'm not going to date either of them until I know for certain that I can put aside my feelings for the other. That's the one thing I do know." Lilythe sat back up and looked up at James. "That's the responsible thing to do, right?" She felt like her head was swimming with all the emotions she as feeling. If nothing else, she hoped that she could verify that she was at least doing the right things, even if it felt more confusing now.

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James nodded in understanding, recognizing the complexity of Lilythe's situation. He could sense her inner turmoil, and he wanted to support her in any way he could. "Absolutely, Lilythe," he replied gently. "Taking the time to sort through your feelings and making sure you're ready for a relationship is responsible. It's important to prioritize your own emotional well-being and happiness above all else." He knew this all too well when it came to when he was dating Amber but yet still felt a part of him love Rissa. Seeing her with Kyle only fueled his sadness as he tried to distract himself with Amber....well that ended badly and he wished he took the time to figure his own feelings out. He paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "As for Azrael, it's understandable that his reaction worries you. But remember, everyone is different. Just because Shadow reacted negatively doesn't mean Azrael will do the same. People have the capacity to handle situations in their own unique ways," James said reassuringly. "Keep an open mind and give him a chance to show you who he truly is. If he's the right person for you, he'll respect your boundaries and support your decisions." James reached out and gently touched Lilythe's shoulder, offering her comfort.

"You're doing the best you can, Lilythe. This is a difficult situation, and it's okay to feel confused. Trust yourself and your instincts. You'll find your way through this, and I'll be here for you every step of the way." He was worried about her as this was a big thing to deal with in the midst of just getting back to camp. Lilythe had a lot of responsibilities to do as one of the top cabin leaders. But as her best friend he would step up to help in any way he could. 

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Lilythe chewed on her lower lip nervously. "I just wish things hadn't gotten so complicated so quickly. I was really happy when Azzy returned..." She sighed again, thinking about how she first felt when he got there. Sure, there had been some initial frustration after she had found out the whole truth behind why he left in the first place. But, all in all she had truly been happy. Shadow's return had really messed everything up and confused the entire situation. She knew that it shouldn't have. But for whatever reason, it seemed like she couldn't really let go of her past with him either.

"Thanks for hearing me out, James." Lilythe said as she looked over at her best friend. "I really don't know what I would do without you sometimes." She gave him a genuine smile. "I may not have a real answer, but at least I feel like I'm not crazy for thinking that the situation is complicated." Standing up, she wrapped him in a tight hug. "And that's more valuable than you'll ever know."

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James returned Lilythe's smile, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude. He was glad that he could be there for her, even if he couldn't provide comfort for her. As she stood up and enveloped him in a tight hug, he held her close, offering a comforting presence. "You're never alone, Lilythe," he whispered softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what." The two of them had been friends for such a long time that it felt like they were more brother and sister than anything else. 

James knew that navigating matters of the heart could be incredibly challenging, especially when past and present tangled together. But he also believed in Lilythe's strength and resilience. With time, patience, and the support of those who cared about her, he knew she would find her way. As they finally separated, James looked into Lilythe's eyes and spoke with unwavering conviction, "You're not crazy at all. Love is messy and complicated, and sometimes it takes time to untangle the knots. But you'll figure it out. Trust yourself, Lilythe, and trust your heart. It won't lead you astray." The two then laughed as they walked out, on the way to the next thing at camp.



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