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About Me

  1. Shadow Moore biography Shadow was born to Hecate and a man who identified as a follower of the pagan faiths in New England. His father, knowing exactly what he was getting into by entering an agreement with a goddess was unsurprised when a child was given to him and he never saw the woman again. After all, the gods were mysterious and he was simply appreciative that she had willingly given him, a mortal, the time. Shadow grew up with a fairly typical childhood, in an upper middle class neighborhood. His father had a job that paid well, and the child never wanted for anything. Used to getting his way in life, Shadow never did cope well when faced with disappointment, being known to throw temper tantrums until he got his way. This worked surprisingly often for him and nobody could quite explain why. Still, he had a mostly good heart and managed to make friends most places he went. This continued throughout his childhood. He befriended several kids at school who were picked on for being different and would go out of his way to make sure that they were protected by providing them with protection charms he learned to create from his father. The charms were little more than some crystals and good intentions, but for Shadow they seemed to work far more than they ever did for his father. His friends ceased being picked on. When his ninth birthday neared, however, a satyr came from Camp Half-Blood and Shadow’s world changed. It had been explained to his father that since the child was a demigod the only safe place for him would be Camp Half-Blood. While his father did love his son, he had always suspected the day would come when Shadow would be destined for greater things. Shadow joined Camp Half-Blood in 2005, shortly before everything began to go to hell. Despite being claimed from early on, he stayed in Cabin 11 because there were no minor cabins available yet. The coming years, however, brought the Second Titan War, the Second Demigod Civil War, the Second Giants War, and everything that happened with Nero. Shadow, and all the campers involved experienced significant trauma through those years. During that time Shadow bonded with several campers, but none so closely as Lilythe, daughter of Hermes. And when she turned 15, he 16, the two of them began to date. They dated for several years and were quite happy together. However, it was always evident to him that one of Lilythe’s closest friends, Azrael, was quite smitten with her. It never bothered him, though he didn’t trust the man, until Azrael deliberately attacked him during a game of Capture the Flag. Shadow became fairly injured during the fight and it became apparent that Azrael’s feelings were growing past the point that he could rationally contain them. The rift that was torn between the boys broke Lilythe’s heart as she tried to repair something that had never truly existed in the first place. The boys had never really been more than cordial to one another for her sake, and not true friends. That was when Shadow became far more protective of Lilythe and who she spent her time with. The last thing he wanted was for her to become hurt because of someone else’s feelings for her. He began to spend all his time with her, ensuring that he could keep an eye on her and make sure that nobody could take advantage of her. He didn’t realize exactly how possessive and controlling things had become as this continued over the years until Lilythe finally grew so unhappy that she left him. Shadow’s heart was broken. He had truly loved her, and in so doing he had smothered her. Shadow left camp to think and to work on himself. He stayed away for several months. Now he returns with hope that he could rekindle a friendship with her at the very least, but finds that Lilythe in the arms of the one man he hoped she would never turn to. A rage begins to burn within him that he cannot contain. Personality Shadow is a generally good person. He wants good things for people and will do his best to protect them. The problem is that he often thinks he knows what is best for them and doesn’t stop to ask them what they want. He will try to push his will onto people, convinced that it’s the only way to ensure that they are happy and safe. He is a passionate person, and when he falls for someone he falls deeply. He truly loved Lilythe with everything he had, which was why it was so devastating when she chose to leave him. He couldn’t argue with her though, he had seen the light in her eyes fade the more he tried to protect her the more she felt suffocated. Even still, though, his heart aches for her. One day, when he finds the right person, this love could translate into something truly beautiful if he can learn how to not smother them and to build a true partnership. Shadow is a little spoiled, used to getting his way all the time. As a child he would throw temper tantrums until he got what he wanted. Little did he know that even then he was working the mist to control the thoughts of those around him and sway their minds. Now, as an adult fully aware of his power, Shadow isn’t afraid to manipulate people if he believes it truly serves their best interests. He has a lot of room to grow as a person, and get rid of his toxic traits. There are some great qualities that he just takes to excessive and unhealthy degrees. If he can let go of his need to control his surroundings and those within them, he may one day find that he’s not as terrible as people often make him out to be. He is a great brother to all his half-siblings, and will give the shirt off his back to those in need. About Me Birthdate: October 1, 1996 Likes: Magic, Candles, Lilythe, dark colors, the night, secrets Dislikes: Azrael, pastels, capture the flag, beef jerky, pine nuts Family: Mom: Hecate Dad: Arthur Moore Siblings: - Other: - Happy Thoughts: The feeling of being truly loved for who he is. Nightmares: Losing the person he loves to someone he believes is lesser than him. Fatal Flaw: Envy. PLAYED BY: JC FACE CLAIM: Richard Madden
  2. Willow Iris Hazelwood biography Willow's mother, Everett Green, was born in Wales. And though she loved her homeland, Everett wanted to see the world, so upon graduation from secondary school she packed her bags and headed for the United States of America. She landed a job with a record label as an intern. Her hard work and effort moved her quickly through the ranks and she enjoyed every minute of the work she did. Still, one had to go out and enjoy a life outside of work too. One such opportunity presented itself when a coworker invited Everett out to a concert one night. As fate would have it, Frederick was the musician that they were to see. Their eyes met, and that was that. Cupid's arrow hit its mark. The two kept in touch while Frederick was on tour. He wrote her regularly and always managed to make her laugh. It was the laughter that was the key to making things work. They spent every chance they could together between his tour dates, and by the time the tour was finally over they had fallen madly in love with one another. Everett was so happy that the two of them became inseparable afterward. And once she became pregnant the marriage wasn't long to follow. Even though it was much sooner than anticipated, fate seemed to have a different plan. And things seemed to work out for the best in the end. The first child born was Wyatt, and he remained their only son. Raven was born 2 years later, and Everett and Frederick couldn't have been happier. But then tragedy struck the family and Frederick was taken from them all too soon a couple years later in a tragic car accident after drinking and driving one night. Willow was born shortly after that. Unbeknownst to the children, Everett had an illicit affair with another musician that showed up at the record label where she worked. Nobody knew where he came from, and she never saw him again. So Everett kept her secret from everyone. Especially the children. So she gave Willow Frederick's last name. After all, he could have been her father... Growing up, Willow was taught to have all the etiquette of a true lady, per her mother's wishes. Unable to let her down, Willow acquiesced and learned how to set a proper table, eat like a lady, and have impeccable manners. But they could never get her to stop coming home with dirt under her fingernails and grass stains on her clothes. She loved animals and nature, and playing in the sun; despite the fact that it vexed her mother. But she also took after the man that she thought was her father. She was obsessed with music, and learned to play the guitar and sing from a young age. The entire family would sit in the living room and listen to her play for hours on end. Music made Willow incredibly happy. She lived as a typical child for the first 12 years of her life. Willow made friends everywhere she went, but none were so close to her as her brother and sister. On her 12th birthday, everything changed... While out in the garden, Willow was attacked by some small creatures. They looked like they were comprised of nothing but grains and they seemed to grow out of the ground. She screamed so loudly that it shattered the glass for the next four houses and knocked the creature back against a tree. Her older brother came out, but he only saw a vicious dog. He shooed the creature off. Things like that continued to happen for Willow over the next few months. Creatures would appear out of nowhere, and strange things would happen. Willow couldn't explain it, until one day her mom brought her into the living room. As she sat down on the couch, she noticed a short man wearing a fedora and some wide-fitting pants with suspenders. She thought she had seen him talking to her mom once or twice over the years, but this was the first time he had been in their home. A look of curiosity on her face, she asked her mom what it was about. Her mom explained that Germaine, the man on the couch, was going to take her to a special camp. The two proceeded to tell her together that she was the child of a god and he was a satyr come to take her to a place where she would be safe from the creatures that were attacking her. Willow couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that she wasn't her Frederick's child. She would rather have believed that they thought she was crazy for seeing creatures everywhere than believe that she wasn't really the person she thought she was for the last 12 years. It would have been far easier to accept that as reality than that she was the child of a god. That was, until the man removed his hat to reveal two goat horns, and his shoes to reveal cloven hooves. It was hard to argue with the evidence before her that he was, indeed, a satyr. After a little reassurance that leaving was the best way to keep her family safe, Willow finally agreed to go to Camp Half-Blood. Shortly after her arrival, a mere 3 weeks, Willow was claimed by Apollo and joined Cabin 7. Her first two years at Camp, Willow spent trying to absorb as much information about the new world she found herself in as she could. In her third year she began to relax a bit more, and focus on music. While she struggled with the more physical courses at camp--especially any sort of combat--she maintained excellent performance in music and got along especially well with children of Demeter. Willow is now 18 and has been at camp for 6 years. She loves it there and can't imagine leaving, but she misses her family terribly. She still finds time to visit her half-siblings in New York when they come around for a visit. Personality When attempting to describe Willow, the term "Flower Child" comes to mind. Indeed, before she was old enough to comprehend the entirety of what the hippie lifestyle was like, Willow sought to embody the Peace and Love part of their lifestyle. She is accepting of others, and recognizes that all people are human and make mistakes. Sometimes that works against her though, as people will often take advantage of someone that is willing to give them multiple chances. Willow has a kind heart, and as a result she attempts to befriend everyone she meets. No amount of heartbreak from those that were unkind has been able to break her of this, though there were times she faltered and grew more hesitant. Because she trusts so completely, and accepts people where they are at, Willow occasionally finds herself in less than ideal situations. It usually takes realizing that others, besides herself, will be hurt if things continue before she can give up even in the most dire of situations, however. No stranger to hard work, Willow enjoys going out and getting her hands dirty. She isn't unintelligent, but at times she can be a bit of a daydreamer and lose focus in class which makes acquiring knowledge from a textbook or lecture difficult. As a result she appreciates the classes where application is more important than the ability to regurgitate facts. Willow feels things very deeply. While more often than not she can be seen smiling and happy, when something bad does occur she can be prone to melancholy. It takes her several days to get over even the smallest of emotional injuries. She's worked very hard to not take out her emotions on others, but that doesn't stop her from wallowing in depression when events occur. About Me Birthdate: March 7th, 2003 Likes: Fresh Air, Music, Poetry, Nature, Sunshine, Animals, the Scent of Lavender and Gardening Dislikes: Confrontation, Limitations, Confined Spaces, Liars, Vanity and City Life Family: Mom: Everett Green Dad: Apollo Siblings: Wyatt Hazelwood, Half-Brother Raven Hazelwood, Half-Sister Other: Frederick Hazelwood Happy Thoughts: Playing guitar and singing. Nightmares: She's afraid of losing her family to monsters, which is why she has no plans to return home. Fatal Flaw: Low Self-Esteem. She views her abilities (her gift in music) as useless, and struggles with self-worth to a significantly detrimental degree. PLAYED BY: Lilythe FACE CLAIM: Tiffany Alvord
  3. Killian O'Connor Biography Freya was a well known bartender and entertainer, that was at the pub The Bottom of the Hill in Dublin. Many would travel far distances to come have a round at her pub as she would sing and entertain them all. Many tried to capture her heart but it wasn't until this one man who came in with something that captured her heart. That was he knew how to have a good time, at first she thought he would be passing through but he ended up staying in Dublin as the two of them had good night after good night. Singing and drinking together as the patrons of the pub watched in on the love that was forming between the two. Soon enough she got pregnant, but the man had disappeared in the middle of the night. The pregnancy was a long one as she was very sick the entire one. She craved the bottle a bit too much which she knew was not good for the child. Serving at pub until it was time for her to give birth, she was mid shift when her water broke. Making it to the hospital she gave birth to Killian which she gave him her last name but she had lost too much blood. The woman died on the birthing table with her child becoming an orphan before he could cry. Killian grew up in an orphanage in Dublin as a mischievous boy who loved to play pranks but act as if he was totally innocent. Being the little actor he was, he could get away with almost anything as the little red head could pull tears anytime he knew he was in deep trouble. When he got old enough (around 9) he would sneak out to the local pub to just hang out with the locals as he felt most at home being surround by those having a bottle or pint. Since his mom was well known he would sing and dance for those in the pub from time to time. Some of his favorite songs were some of the drinking songs they loved to chant during a game or on a weekend night. It wasn't until he got a new Nun at his orphanage that he suspected something a bit strange was up. They tried to get him in trouble many of times as if they were out to get him. It wasn't until he fought off one of their attacks when he set the orphanage on fire. Killing some of the other kids in the process. Killian was then shipped off to an orphanage for troubled boys and that was when his life forever changed. A family from the USA came by to see the children as they were looking for one to adopt. Killian had been off by himself as he still was dealing with the fire incident. Having constant nightmares, he could be found waking up crying most nights. Their hearts were drawn to him as their children Kristen and Jason seemed to make friends with him the best. Knowing they could give him a better chance at life they adopted the boy in the next year as he then moved across the pond to the USA in Chicago. Killian had been 11 at this point and was struggling as he was trying to adapt to the life in the US. As he missed the pubs in Ireland with their chants and futball. It was his new siblings that had been their for him making him feel happy for the first time since the fire. The nightmares continued to come but he was no longer alone dealing with them as he grew. Killian soon gained a new best friend Roger who was in his grade, he had busy hair which he thought was funny plus he walked a bit weird. Hoping the weird things that had happened in Dublin would not follow him here was sort lived. As soon enough he would find himself dealing with some mean teachers who were out to get him just like the nun. He was out of class when he noticed the teacher had been stalking him and roger on a weekend. They were talking to themselves when the unthinkable happen, the teacher attacked them with CLAWS. What? Killian had never seen that before when Roger thought fast on his feet to knock out the teacher. He told him it would not be safe for him here and he had to go to a place called Camp Half-blood. Roger then went home with Killian to explain this to his family as he knew he could not just disappear without telling them. He was only 12 years old at this point. His parents were in disbelief until explain this had happened before and it was the fire. Killian could feel his whole body freezing as he knew something was off about that night. Once his parents agreed he could go, he packed his bags to head off to camp. Getting there he soon found out that he was a demi-god who was then claimed by the God Dionysus. This explained so much as he joined the cabin with his other half brothers and sisters. Finding his place where he finally fit in. With his love for a party and good time! Killian was always one to be cautious as he was scared to lose those he loved. This made him soon enough become known as the man who was the biggest flirt at camp. He would make them far in love with him and then ditch them as if they were not good enough. This did not stop as he went off to New Rome where he studied the art of drinking and making good of a good time. He crafted beer and whiskey for all those around him as well as good wine. As he was both his fathers and mothers son, one to love to entertain and make a good time for all those who would join him. Hearing most were coming back to camp for the summer, he felt he wanted to join up with his old crew as most seemed to go off on their own adventures. Personality Killian is one to have a good time and loves others to have a good time. He is a smooth talker who can worm his way out of any situation especially those with the women who he got to fall in love with him. Keeping himself at a distance as he was worried to lose someone close to him like he lost his mom and the others at the orphanage. Looking for answers in all the wrong places. Killian can always be found with a drink in hand as he struggles to deal with the past as well as the future. Around most he was the life of the party, singing and dancing. But with those closest to him he was a bit more shy to open up. He dreams of being fully known and loved but also terrified of it at the same time. However he hides that well as he loves a good prank as he is one for a good laugh. So you can always find the man laughing or having a good time but he hates mornings. About me Birthdate: March 17th 2001 Likes: Drinking games, Camping, playing Football, music, having a pint Dislikes: the cold, stingy people, party pooper, bad beer or weak tea, last orders, mornings Family: Mom: Freya O'Connor (Deceased at Kilian's birth) Dad: Dionysus Siblings: Jacob Miller, Adopted Brother, 21 years old Kristen Miller, Adopted Sister, 19 years old Other: Stacy Miller, Adopted Mom, 45 yrs old Collin Miller, Adopted Father, 48 yrs old Happy Thoughts: The thought of being with his family have a round Nightmares: Watching the orphanage burn knowing he had started it all Fatal Flaw: Thinks everything can be solved with a bottle or pint. To forget is better than to face! PLAYED BY: DUDEITSBRITT FACE CLAIM: Gwilym Pugh
  4. Character Name: Lilythe Rayne Cabin: Cabin 11 -- Hermes Other Characters involved in Plot: Azrael Blackburn (want ad here), Shadow Moore (want ad here), Vienna Pimm (want ad here), @Dustin Graves and @James Selway, plus whoever else wants to be involved. Plot Overview: Lilythe has returned from an extended leave from Camp Half-Blood only to have her world completely turned around as her ex-boyfriend and old friend vie for her affections. Shadow, the ex, isn't above using his magic to secure Lilythe for himself when he realizes what a threat Azrael poses. Meanwhile Lilythe's friends have noticed that she's acting particularly odd lately. Can they undo Shadow's plot and return her to Azrael's arms where she belongs? Plot Outline: Lilythe and Azrael reconnect Shadow returns to camp Shadow uses the volatility between cabins at camp as a cover for using his magic to bring Lilythe back to his arms Shadow will essentially be brainwashing Lilythe repeatedly with magic There are some non-violent sexual assault issues Friends begin to notice something isn't right with Lilythe Friends convince Azrael to save Lilythe from Shadow Azrael struggles to figure out how to save her, until he finally catches Shadow unaware using his abilities to manipulate the mist on Lilythe As Shadow and Azrael confront one another, Shadow goes too far and significantly harms Azrael causing Lilythe to remember how she truly feels about Azrael and breaking the spell. Plot Locations: Camp Half-Blood, mostly. Though some activities in the city or wherever site-wide plot events occur may also happen. Full Plot: Lilythe, daughter of Hermes, has recently returned to Camp Half-Blood from an extended leave of absence. Before she left she had broken up with her long-time boyfriend Shadow Moore. Though the two appeared to part on amicable terms from Lilythe's perspective, Shadow has been obsessed with getting her back ever since. Now, after her absence of several months, he has a plan to win her back and nothing is going to stop him. At least, that's what he thinks. Azrael Blackburn is Lilythe's former best friend. Recently, she's began to realize that she may care for him as much more than that. He left camp 4 years ago to attend Camp Jupiter's university in New Rome and she hasn't heard from him since. However, Azrael also missed her. Azrael had always felt something more for Lilythe but could never bring himself to tell her. It was a large part of why he left for university in the first place. But now that he's graduated, and a little birdie named Vienna has told him that Lilythe and Shadow broke up months ago, Azrael is ready to return to Camp Half-Blood and reconnect with his old friend. As Lilythe begins to reconnect with Azrael, sparks fly and it's as if no time has passed. Just as it looks like the two are finally about to enter a relationship, Shadow begins to work his vile plans into action. First he begins to sew doubt with Lilythe by telling her lies about Azrael's intentions with her. Then he makes sure to have Azrael walk in on moments where he and Lilythe are alone, in an effort to make it look like Lilythe still wants to be with him. Finally, as rifts are formed between cabins (not uncommon), Shadow seizes the opportunity to use his mastery over the mist to brainwash Lilythe into believing she still loves him and to steal her away from Azrael by causing more and more fights between them. While she returns to Shadow, Lilythe and him essentially pick up where they left off. Only Shadow tries to push things further and further. He wants all of Lilythe, and he can convince her that she wants it too. But each time he manipulates her, Lilythe becomes a little bit more and more odd with her friends. Eventually Vienna, James, and Dustin get concerned enough to bring things up with Azrael. Azrael is reluctant to accept that Lilythe isn't acting of her own accord--pessimistic about her ability to ever return his affections after the second heartbreak from her he's had--but eventually succumbs to their pleas. Every effort he makes to bring Lilythe back to her friends ends in vain and Azrael begins to lose hope. That is, until he sees Shadow using his ability to manipulate the mist on Lilythe and realizes what's going on. After coming up with a battle plan, Azrael confronts Shadow, but gets significantly hurt. In that moment, no amount of magic can overcome the real love and despair that Lilythe feels upon seeing him so hurt. Lilythe breaks herself free from Shadow's manipulations and runs to Azrael's side. Thankfully his wounds were not as grave as they appeared and after several days of love and care, and a lot of ambrosia, Lilythe and Azrael can finally have their happily ever after.
  5. Azrael Blackburn biography Azrael was found on the front doorstep of his father’s home one cloudy evening in June. Raphael had been working hard on a case and throwing together the file for court the next day when a knock came on the door. As he opened it, he found a small baby, Azrael, sleeping and had a small note attached to his blanket. The note explained to Raphael that the boy was his son that his mother gave birth to after spending the night with him 9 months earlier. There had only been one woman in that whole year for Raphael, and she had disappeared so soon after their encounter. Yet Raphael believed this note to be true. He went and got a birth certificate for his son and made it official. Raphael raised Azrael to the best of his ability on his own. He hired a nanny to look after Azrael during the days and for when he had tough cases, but he always tried to make sure that there was time for Azrael in his day. Despite his best efforts, however, Azrael often had to eat meals with his nanny. As a result, Azrael got fairly used to being alone and solitary. He could typically fend for himself regarding cooking and cleaning, with his nanny’s permission and observation. This lasted for several years. It was a rainy day in 6th grade that Azrael had his first run-in with his mother’s heritage. Monsters had caught onto his scent and started to look for him. Fortunately, a satyr named Ash found Azrael before they arrived to his home in Phoenix. Only barely though. As Raphael answered the door, the monsters could be seen turning the corner to his street and Ash pushed past Raphael and into their home. Quickly he explained to Raphael about Azrael's heritage, and showed him the creatures coming for his son. While Raphael was stunned to learn the true nature of the mysterious woman he’d born a child with, he accepted that his son was in danger and let the satyr take him to Camp Half-Blood to be taught how to fight and defend himself. Upon first arriving at camp, Azrael felt like an outsider. He was never claimed so like most he was placed into the Hermes cabin, where all the unclaimed campers go. It wasn’t easy feeling like you weren’t wanted by one of your parents. Especially when some of the others had been claimed early on. It took time before he really began to make friends in the Hermes cabin. When he did, they were the few people he felt he could really rely on. Lilythe being one of them. It was only about a year into his time at camp when the Second Titan War began. As the days lead up to, Azrael was approached by another unclaimed camper named Matthew to join the side of Kronos and betray Camp Half-Blood. Azrael staunchly refused stating that there was nothing Matthew or Kronos could offer him to betray his fellow campers. When the battle started, Azrael joined in, determined to help Camp Half-blood. Azrael saw a lot of his friends on both side fall during the fight. Some of them were killed by his hand. There was barely any time to recover before the Second Giant War, Second Half-Blood Civil War and the events with Nero came. In the span of 3 years a significant amount of trauma was experienced by those at Camp Half-Blood. After the wars, Azrael began to pull back from his fellow campers a bit. He had been claimed by his mother, Nemesis, and there weren’t many others in his cabin, so it was easy to stay reclusive in there. He would occasionally take a quest when they were offered. As he continued to age, he grew more somber. During one of his final years as a camper, he saw his friend Lilythe become Cabin Leader of Cabin 11, his former home. He was proud to see one of the younger campers he had grown up with take to the leadership role so well. However, Lilythe had began dating a boy named Shadow. Azrael had a great distrust for him, as he seemed to not have Lilythe’s best interests at heart. This was further complicated by the realization of his own feelings for Lilythe starting to emerge. So, at 18, when he was ready to head to college, Azrael went off to New Rome to attend university there. He cut ties with Lilythe, because it hurt him to see her with Shadow, but he still would write to his other friends like James and Vienna to check on her every now and then. Azrael finished his undergraduate in Criminal Justice, but couldn’t stop shaking the feeling that he needed to return home to Camp Half-Blood. So he packed his bags and made his way back to the Strawberry Fields surrounding the house, reading to make his way home. Personality Azrael has two different sides of his personality. The first and most obvious is a serious outlook on life. He has seen a lot of bad in this world. His outlook can be a bit cynical, and Azrael is not quick to trust others. This became worse after the Titan War where he was forced to kill other Half-Bloods that had betrayed the camp and watch as some of his friends died. The other part of him, that only those close to him see, is the one who loves the good in the world and can be a bit less serious. Azrael enjoys time with his friends, and he can be funny from time to time with a well-placed witty comment. Azrael is also a closet romantic. He loves being able to spend time under the stars or at dinner enjoying good food with a lovely lady. There is nothing quite like it for him. It is his 'drug' of choice that he tries not to indulge in too often. Azrael loves very deeply, and it is hard for him to move on from someone once he has decided that he has feelings for them. Like all people, Azrael also has his darker moments. Being a child of the goddess of revenge, there is an impulse to get vengeance when those he cares about are hurt. Azrael is likely to only act in the instance where justice does not prevail as he prefers to let things get sorted naturally and not interfere, if possible. Though, when those he loves are truly being manipulated and taken advantage of, Azrael can be a fearsome sight to behold. He is vindictive and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty to take care of things when necessary. About Me Birthdate: June 26, 1996 Likes: Knives, daggers, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate ice cream, rock music, sketching, gaming, carrots, oranges, bacon cheeseburgers, bacon Dislikes: The guilty getting away, bullies, meatloaf, anchovies on pizza, oreos, cabbage, coleslaw, Country music, artichokes, tofu, painting Family: Mom: Nemesis Dad: Raphael Marcus Blackburn, 58, Prosecuting Attorney Siblings: None Other: None Happy Thoughts: Spending time with his father in the evenings after work. Nightmares: Losing someone he loves Fatal Flaw: Tunnel vision- Gets too focused on one thing/person and loses track of other things around him PLAYED BY: ShadowsOverScotland FACE CLAIM: Stephen Amell
  6. Larissa Souza biography Larissa was born in São Paulo, Brazil, in the early part of the year to a woman named Adriana. She had been a product of a one-night stand between her mother and a mysterious man that she had met after completing her set. Adriana had been in a band from the time she was freshly out of school. She had been their drummer and backup singer, a pretty good one at that. She had a set with her band at the very end of the night where they played for the crowd and had everyone going. The cheer for more was one that brought the band out for one more song. Once they were done, the band went to an after-party and this is where Adriana met the mysterious man. He was a young man, around her age, with lightly tanned skin and blonde curly hair. She fell for him in a matter of moments. Almost like love at first sight. The two danced the night away, getting to know him as much as she was able to. Drinking and just having a fun time. They sang together to the different songs that played from the sound system. When the party wound down, she offered to take him back to her apartment, which he agreed to and ended up doing the deed. Sometimes through the night, he left her alone. Leaving a note thanking her for a good time. The next couple of months were hard on her as she had no idea where that man had went. It had bothered her to the point that she had started getting sick. Most people were worried about her but there was one person, Márcia, who said that she looked like she was pregnant. The rest of the band members laughed at it but the woman was pretty certain, and even went and got her the test to prove it to her. The moment that those two pink lines came on to the test, Adirana's life changed. She still worried about where the man was, now that she was going to be having a baby but knew that taking care of her child was something that she needed to worry about more. She soon forgot about the man and started taking better care of herself. Less partying and eating right. It was during that time that Márcia had taken a more forward role in Adriana's life and by the time that Larissa was born the two women were in a relationship. Growing up before school, both women were pretty much all over the young girl. Teaching her everything that she could learn. She had ended up learning two different languages which helped her when she would visit the US for her Momma (Márcia) family. They both taught her how to sing and play the drums, which she only got better at each time they allowed her to try. Márcia had even gone behind her partner's back because she knew that she wouldn't agree and showed her how to shoot a bow and arrow which of course seemed to work out pretty well. As she got into school is where things started to take a different turn. She began to have trouble learning to read and the school had even told her mother(Adriana) that it would be best if they got her checked out for ADHD and maybe some other things. She ended up not liking school at all. Which caused trouble at home. Her mother(Adriana) began getting upset, saying that she was picking things up fine and always asking what happened from one year to the next. Larissa had no idea what to say to it because she didn't understand it either. By the time that Larissa turned twelve years old, her mother Adriana had taken a turn for the worst. The woman had found out that she had lung cancer and didn't have much time to live as it was already spreading through her body. Larissa had learned to depend on her momma (Márcia) more as Adriana had started sleeping more and more. Within a couple of months, Adriana had passed away. It had been a pretty upsetting time for both Márcia and Larissa, but as most people say. Life never stops for anybody. Márcia soon packed up her and the girl and moved them to New York. Knowing that a fresh start should be a good thing for Larissa. The young girl had gotten along with the family pretty easily, they accepted her in without a fuss but they were worried about her grade as well. She ended up getting into a privet school, which caused more issues as they had wanted her to keep a good grade average. It had been pretty hard for her, however, one good thing came out of it. She had been friended by a student by the name of Forest. He had something wrong with him as he walked with a small limp but she never minded it. For the next couple of months, she had ended up teaching him some Portuguese, which he seemed to have trouble with, which caused her to laugh most of the time. Causing them again to get into trouble. One day, Larissa had a fight with her momma and ended up running away from their house. Her momma thought that she would be back later and that she needed some time. She had sent a text to Forest and told him to meet her by a music shop. It took about five minutes for him to make his way there since he had lived right down the road, or so he told her. She had never been there. However, their day soon turned into one of horror as a monster came at them. Larissa screamed loudly and just stood there. Freaking out, it took Forest to pull her to snap her out of the moment of her freaking out. She stuttered as she asked what that was and Forest, for a moment was silent as he pulled her to hide behind some buildings looking back to see if they had made it safely. He didn't answer her still as he turned to her telling her that she needed to run with him. She told him that she wouldn't leave him to be eaten by a monster, which caused him to laugh telling her that he would be able to keep up with her. He soon tripped his clothes minus his shirt and showed his legs. She couldn't help but scream again this time Forest covered her mouth, hissing at her to hush and that he would explain what he was and what she was as they ran. Having given her no reason to mistrust him, he rushed her home and told her momma that she was going to have to leave. The woman having no idea what he was talking about pulled her daughter away from him and stood in front of her. Causing Larissa to be confused and start to second guess herself. Forest turned to the young girl once more and told her to go upstairs and pack. His voice left no room for an agreement. By the time Larissa got back down to the room where Forest and her momma were, it was silent. The woman had tears in her eyes and the woman hugged her tightly. Larissa had no idea why she was agreeing to let her leave but she wasn't going to say anything. She blinked at Forest and told him to explain before they left. He did and she couldn't help but laugh at him. Again this wasn't the time because at that time they all heard a roar that caused them to run out of the house to keep her momma alive. To her surprise, they didn't have another encounter with the monster and they had run most of the way there. Taking a rest here and there. It was dark by the time they came to a sign that read camp half-blood. She blinked and looked over at Forest who gave her a knowing look and walked under it leaving her there a little longer just staring at it. She jumped when she heard a twig snap and ran into the camp with Forest. Their walk while in the camp was quiet which was a little scary in itself. Soon, they came to a big blue house where she was welcomed in. She was told about the war that had just happened and was curious about how many people were killed. How did they survive if they were kids just like she was? She blinked as she got fed all this information before she was led to the campfire that was happening out in the back. The claiming as they called it. She had learned that it was where her godly parent would claim her. Which mean that it was going to be her father. That much she knew since she already knew her mother. She was sitting with the rest of the crowd when she watched a symbol appear above someone's head. The man that was talking told the boy that he was a child of Tyche and welcomed him to his cabin. She watched in awe as a couple more people were claimed, and then her turn came. She blinked and soon a couple of cheers came out of a certain section of the crowd and she blinked when the man told her that she was a child of Apollo. As she got older, she found her way around the camp, helping out where she could. When she hit the ripe age of eighteen, she finally graduated high school and found herself going to college and coming back to camp Halfblood during the summertime. At the moment, she is working her way through school in hopes that she can get her Ph.D. in music as it was something that her heart had pulled her to. Personality Rissa is a very hyper child of Apollo. She had a natural ability to get along with many people. Though there are some that she has trouble trying to get through. She enjoys being around people and will do whatever it take to help him enjoy their time around her. She is a natural flirt to anyone who will flirt back with her. Music is her favorite pass time. She loves to play the drums and will sing where ever she is. She often will sing to her father just because. But there are more times than not that she will be singing with others around the camp, or start up a drum line during dinner with her siblings. She is pretty awesome with a bow and arrow, having learned when she was very young by her mother Márcia. It had been a bonding moment with her and she finally feel in love with the woman as her mother as well. She got even better at the skill once she arrived at camp and started practicing with her siblings. She isn't much into wild life, though she will view them from afar thinking that they are pretty that way. However, when she was younger a boy played a nasty trick on her and hid a snake in her bed when she first arrived at camp which only caused her hate the thing to be even more. She will dance around the place, acting a fool just to see someone smile. Even sometimes getting people to join in with her. This happens mostly at the bon fires so that people would calm their nerves. About Me Birthdate: Jan 10, 2000 Likes: singing, playing the drums, dancing around, riddles, loves to make people happy. Helping when and where it is needed, being around people. Flirting with others Dislikes: SNAKES, not having anything to do. Messing up on anything, people making her mad. Seeing people hurt. Party poopers Family: Mom: Adriana Souza Dad: Apollo Siblings: Apollo Cabin Other: Márcia Souza - Mom Happy Thoughts: Watching her mothers jam out in their band Nightmares: Being in a pit full of snakes Fatal Flaw: Being to Trusting PLAYED BY: NickyNack FACE CLAIM: Jena Goldsack
  7. Dahlia Wakabayashi biography The Yakuza is the mafia in Japan that holds much power and wealth. Once apart of the family you were never to leave or face death. Daichi had grown up in japan as a child of a higher up in the yakuza family. Most of the others loved being apart of it but he always just wanted to be with his mother in the Bonsai garden. His family used it as a front business to hide they were apart of such an organization. They had been long time members. Daichi preferred to just pretend his father was just a simple Bonsai owner. One day when it was his time to pledge his allegiance to the Yakuza, but the night before he fled. Taking own what he could he made his way to america's washington state. Where Daichi became a simple master gardener living in Washington State. He had come from a long line of Bonsai growers from Japan, so he had tons of experience attending to the plants. He was a simple man but he was also a family man. He loved to watch his plants grow and also his family. The pang of sadness when he thought of his mother especially saddened him. When he was in his twenties he met a woman at the local gardening convention who was also a master gardener. The two of them bonded over their love for the earth as well as the plants. They started a family together as Dahlia was born. Her mother was very over protective when she was little but as she grew weird things began to happen. That was when her mother left all of a sudden. This caused Daichi to go into a great depression. He searched for her but he had to accept that his true love left him. Clinging to his love with his daughter Dahlia and his skills as a master gardener. He brought up little Dahlia playing alongside him in the dirty as he worked. The plants seemed to respond to her as they always seemed to grow best when she was around. That was when it began to happen, the Yakuza unhappy with Daichi's disappearance had been searching for him this whole time. He was closing up shop with little Dahlia who was around 3 years old when all of a sudden they were surrounded. That was when Dahlia screamed and plant that was closest to her began to rapidly grow. This both shocked and terrified everyone around her. Making them run away as the plant got bigger and bigger. Scared and confused Daichi took his daughter and ran. Not knowing what to do he moved them to the midwest of Nebraska. However, the Yakuza had been dazed from the growth of the plant, it did not stop them from chasing the Wakabayashi family around the US. Always finding another area to live when things got bad. The two of them had each other which was what kept them going! Even though they were far away from most civilization monsters would find and attack Dahlia. A young local farmer boy with tufts of hair befriended her. The two of them loved nature and spent many of time together there. That was when it happened the Yakuza found her family again and this time she was 13 years old. They threatened everything she had and loved. Standing in front of her dad she began to scream as she did when she was little. For those who remembered they began to cower as the plants began to grow fast all around them. The Farmer boy seemed to appear just when an explosion happened. Was it the Yakuza or what? She had no time to tell that she had caught the attention of a monster which began to attack. She watched through the chaos as her dad got lost in the chaos. The farmer boy took her by her hand and told her to follow him to a place she would be safe. She was confused and scared so she did just that. That was when she made it to half blood hill and was told all about who she was. On her thirteenth birthday she was claimed by Demeter. She began to live with her siblings until after the summer was done. Then she found her dad once again. Living with him in the off times. Personality Dahlia is a shy girl who loves to be with her plants. She cares way too deeply about others that she loses her temper when they are messed with or hurt. She isn't really good with most books but loves those about plants which she uses the pictures to help her understand more about them. She is really artsy as she is a nature photographer. She is self taught and loves to capture the natural beauty of the world. About Me Birthdate: September 26, 2008 Likes: Plants, the feeling of dirt in her hands, anime, fall time, dancing in the rain Dislikes: school, the dark, bullies, meat, forest fires Family: Mom: Goddess Demeter Dad: Daichi Wakabayashi, 41 years old, Siblings: None Other: Grandmother, Asahi Wakabayashi, 60yrs Happy Thoughts: Attending to her plants or watching her sisters grow Nightmares: Being abandon and she causes everything around her to die Fatal Flaw: She cares to much about those around her, they can be used as bait. PLAYED BY: DUDEITSBRITT FACE CLAIM: Fumi Nikaido
  8. ASHER REAGAN HARRINGTON biography Asher Reagan Harrington was born on November 9th, to New York business mogul Calvert Harrington and an alluring woman who called herself Aurora. She was born as the second child and only daughter just five minutes after her twin brother Arsen. Expecting two strong baby boys, Calvert proceeded with his choice and named the baby girl Asher. For the first few months of their life, the new family of four lived in one of New York's most coveted real estate spaces, on the corner of 81st street and fifth avenue. However, one late spring afternoon, as the city was engulfed in rain, Aurora disappeared into the street, never to be heard from or seen again and Calvert Harrington was left with two newborn children and nothing but the memory of the love of his life. Growing up, Asher saw her father emerge himself in work and she would often reach out to him when he came home at night to try to spend more time with him. The man would lock himself in his office and Asher would stay outside, often bringing him food or leaving small notes and sliding them under the door. At age thirteen, Asher learned the truth about her mother's identity and who she really was. After sneaking out of the house with her brother, the twins found themselves wondering across Central Park in the wee hours of the night to try and sneak into the Loeb Boathouse. Shortly after walking past the Bethesda Fountain, the twins were attacked by a monster and saved by a homeless man that had been a constant presence in the background of their life as children. The homeless man turned out to be their satyr. While Arsen was more intrigued with the idea of being a demigod and going to Camp Half-Blood, Asher remained stoic and unimpressed. While she thrived in her surroundings, it never quite felt like home and Asher's only reason to stay was to become a master of Umbrakinesis, an ability she had learned about during the first few months of camp. Therefore it became a mutual decision that the twins would spend their summers at camp and spend the rest of their time home with their father. At school, Asher distinguished herself for being a brilliant and determined student with a knack for numbers and analyzing financial outcomes. At age fourteen, she had made a profit off her first investment and managed to double her earnings a few months after. However, tragedy struck the household and it was Asher who found her father's body laying next to his desk in his office. At age sixteen, she was heir to the Harrington fortune, making her the richest teenager in New York City along with her brother. While Arsen embarked in partying and drugs, Asher graduated from the Dalton School early and with honors, proceeding to attend Yale University on early admission to study Finance. Though left in the care of their aunt Annelise Harrington, Asher focused all of her time and energy in school and her father's company, working alongside the board of directors to bring the company out of the public relations disaster that had been her father's death. Personality Asher comes off as very extroverted and outspoken. She's bold, often choosing to say whatever is on her mind without caring about the consequences of her words. This comes from knowing her position in life has guaranteed her a safety net to navigate the world as she pleases. She enjoys being around people and making friends. Her natural charm and charisma has helped her develop her social network and a strong group of friends. However, she can also be very introverted, often opting out of social events to seek out her own company. Asher is not one to share her emotions and her feelings and like her brother, grew up learning how to conceal those attributes that might make her come off as weak. She can be rather cold in her demeanor and thrives from numbness. She saw her father's feelings and emotions towards her mother be the ultimate cause of his demise and therefore does not want to end up like him. She is very analytical and likes to explore the situation to understand what would better benefit her. She has an extensive vocabulary and her intelligence shows in her demeanor and the way she holds herself. She has a fierce dedication to learning and reading and her ambition is turned towards leading her father's business and build her own empire. She has an innate ability to get what she wants and glide through life without a care in the world. She is organized, meticulous and can achieve anything she sets her mind to, often without regard for how she gets there. About Me Birthdate: November 9th, 1999 Likes: Books, animals (especially dogs), history, 18th century Russian classical music, jewelry (especially Faberge eggs), Paris, musical theatre, being by herself, French macarons, languages, a clean and aesthetically pleasing space, mathematics, numbers, financial news, independence (being in control of her own time). Dislikes: Being in nature, bugs, sand on her shoes, organized religion, being proved wrong, losing control, appearing weak or showing weakness, an unkept appearance, being interrupted, getting mud or dirt on her person, cruelty against animals or children, being confined in one place. Family: Mom: Hecate Dad: Calvert Harrington (47, Deceased) Siblings: Arsen Harrington (Twin Brother/Five Minutes Older) Everyone in Cabin 20 (Half-Siblings) Other: Annelise Harrington (Aunt, 42) Happy Thoughts: Books. Asher's favorite place in the world is the New York Public Library. She likes immersing herself in novels and lose time by reading pages upon pages of stories of people and places as she would like life to be. Her own library at home hosts an array of a carefully curated collection of rare first editions and classical novels where she often spends her time. Nightmares: Facing her feelings, falling in love, not being able to control her abilities, failing to create her business empire, ending up just like her father, being abandoned. Fatal Flaw: Will repress any sort of negative or intense emotion to ensure it doesn't interfere with her every day life. Doesn't talk about her feelings. Has a hard time showing affection. Has an extremely addictive personality and lacks a sense of balance. PLAYED BY: MAR FACE CLAIM: LAURA BERLIN
  9. MCKAYLA JOHNSON biography McKayla's father is a professional athlete who played in the summer olympics when he met the woman of his dreams. The two of them had a passionate summer but at the end the two of them went their separate ways. Nine months later he was visited by her again with a baby girl. She asked him to take good care of her and that her name was to be McKayla. The little girl was always one of trying to grow up fast. As her father soon after found a new wife who he married a year later. She also had a child a year later, which made her sister 2 years younger. He brought her up with her little sister Chelsea. The two of them were competitive in different ways. Mckayla always excelled in sports and the gym where as chelsea always did well in school. The two of them had a rough childhood as they were always trying to outdo each other and have all the attention. As Mckayla got older she kept having weird things happen to her. Monsters were attacking her in the middle of her games when she was doing her best. One time during a gymnastic event she was doing her routine when a monster attacked. Most just saw a creature but she saw a monster. This was when her one of her sport waterboys Felix told her she wasn't safe any longer. Mckayla was confused what he meant and that was when he told her he was a satyr. He even proved it. Mckayla thought someone had put drugs in her protein shake he told her she was a demi-god. This blew her mind. I mean she knew the woman who married her dad was only her stepmom and not her real mom but she just thought she didn't want her. He lead her away during the fiasco and lead her to a camp where she was claimed on her 13th birthday, three summers ago. Her mother was the Goddess Nike. Which made more sense her love for sports and training. She then joined the cabin with her other siblings and enjoyed getting to spend every summer with them. During the year she spent it in school trying to finish up high school. This was becoming harder and harder as she was being attacked more and more these days! Personality Mckayla is a drive girl who always does her best especially when it comes to sports. She is always pushing harder to do better and become the best! She is competitive by nature. Mckayla is not got a shy bone in her body. Making friends with anyone unless they find her too competitive. About Me Birthdate: June 1st 2004 Likes: Games, sports of any kind, Gymnastics, smores on a summer night, hand to hand combat Dislikes: school, reading, fruit of any kind, lazy people, sleeping Family: Mom: Nike Dad: Patrick Johnson, age 48 years old Siblings: Chelsea Johnson, 14 years old Other: (Names, relationships, and ages) Happy Thoughts: Winning the game or event, smores on a summer night, gold metals Nightmares: Losing or coming in last place Fatal Flaw: competitive to the point of annoyance PLAYED BY: DUDEITSBRITT FACE CLAIM: Aly Raisman
  10. ARSEN CALVERT HARRINGTON biography Arsen Calvert Harrington was born on November 9th, to New York business mogul Calvert Harrington and an alluring woman who called herself Aurora. He was the eldest child and only son and born five minutes before his twin sister Asher. For the first few months of their life, the new family of four lived in one of New York's most coveted real estate spaces, on the corner of 81st street and fifth avenue. However, one late spring afternoon, as the city was engulfed in rain, Aurora disappeared into the street, never to be heard from or seen again and Calvert Harrington was left with two newborn children and nothing but the memory of the love of his life. Growing up, Arsen saw his father emerge himself into work, expanding his business and building his massive fortune but sinking into an inevitable and dark depression. At age thirteen, Arsen finally learned the truth about who his mother's identity and who he really was. After sneaking out of his house with his sister, the twins found themselves wondering across Central Park in the wee hours of the night, something that was not only dangerous in the human world, but also lead to him becoming an easy pray to the creatures and monsters that lurked in the night. Shortly after walking past the Bethesda Fountain, the twins were attacked by a monster and saved only by a homeless man that had been a constant background presence in their life since they were children. The homeless man turned out to be their satyr. Their arrival at Camp Half-Blood was, for the most part, a bittersweet experience. It provided Arsen with a sense of belonging, of understanding the parts of himself that he had thought were missing but it also lead to him feeling more resentment towards his mother and in a sense, it created more distance between him and his father, who was already fading away. Therefore it was a mutual decision between Arsen and Asher to spend their summers at Camp Half-Blood and the rest of the year in their native New York. With no parental supervision whatsoever, Arsen's nanny rotation was unlike any other and the boy thrived from pushing authority and developed a knack for getting what he wanted. He dealt with his mother's abandonment by experimenting with illegal substances and by the age of fifteen, he had managed to sneak into every single bar and nightclub in Manhattan. Tragedy struck the household when, at only 47 years-old, Calvert Harrington was found in his New York home dead from an overdose. The death of New York's business mogul left a deep wound in the Harrington twins and at age sixteen, Arsen became the richest teenager in New York City. That didn't come without its consequences though. Though he was left in the care of his paternal aunt Annelise Harrington, Arsen was on the fast track to a life of excess and debauchery and it resulted in his expulsion from the Dalton School and therefore never finished high school. Throughout the course of his life, Arsen always noticed things that made him feel different from other children. He was always a night owl and thrived during the wee hours of the morning when it was darkest. He enjoyed staying out late and engaging in things that were far from his comprehension. Personality Arsen is a playful individual that thrives off beings social and having a close knit group of friends. He enjoys building new friendships, getting to know others, and mentoring the younger kids so they can discover their true potential and develop their abilities. He is a social butterfly, seemingly floating naturally at all types of social events and can be so charismatic that whenever he engages with someone, it can seem as though they've been friends for decades. He uses his charisma and social demeanor to his advantage in getting what he wants. He can be insecure and self-conscious at times and that has made him extremely aware of his surroundings. He doesn't like to talk about himself and would rather keep the conversation lively and relatively superficial. He hides his vices and addictive personality from others and would never admit to something being wrong with him. He hides under a strong coat of pretending and is comfortable that way. Arsen needs constant attention and doesn't like to be invisible or overlooked. He is good at reading the room and conducts himself in a manner that, for the most part, doesn't rub off people the wrong way. He doesn't get angry often and like the rest of his more intense emotions, he prefers to bury them underneath layers of calm and collectedness. About Me Birthdate: November 9th, 1999 Likes: Freedom, physical activity, exploring, traveling, animals, social events, concerts, music, summer, surfing, the ocean and any other body of water, snow, skiing, winter sports, watching sporting events, outdoor cooking, being in control of his own time, keeping a neat appearance, drinking, blowing off steam, partying, and being the center of attention. Dislikes: Opening up about himself, staying in one place for too long, silence, being ignored or overlooked, not being taken seriously, being called out on his bullshit, animal cruelty, being reprimanded, having to make difficult or tough decisions, not being in control of his own time, being told what to do, being rejected, isolation, and loneliness. Family: Mom: Hecate Dad: Calvert Harrington (47, Deceased) Siblings: Asher Harrington (Twin Sister/Five Minutes Younger) Everyone in Cabin 20 (Half-Siblings) Other: Annelise Harrington (Aunt, 42) Happy Thoughts: Despite being from New York City, Arsen enjoys the country and likes visiting remote areas up north and emerging himself in nature. He loves the winter and the snow and partaking in winter sports. His favorite place in the world is Hammondsport, NY, where he and his sister share a country home. Nightmares: Losing control of himself, not being able to protect himself or his sister, falling in love, allowing himself to be open with someone and have them see his deepest insecurities and fears. Fatal Flaw: Reckless and impulsive, with a tendency of burying his feelings and hiding behind irresponsible behavior. Has an extremely addictive personality and enjoys the usage of illegal substances and other means to cover up his insecurities and pain. PLAYED BY: MAR FACE CLAIM: MATT BOMER
  11. Savanna Lewis biography Savanna was born the day before Christmas in the late night while everyone was sleeping. However, on Christmas day she was taken to the closest Fire station. Her father and mother hadn't wanted anything to do with her. The only thing that was left with her was her name and a necklace that had a red poppy on it. They made sure that she was okay, checking her to make sure her body temp was fine. After everything check out on her she was moved to the closest orphanage where she would grow up. When she was younger she watched most the kids she knew get adopted and some even aged out of the place. However, it seemed every time that someone seemed to be the least interested in her, something would always come up to where she wasn't able to leave with them. She started to think that she wasn't worth it. This caused her to become a day dreamer. Thinking of a better place, where people would want her for her and never find a reason why they didn't want her. Soon she found herself walking in dream. However, the felt a little different than dreams. They felt almost real, though when she opened her eyes she had to fight with herself, telling herself that she had been in fact dreaming. Life like that went on for a while longer, her finding more peace in sleeping than anything else. However, it was one night that she entered a dream that seemed to be someone else. She walked around for a while, until she meet up with a man. He had been playing and singing about something she couldn't make out until she got closer. Gods and Goddess? A war? She moved to take a seat in front of him. He hadn't taken noticed to her as he had his eyes closed while doing so. He opened his eyes when she started to clap for him. He seemed to be shocked that she was there, however, they seemed to hit it off pretty well. She had told him that she knew the Greek gods and goddess some what. Saying that she had dreamed about them off and on most of her life. They began talking about certain things and finally she began to tell him about herself. How she had no parents and that she was stuck in the orphanage since she was born. She had given him the place where she lived, not really knowing why she felt safe with him. She had thought that maybe if he was willing to come and take her from the world she was living in. However, She was woken up suddenly, Screams were heard and her fight or flight kicked in. She hurried and started running. Trying to get out of the now burning orphanage. She had gotten a little under a mile away when she bumped into a man, or well that is what she thought he was until she noticed his legs. She freaked out but as soon as he told her the name James she calmed down. The creature took her from where she was to a place called camp halfblood and told her that who she was looking for was right inside. Personality Savanna is always sleepy but will try to stay awake when something important is going on. Though she does have her moments when she will doze off and nothing on earth can wake her up. She is a very happy person, however, she does get a little jealous over certain things, like over people she likes and or things she wants. She also has a problem with sleep walking, which has caused her to wake up in the middle of different places. However, even with all of that, she has a lot of knowledge about the gods and is willing to help out anyone who needs help, were it be helping them sleep or helping them with a memory that they have forgotten. About Me Birthdate: 12/24/2008 Likes: Soft pillows, soft voices, warm chocolate chip cookies, A warm blanket to snuggle, music and songs, apple pies, her poppy necklace Dislikes: Bright days, having to force herself to be up longer than she wants to, not being the helpful person she knows she can be. Having to read out loud or even to herself. Family: Mom: Unknown Dad: Unknown Siblings: (Names and Ages or None) Other: (Names, relationships, and ages) Happy Thoughts: Being in a comfy bed. Nightmares: Being forced to stay awake. Fatal Flaw: Always sleepy PLAYED BY: NickyNack FACE CLAIM: meika woollard
  12. DERRICK REVANCHE RAINES biography Derrick is a son of Donovan Raines who is a secret hitman or some call him an assassin. He lives in Washington, DC as a head for hire. He had gotten into this business as young man who had a thirst for revenge. His family life been taken as a cover up of a political plot of power. The hubris of the politician who thought no one could touch him made him train every day. One day he would exact revenge on the man who took him family away. As he got business going and he seemed to have clients with deep pockets he met a woman or thou he thought. She was ruthless and saw this humble man who wanted revenge as a worthy lover. The two of them had a night of passion and nine months later he had a surprise on his doorstep. It was a little baby boy. There was a note which read 'raise him well'. He did not stop his lifestyle of being a hitman but raised his son by himself with help from a nanny. As Derrick grew he also was trained in fighting which he was really skilled at. He felt much more at home when he was being trained by his dad then when he was at school. He seemed to always get in trouble and never pay attention. That was when a school bully began to pick on one of his friends. He had stolen his lunch money and Derrick snapped. As the bully had turned derrick had the right luck to pull up his underwear and give him a wedgie. That was when the bully turned around and began to throw punches at him but he was so lucky and dodged them all. He had gotten revenge on him. That was until one day when Derrick came home and the house was in disarray. Calling out for his dad he had gotten scared and began to search for him. That was when he saw the bloody body print that seemed to be dragged out of the house. That was when his best friend Forrest showed up but he looked different. He seemed panicked and that is when Derrick looked down to see the goat boys hoofs. He wasn't human then what was he? That was when Forrest said they had to go before the monsters came back. Derrick was so confused but forrest said they had no time. That was when it happened. The top of the house exploded in fire. Something was hurling fire balls at them. Derrick and Forrest fleed the scene as they got away. Personality Derrick is a loyal boy who seems to have a thing for justice and revenge. Especially on those who are arrogant and hurt the ones he loved. He always seemed to be a luck kids in fights but never started them but could finish them. He loved deeply for those who stood by his side and protected them. About Me Birthdate:July 4th, 2012 Likes: Playing games of luck, his friends, revenge, martial arts, playing video games, pokemon Dislikes: Injustice, arrogance, broccoli, being alone, someone messing with his hair Family: Mom: Unknown Dad: Donovan Raines, 39 yrs old, Assassin Siblings: None Other: none Happy Thoughts: ice cream, getting revenge on the monsters who took his dad, being with loyal friends Nightmares: Not being strong enough and falling to the arrogance of evil Fatal Flaw: Trusting in others as he feels loyal to them he thinks they will be loyal back PLAYED BY: DUDEITSBRITT FACE CLAIM: william franklyn miller
  13. Mateo 'Mat' Sanz biography Mat was born in mid March. The man that called himself father to the child had ended up putting him in foster care. Not really knowing how to handle a child himself. Mat's father hadn't left any type of details of where he lived or even a phone number. Growing up in a home full of children who, like him, didn't have any parents shaped him into who he is today. There were many times that he had ran away from the homes he was placed in and caused trouble. He never really made any friends that really stuck by him. Not that he really cared about it anyways. It wasn't until one night when he was about to turn thirteen, he and a couple kids from school were heading home and decided to take an alley way, since it seemed to be faster. From what Mat could recall of that night, a monster, like those you would read in stories had appeared out of nowhere. Causing chaos. The last thing he remembered was someone saying hold on before he blacked out and woke up at Camp Halfblood. The whole things made him nervous. Who really thought that one of their parents were a god? He went along with it, however, soon as he arrived at the camp fire, he was claimed by his mother Hecate. After being claimed by his mother he found himself enjoying his life there at camp. However, as a couple years went by her found himself wanting to learn more about life. So sometimes during the summers he found himself getting fake IDs to enter clubs. Though there had been one party in particular that had grabbed his interest. It revolved around BDSM. In those summers, he had found different kinks he liked and soon took on a role of a Master Dom. The life style fit him like a glove and it would be on that he would hold for a while to come. Personality Mat likes things his way. He is in a way very in charge of things in his life, he doesn't like surprises. Mainly why he doesn't do romantic relationships most of the time (Though there are moments where things like this fall through the cracks) If he likes certain things, he will try to go after them and if that isn't working, well there is always a charm about him that he will use if he needed too. His way of thinking can sometimes cause issues, however he has a hard time trying to admit that out loud. Which normally will end up in a fight. He tries hard to not show much about himself. He doesn't want people to be able to use that against him. About Me Birthdate: March 13, 2002 Likes: The night, Reading Greek books, using his mist powers, Being able to use others as a way of release, try out his own spells Dislikes: Talking about himself, Having people get to close to him, having people get attached when he told them not to, apples, Any day that is way to hot Family: Mom: Hecate Dad: Unknown Siblings: Cabin 20 Other: (Names, relationships, and ages) Happy Thoughts: magic, being claimed by his mother Nightmares: Watching his siblings get hurt Fatal Flaw: Can be shallow, Addict PLAYED BY: NickyNack FACE CLAIM: Jorge Del Rio Romero
  14. Octavia Davis biography Octavia was born in November to Mister Davis. He had been working at a casino when he meet her mother. However, when he meet her he wasn't working, rather he was winning big at a card table. Blackjack seemed to be his favorite. He and Octavia's mother seemed to hit it off pretty well. By the end of the night. He had won many times over and decided to celebrate a little. Nine months later, he found himself a single father of a pretty little girl. Growing up, Octavia had to be brought to the casino with her dad as he had no other family that would help take care of her. His boss didn't seem to care all to much. Matter of fact, the boss would have her sit with him when her father had been out on the floor. The man was like a second father to her. During the next couple years of her life, her father had found that she liked playing with cards. However, go-fish seemed to be her favorite. It seemed that no matter what he done she had always ended up winning in the end. Then came the pennies. One day she had been walking with her father when she seen a penny that was laying face up on the ground. Her father had said that anytime she seen a penny like that, it was good luck and that she should keep it. Thus started the penny collection. Many pennies later, she had ended up finding a penny that helped her father and herself get on their feet a little more. He was able to get them a better house and all was good. Until it wasn't. As Octavia got older more odd things started happening. She had told her father that monsters were appear and scare her. It wasn't until one day when school happened to be out, while she was with her dad's boss that something scary really did happen. The monsters that she had told her father about came to his job and started causing trouble. Through all the chaos, she could see her father yelling, an older boy, who seemed to be holding a sword and her father's boss, who at the moment was just half a man, but the rest of him scared her. He had furry legs and hoofs. She let out a scream and then she was covered in someone's arms and she heard them say that everything was going to be okay. That was the last thing she remembered before passing out. Personality Octavia likes anything that is fun. She loves to dance and sing and will make up her own songs(that will change once she is older). She is sometimes shy especially when things are new to her. She loves to talk about her penny collection, how and when she found them. She is always trying to help people win and will cheer them on. She can be very clingy to a person that she trust when things seem to not go her way( When older, she will still do that but she will get a little more aggerated). About Me Birthdate: November 8, 2012 Likes: Playing games, being outside, Shiny things, Music and dancing, her lucky penny collection Dislikes: Arguing, Losing games, Rainy days, being told she should be happy she is so lucky Family: Mom: (Name and Age or Unknown) Dad: Fredrick Davis, early 40s, Worked at a casino Siblings: None Other: (Names, relationships, and ages) Happy Thoughts: Her dad singing to her, Being allowed to walk around the casino with her father Nightmares: Monsters, darkness Fatal Flaw: Always a little to happy PLAYED BY: NickyNack FACE CLAIM: Jade weber
  15. Aislynn O'Neill biography Aislynn is the only daughter birthed to her mother Aoife. Aoife is the lead singer and guitarist for a band. While the band isn't super well known, they often open up for other bands that are. Because of that Aoife had access to drugs and alcohol from an early age. She was deep in her alcohol addiction by the time Aislynn was old enough to remember anything. From an early age she had to take care of her mother. Finally, when she was 12, Aislynn had enough and ran away. It was days before her mother had even noticed she was missing and by then Aislynn had already gone far beyond her reach. Aislynn crept out her window one night, and roamed the streets of Seattle, looking for somewhere to go. She had already decided to stay at a homeless shelter or something nearby until she could get out of the city when she came across some dogs that looked, not quite right. Before she knew it, Aislynn was attacked by the creature and being pulled away by someone who she couldn't clearly see, but she could have sworn had goat hooves and horns! It took a while before they were far enough away and she could catch her breath, but Aislynn finally realized that was exactly what she had seen. It took several more minutes before she believed that she wasn't having some kind of trip from a substance that her mom had slipped her or something. And then it was several more minutes before the satyr managed to convince her to go with him. But that was when she finally went to camp half-blood. After several days of journeying, Aislynn was happy to arrive. She was claimed by Dionysus fairly early on in her stay, and she's been rocking that cabin ever since! Personality Slightly over-the-top in everything she does, Aislynn finds that the best cure for boredom is to go out and cause a little scene. She's not afraid to speak her mind, and some people think that means she's being rude then she's okay with that. At heart she cares very deeply about people, but she learned from early on that you have to look out for yourself. That means standing up for what you think and feel, and not everybody is going to like you when you do that. She can be very reckless, however, and doesn't always think her plans through. This gets her in trouble more often than not. About Me Birthdate: June 26, 2004 Likes: Parties, grapes, dancing, having fun, tending a garden on occasion, a good joke now and then, the occasional drink (gasp! She's only 17!), making friends, and music. Dislikes: Boredom, Restrictions, People who don't know how to let loose, going out in the sun, and Meetings. Family: Mom: Aoife O'Neill Dad: Dionysus Siblings: None Other: None Happy Thoughts: A party at her old school, it was pretty fun until she got kicked out. Nightmares: Addiction. Fatal Flaw: Addictive Personality (meaning she could easily become an addict) PLAYED BY: Lilythe FACE CLAIM: Avril Lavigne
  16. Helena L'Amour biography Helena is the only daughter of her father Alexander. He married her stepmother when she was so young that Helena was never aware that the woman wasn't her real mother. It came as quite the surprise when Helena and her family were attacked by harpies on their way home from a picnic at the beach. Helena cried out for them to stop and suddenly they flew away. Her family stared at her in awe. It wasn't long before a satyr stumbled out from a nearby bush and explained everything. It wasn't an easy decision by any means, but Helena decided to go with the Satyr to Camp Half-Blood to help keep her family safe from harm. Upon her arrival at Camp Half-Blood, she was claimed almost instantly by Aphrodite and her makeover persisted for at least 2 days. Since then, Helena has spent her time making friends with her newfound half-siblings and learning to fight so that one day she can return home and be able to protect her family from the monsters that would follow her. Personality Helena always felt the most comfortable in the shadows. Very rarely does she make an effort to stand out in a crowd or draw attention to myself. She, more often than not, would rather support someone else and be the wind beneath their wings than be the one getting the attention. However, when she chooses to speak up, people should listen. If she is making the effort to be noticed, that means that she must have something important to say. Her family and friends are the most important thing in the world to her. Helena would spend all her time with them if she wasn't so busy defending them from the monsters that seem to show up wherever she goes. But since they are in danger when she's around she ran away to Camp Half-Blood. Helena still writes when she's able, to let them know she's safe. She would rather they were able to live normal lives than have to deal with the problems that seem to surround her. Helena is an outgoing person and it is never really hard to decipher how she's feeling. She wears her heart on her sleeve. Some people may call her "sensitive", but she prefers to think of it as honesty. Helena doesn't see the point in hiding what she's feeling about something, after all, nothing is going to change if she doesn't make an effort to change it herself, and sometimes change can be sparked by the simplest things like admitting how you feel. About Me Birthdate: February 14, 2005 Likes: Chocolate, friends, a good love story, fairy tales, and hiking Dislikes: Brussel sprouts, eggs, unnecessary violence, disloyalty, and having to repeat herself Family: Mom: Aphrodite Dad: Alexander James L'Amour, 34, Businessman Siblings: None Other: Angela Denise L'Amour, 33, Stepmother, Housewife Happy Thoughts: Going to the beach and collecting sea shells as a kid Nightmares: Being abandoned by everyone. Fatal Flaw: Vanity, not related to appearance however. She tends to be more vain about accomplishments than appearance. PLAYED BY: Lilythe FACE CLAIM: Ashley Benson
  17. Kenna Isa Rhys biography Kenna is one of five children but her four siblings are only her half siblings. Her mother Astrid Brummitt is a jewelry maker and forger in the mountains of north carolina. She grew up in a large house hold with her Stepdad Steven Brummitt who was a worker in one of the vineyard. Her parents brought her up in a town called Asheville. Kenna never knew her father and her mother never talked about him too much. Growing up she knew there was such a difference between her and her siblings. As most of them loved to be outside on adventure or were the typical hippie child. Kenna on the other hand was a introvert who love to build things. Ever since she was a child she loved to build things with anything she could and as she got older she helped her mom out in her shop. Metal seemed to just work well in her hands. She preferred being alone with the jewelry shop. One of her very first pieces didn't look the best but she still wore the circle of metal around a necklace. As she had pride in what she made. As she got older her stepdad tried to get her into being more girly but that wasn't her way. She would rather be in a grungy bit of clothing with dark jeans with her hair up in a ponytail. Growing up in a town that was very artsy she didn't really feel as if she fit in but she did have one friend and that was jeffery. There was something about him that made her feel so at ease. One day when she had gotten in trouble again she was sent to detention when it all happened. A monster who she thought was the detention teacher attacked her. That was when jeffery burst into the room. Kenna was only in the 8th grade but she had never heard of a teacher that had attacked a student before. This teacher was a bit different than she had ever seen before. With wicked teeth and glaring eyes the teacher could have been a monster and it was. Jeffery began to call out moves that she knew from watching one of her favorite pass time shows which was wrestling. The two of them had bonded over it one summer when her siblings were too much to bare. As she tried the moves she was able to dodge the attacks one after another until she closed lined the teacher. That is when Jeffery said they would have to go to Half Blood Hill. Personality Kenna is one who is very introverted girl who is tomboyish. She has always had a trouble with pay attention which is why she always got in trouble in class. She is not one for glitter or glam but one of getting dirty or rough housing. Kenna loved to build things with her hands and it's the only time she was focus on learning something. About Me Birthday: June 26, 2008 Likes: Working with her hands, Making metal work with her mom, Hard rock, Wrestling Dislikes: Makeup, being girly, school, preppy girls, vegetables Family: Mom: Astrid Rhys Brummitt, 40 yr old Dad: Hephaestus Siblings: Brother, Jessie Brummitt, age 11 yrs old Sister, Caroline Brummitt, age 10 years old Brother, Levi Brummitt, age 8 years old Sister, Anna Brummitt, age 5 years old Other: NA Happy Thoughts: Being with her mom in the jewelry making shop building metal pieces of jewelry or watching wrestling Nightmares: Never being able to complete her work or failing her mother. Fatal Flaw: Over confidence in her metal work, perfectionist PLAYED BY: DUDEITSBRITT FACE CLAIM: Kate Voegele
  18. JAMES JON SELWAY biography James lived a happy go lucky life as everything seemed to go his way. He would always love to play games as he always seemed to be a bit too lucky. He loved writing music as he just seemed to find a beautiful tune which was all luck. He grew as a very chill but cocky child. As he got older there was an accident. He was sleeping in his room when there was a big commotion. A monster had attacked his house. Grabbing his little sister he made his way out of the house safe and sound as if luck was on his side. His parents however were not so lucky as they had perished in the monster attack. AS the two of them went from place to place the monsters kept coming. Wanting to protect his sister he wanted to find another safe place for her even if he wasn't able to be with her. This is when a friend from the half blood camp explained that he would not be safe in the world but would have to come to a place he had never been to. Finding a family member who would take his sister. James dropped her off with tears in his eyes. He knew this would keep her safe if he wasn't around. He was separated from his sister which he had no idea how to handle. It seemed he was suppose to be where he was meant to be but at what cost. As he grew he loved being at the camp when wars broke out. He fought hard as a camper along side many other Demi-Gods. He fought so that another day he would be safe for his demi-god family. He had survived to take care of the camp another day. That is how he became an older camper of the Half-Blood Camp! Personality James is pretty laid back but also can be very serious when the time arises. He was there when the battles took place long before. All seemed well as he took his place as an older camper. There is time when he sings that he feels his soul shining to the gods. James does not anger at all unless you are hurting one of his campers. He likes to play games and enjoy his good luck! About Me Birthdate: March 17th, 1999 Likes: Games of Chance, Music, Strategy, Making Bubbles and Sunsets Dislikes: Mornings, Learning/Class, Death, Gods that play games, Coffee, and Fate Family: Mom: Tyche Goddess of luck Dad: Jim Elias Selway. Age 40 when perished Siblings: Lilith Selway Other: N/A Happy Thoughts: His sister smiling and play his guitar Nightmares: Losing his sister and that his luck will run out Fatal Flaw: Taking the worst chances because he knows he is lucky PLAYED BY: DUDEITSBRITT FACE CLAIM: MATT CORBY
  19. Dustin Clyde Graves biography Dustin was born in Gaston, South Carolina, on a hot day to a woman named Amy Graves and Ares. Amy had a hard time giving birth to him as her once strong figure had slowly started to tare down during the pregnancy's. Dustin came out a healthy baby, but his mother wasn't the same. As he grew up his mother began to wonder why she wasn't good enough for Ares to come back to her, and stay to raise his son. She slowly started to drive herself insane until she was locked up when Dustin turned nine. After his mother was locked up, Dustin was placed in a home for boys. The leaders of the home soon found it hard to control the boy. His behaver had become a problem. Though he seemed to have a friend that seemed to accompany him in all his troubles. It was after Dustin turned ten that he ran away with his friend after hurting a boy in his room. It was then that he ran into a strange creature who told them that he was there to help them. Dustin didn't believe it one bit but going anywhere was better than staying there and getting into trouble with the law. Once he entered the camp he was taken to a big blue house with sparked his curiosity. In the house he meet a woman by the name of Lilythe and she had told him why he was there. Honestly, all he wanted to do was run away. That was until he got to go around camp and started meeting the people around that he started to realize why her mother was sent away. His father claimed him and he was soon off to Cabin five with his brothers and sisters. Something that he would soon get used to. It's been seven years since he was brought to the camp and he hadn't left it yet. Only to go on some quest here and there, but now, he's seventeen years old and cabin leader. He helps in the big house when he is needed but you can find him more often on the battle field training with anyone that is willing to go against him. Personality Dustin is a hot headed Ares child. Many things seem to set him off. Asking to many questions, unless they are a new camper, No winning a battle. He seemingly wakes up in a bad mood. He also take pride in making others mad. He loves and is extremely proud of his cabin. His brother and sisters are the closest things he has anymore and he would go through hell to protect them. To his family he is loyal and to those who he is closer to. Being a child of Ares, his pride takes control sometimes. It gets in the way of him making clear decisions, which can cause many problems for him. Normally during this Lilythe is called. Dustin knows he hot, and he plays on that with the ladies. It also helps that he is very charismatic. His cunning can help with that as well as his manipulative side. He has no issues with talking people into doing his dirty work for him. About Me Birthday:August 18,2003 Likes: Loud Rock Music, helping others when convenient for him, His cabin, War Games, battles, flirting shamelessly, working out, testing out weapons, Arguing with people Dislikes: People smarting off to him, Having to work in the big house, Getting into trouble with Lilythe, Pissing his father off, Being stuck not being able to do much, someone messing with his brother/sisters, talking about his mother Family: Mom: Amy Graves, 43 Dad: Ares Siblings: Cabin five Other: none Happy Thoughts: Arriving at Camp, first time holding a weapon, his first battle, Krystal and him dating Nightmares: Losing one of his siblings, Being the last one the battle field alive, Not being able to return to Camp halfblood Fatal Flaw: Hubris. He wants to be the best. PLAYED BY: NickyNack FACE CLAIM: River Viiperi
  20. Lilythe Elizabeth Rayne biography Lilythe was the only child of Hermes and her mother, Bianca. Little does she remember about her life prior to Camp Half-Blood. She had been there since the age of eight years old, after a hydra destroyed her home, killing her mother. The orphaned girl was saved by a satyr--who merely rushed her to a safe distance until she was conscious enough to bring her to Camp Half-Blood. When she arrived at Camp Half-Blood with her Satyr, Drapheus, she was claimed instantly. It was perhaps a kindness from Hermes, ensuring her the family that she was now deprived of. For many years at Camp Half-Blood, life was wonderful. And then came the days of the Titan War. During the days leading up to the Titan War, Lilythe had a hard time coming to terms with all of the people she had considered her brothers and sisters, or cousins, that turned out to be traitors and working for Kronos. She refused to fight with them, insisting that she could reason with them. It wasn't until Matthew--her closest friend at the time--had been uncovered as a traitor as well that she saw perhaps she couldn't save them. Matthew was turning Half-Blood Campers to Kronos' cause after Luke left camp. Lilythe found out fairly early on, and desperately tried to convince him to stop. Lying to her, he said that he had. When it was finally revealed which side he was on in the War, Lilythe was devastated. Her anger was so much that it gave the push she needed to join in the battle. It was her that delivered the death blow to Matthew during that fight. To this day she blames herself for his death, and the death of all those he converted to Kronos' cause that perished in the war. After the war, Lilythe buried herself in books for a while until she was old enough to venture forth from Camp Half-Blood on her own. She ran after that. Taking quest after quest, travelling the world. But no matter how far she went she never really was able to escape her nightmares or memories. So she returned. Since she had no other family, Lilythe had no way to succeed in the world outside of Camp Half-Blood. Despite her advancing age, she stayed in the cabin. When the Stoll brothers eventually left, she took over their duties as Cabin Leader. Finally, after many years had passed, and Lilythe entered her twenties, Chiron asked her to step in as Activities Director until he could return. She moved into the Big House, and left the only home she'd ever really known, Cabin Eleven, behind. Though it was only a few yards away now, and she had travelled the world several times over, it felt like the longest distance she had ever been from it. When she's not otherwise consumed with her duties, Lilythe finds time and excuses to visit Cabin Eleven, her brothers and sisters, and the unclaimed Half-Bloods that are passing through. Personality Highly intelligent and resourceful, Lilythe can be counted on to find a way out of any situation. If there is a problem to solve she is often the first to find a solution. Should there be a limited selection of tools available she can usually still find a way to fix the problem with what is available. She is creative and can sometimes get lost in her own little world.The creativity has its uses, but can be a source of distraction more often than not. It is often the case that her friends need to pull her out of her daydreams to keep her focused on the task at hand. When she daydreams like this, she often misses things--people who don't know her may think that she is forgetful when they ask her to recall something they said while she was lost in thought and she fails to be able to, thus resulting in her nickname "Lithe". She seems most able to focus when taking the time to educate others. She is very nurturing and supportive. She is quick to reward those campers and individuals that she believes to be excelling. And she is slow to punish, believing that embarrassment of failure can be its own form of punishment. However this does not make her soft, she will punish should the offense call for such a measure. She has a melancholic side, and can be quite easily drawn into bouts of reclusive and quiet. This usually occurs around the anniversary of events she finds to be traumatic. At these times she would rather be left alone than have others try to cheer her up. There are a select few people that she is not bothered by at these times. About Me Birthdate: October 31, 1997 Likes: A good book, a laugh, travelling, different cultures, languages, chocolate, singing, the color blue, creativity Dislikes: scorpions, spiders, dishonesty with malicious intent, manual labor, excessive punishment, prejudice, peas, feeling unprepared, and tardiness Family: Mom: Bianca Rayne (deceased) Dad: Hermes Siblings: None Other: None Happy Thoughts: Returning from her first Quest, victorious Nightmares: Failing to protect Camp Half-Blood, the only family she's really known Fatal Flaw: Selflessness -- more often giving more of herself than she has to give, spreading herself too thin. PLAYED BY: Lilythe FACE CLAIM: Jenna Coleman
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